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Morpheus (Windows) For users of Morpheus to get assistance. Important link: Clean Updated Morpheus Installers available here!

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question Shared Files

Question everyone..... I thought that if you turned off sharing of files, that your files would not be indexed (and show up in a someone else's search). I thought I had my sharing turned off, but the MPAA is reporting me as sharing out files, and was able to pull up my files, matched up to my IP, through a regular search... Any thoughts on how this happened.. (as a side note, the MPAA notified my ISP, and hence notified me)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 1st, 2002
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Re: Shared Files

Originally posted by Unregistered
Question everyone..... I thought that if you turned off sharing of files, that your files would not be indexed (and show up in a someone else's search). I thought I had my sharing turned off, but the MPAA is reporting me as sharing out files, and was able to pull up my files, matched up to my IP, through a regular search... Any thoughts on how this happened.. (as a side note, the MPAA notified my ISP, and hence notified me)
Hard to tell, not knowing all the details, but it may be that they are only guessing about the sharing part.
They may have gotten your IP and some of your files if you have:
1. set your sharing directory to the same as the download directory.
2. downloaded files from an MPAA controlled "bait" site

Are you sure that they used a search to find you?
Have you checked your "Uploads"-tab under "Transfers" for signs of downloads?

The MPAA may be applying some accusation tactics to scare people from using gnutella. I don't know, since I am not even a US resident, but they may be checking out their options corresponding to the upcoming amendment to the USA Act. Refs:,2100,47552,00.html
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2002
Join Date: July 1st, 2002
Posts: 16
mort4 is flying high
Default Your requests are known.

They simply get into the Gnutella network and record requests from your IP.

You can imagine how short of proofs they are. It has been reported their mails are done by bots, and because of unwanted spoofing from some clients, many mistakes are made by their bots even on requests or the fact that you have ever been connect to Gnutella network.

You know about the feature getting you through a firewall. Imagine you forgot to change to your new IP address after a reconnection. Well, this happens often.

Also, I am used to get on my firewall quieries from Fasttrack network even if I never used any of their client. Those are the last IP owner's but what if a stupid bot may think this is because of my requests. I don't even want to think of how Overpeer and friends may be able to get a legal and certified bot. This sounds impossible.
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