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Morpheus (Windows) For users of Morpheus to get assistance. Important link: Clean Updated Morpheus Installers available here!

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old September 4th, 2004
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KayaMan is flying high

Originally posted by et voilà
So I think about it.... You connected as a leaf to a LW UP (why?!!) Can't you see the problems seem to be coming the *****ing Moprh UPs??
Don't you get why i just showed that case, most clients ARE leaves so showing that it returned a queryhit is showing it works.
I didn't mention I also ran as a Ultrapeer and see tons of traffic passed on. I also ran my client returning queries and uploaded dozens of files since this last post as an ULTRAPEER only connected to gnutella. How on earth could clients have found them if it wasn't returning query hits ( alt-locations aside, but i some of these are unique just for testing)

I'll repeat it again though... will look at this in more depth and so will John. Until then there's no gain responding any further.

_If_ there is deeper problem in gnucDNA, we'll fix it , update it, and thank you for noticing ;-) If this is some problem with Phex to GnucDNA or vice versa, i can't say it has a priority at all.

If it makes you angry when you THINK im lying then you need to sort that out with yourself. I believe you're making some false statements mostly founded on misinformation or assumptions, but I'm not telling any lies. I've only responded with things i checked myself first-hand.
Regarding streamcast having bundles and blah blah blah which ****** you off so much and so suddenly we're the devil and anyone associated with it too ( which BTW, Limewire also did so your angelic ideas don't move me) , explain to me how Morpheus didn't help Gnutella again? as fyi I don't care for the bundles either but users can purchase an ad-free version just like LW and Bearshare do... yet Morpheus is evil! !! !! !! ( i think this makes it more convincing, right?)

Hmmmm .... something comes to mind called fighting for years in the U.S courts for the right of software developers to continue to create technology rather then just settling and closing shop like every other p2p client that was sued did before and after Napster .... oh but wait let me stop right there since it's so conveniently never something anyone here mentions.


Kayaman here is my advice: don't try to protect Morpheus reputation with lies as Morph' reputation is nulll. Better try to be receptive, helpful and wise to gain some reputation that you can be proud of.
You make me laugh, exactly what i did was be receptive to an issue you raised on a late saturday night while im late to be somewhere..... tested briefly to at least respond and left it open about the fact we'd look deeper into this. Have a good weekend :P

Last edited by KayaMan; September 4th, 2004 at 10:44 PM.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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et voilà, you are wasting your breath. After seeing some of the results of Zlatin's UDP crawler (and creating some statistics with my own crawler) I'm sure that there are not enough Morpheus hosts in the LimeWire sub-net to cause any problems.

If LimeWire switches to a new network structure in the future, with 100+ UP-2-UP connections and a TTL of 2, you will not have a single Morpheus peer left in your search horizon, so why bother?

Also, since Morpheus does not support the new UDP transfer protocol, they won't be able to download from many LimeWire hosts anyway.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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Hmmmm .... something comes to mind called fighting for years in the U.S courts for the right of software developers to continue to create technology rather then just settling and closing shop like every other p2p client that was sued did before and after Napster .... oh but wait let me stop right there since it's so conveniently never something anyone here mentions.
LOL The popularity you enjoyed in 2001 comes at a cost. From a technology borrowed to Kazaa. Any P2P company would have won the cases, so don't act as if you saved the world.

et voilà, you are wasting your breath. After seeing some of the results of Zlatin's UDP crawler (and creating some statistics with my own crawler) I'm sure that there are not enough Morpheus hosts in the LimeWire sub-net to cause any problems.
Trap_Jaw, I think the crawler doesn't count all GnudDNAs (ever been in that Gnucleus 1.8.4 chinese cluster??? It is HUGE.) And my uploads of big files tells me there are lots of Morpheus. This is confirmed by using Phex that has a hard time to find LWs but finds a lot of Morpheus peers. They ARE slowing Gnet. Of course with F2F transfers, their behavior will have less effect

I think you guys should all calm down. A few manners wouldn't go amiss here either

Can you possibly be constructive and not destructive
Allô Kath! My tone is done on purpose as I want Morph devs to think about what they are doing and maybe get a cat out of the bag

  #14 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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Trying the latest Gnucleus from CVS, there is a huge bug: Gnucleus (GnucDNA??) doesnt remember hashes of files accross launches... You know that when you want to test sharing 41 movies and 50 songs, it is a major pain (doesnt help to share content on Gnet either). I did send queryhits in statistics as a leaf to 2 morph420 UPs (1 per minute as an average) and a Shareaza seem to have found one of my shared file (upload). Finding gnucdna results was a real pain. I did found few old Morpheus 4.0.53 results out of hundreds results. This is not normal, I should have seen much Morph results and queryhits. Normally I would get swamped by uploads in seconds. I took 10 minutes to get one.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by et voilà
Trap_Jaw, I think the crawler doesn't count all GnudDNAs (ever been in that Gnucleus 1.8.4 chinese cluster??? It is HUGE.) And my uploads of big files tells me there are lots of Morpheus. This is confirmed by using Phex that has a hard time to find LWs but finds a lot of Morpheus peers. They ARE slowing Gnet. Of course with F2F transfers, their behavior will have less effect
That Gnucleus 1.8.4 cluster has maybe 500 ultrapeers at most vs. 70,000+ LimeWire ultrapeers? It may seem large when using Phex, because Phex (and most non-LW clients for that matter) cannot really connect to LimeWire ultrapeers. Not even 10% of the nodes you can reach with LimeWire (and that can reach you) are not running LimeWire. And most of those are either BearShare or Shareaza.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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You will never see the light at the end of the tunnel will you et voilà?
  #17 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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I see it Vampmon, I see it! There are just some obstacles that pop up there and there, but some are more persistants to get through than others. LOL.


Last edited by et voilà; September 5th, 2004 at 01:23 PM.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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Vampmon is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Lol, et voilà…

Being serious, it isn’t appreciated when it is simple criticism of Morpheus, and total downgrade of the program. Ok, post what the problems are, post what you would like to see changed, post what you would like to see added and what you LIKE about the program, so it is known what to keep and what not to keep in future versions. All these things are important to know, but I only ever see downgrading from most of the people here. Lots of work has been put into Morpheus 4.2 and NEOnet is working exceptionally well, even though it is still in BETA. Hopefully future versions of Morpheus will change what you think, that is if Morpheus 4.2 hasn’t.

"The truth is out there" lol
  #19 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2004
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Don't get me wrong: Neonet interesses me. This is a gnutella forum however and I'm criticizing the gnutella part of Morpheus and it's interaction with other gnet clients. The gnutella part of Morpheus is sucky and Morpheus devs don't care nor they can't do anything about it. Those who care about Gnutella should definitly avoid Morpheus. If you want to promote neonet why does Morpheus does not make a dedicated forum on their website to talk about that? Here is not the place for that. I have many questions about that specific DHT implementation and specs are not available in public. I can't like something I don't understand. I'm not a blind follower you know and I like it that way

Anyway if you say Morpheus doesn't suck because of Neonet... well, that's not why the Morpheus forum was created.

Hope you understand someday
  #20 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2004
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Originally posted by KathW
Oh great!!!!

Shoo them all away why don't you et voilà
Kath, I don't know how you discovered my plans. Well a part of them anyway.

No smiley,
et voilà
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