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Vampmon August 28th, 2004 07:42 AM

Morpheus w/NEOnet Beta 4.2 Build 259
NEOnet - the first public Beta of an entirely new P2P technology with unprecedented search accuracy and download results exclusively available through Morpheus™

Morpheus 4.2 includes the first public beta of NEOnet, an entirely new generation of P2P using DHT technology. Unlike other P2P Networks, files found on Neo Network download fast and easy even if that file exists on just one other computer. Morpheus also searches all other major file-sharing networks and simultaneously connects with millions of users of Kazaa, iMesh, eDonkey, LimeWire, Gnutella, Grokster, G2 and others to find more digital media.

Morpheus, the only American file-sharing software ruled legal by U.S. federal courts, protects your privacy with access to public proxy networks; has options to prevent others from snooping on you; works with your antivirus software to prevent unwanted malicious files; enables simultaneous searches for all media file types including MP3 audio, video, games, software, pictures and documents; returns fast multi-source downloads; provides bitzi anti-spoofing lookups and contains absolutely no spyware.

Download: (FREE)
Download: ($19.95)

swimkid August 28th, 2004 10:37 AM

why is it that when i downloaded a file with neonet icon next to it. it said that i was downloading from a limewire client in the extended info?

KayaMan August 28th, 2004 10:56 AM

It's because Morpheus meshes sources from both networks, you can right click and see 'extended info' , to see how many hosts are from NEOnet and how many are from gnutella.

swimkid August 28th, 2004 11:03 AM

i right i get it now. Listen u morpheus guys if u read this. u might really have something with this neonet thing. Now if you could just put it in a well thought out GUI with adware and less cpu usage .... u guys could be on top.

swimkid August 28th, 2004 11:06 AM

oh and u should get rid of G2 Fasttrack and Edonkey. You don't need them. NeoNet and Gnutella will kick *** if u get ur act together.

Vampmon August 28th, 2004 11:10 AM

You can go into configuration, and turn off FastTrack and eDonkey, and as you will notice G2 is off by default.

KayaMan August 28th, 2004 11:13 AM


Originally posted by swimkid
i right i get it now. Listen u morpheus guys if u read this. u might really have something with this neonet thing. Now if you could just put it in a well thought out GUI with adware and less cpu usage .... u guys could be on top.
As Vampmon noted, g2 is off by default now and that was a tough decision since the Shareaza guys are so great (shareaza being the primary client using the G2 network).
it was mostly based on the resources ( in this case bandwidth) it used. Morpheus users can still turn it on in configuration options.

Regarding a new GUI and FT and eDonkey....... just wait ;)

good things to come!

swimkid August 28th, 2004 11:20 AM

well i'm looking forward to it!

and u guys are right, u can turn those networks off but in my opinion it would just make the client cleaner to remove them.

but maybe that opinion will change if u clean up the GUI

one more thing: I don't know if u've noticed but in the latest beta of limewire there are firewall to firewall transfers supported. You might want to find a way to get that into gnucdna and possibly neonet considering that most of the users will be firewalled, (including me):)

KayaMan August 28th, 2004 11:26 AM


Originally posted by KayaMan
It's because Morpheus meshes sources from both networks, you can right click and see 'extended info' , to see how many hosts are from NEOnet and how many are from gnutella.
Swimkid: i also failed to mention, in the search results extended info where client types are listed... it doesnt show the Morpheus clients found through NEOnet but rather just the clients found using gnutella.

swimkid August 28th, 2004 11:41 AM


how come i never see anything in my uploads section?
anyways, i hope things go well for Morpheus in the future.

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