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File_Girl71 April 18th, 2009 06:47 AM

Clean Updated Morpheus Installers and cache available here!
I would give all the Moderators of Gnutella Forums big THANXS for they approve this to happen:xeri_ok1ani: I think this will be good thing for all Morpheus users,and we can make Morpheus Rocks on longer.... All the installers of Morpheus below is updated, and 100% virus, adware, spyware FREE... The major fix is Neo Network, now it's connecting right a way...Thanx to Morpheus5x for his Neo Network discovery and good work, so this fix become possible.The Morpheus and Morpheus Ultra installers here will not be updated any more...The last update is 15.11.2010! If Morpheus and Morpheus Ultra is not working or not connect any more, use the Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra FiX which will be updated as needed...Thanks and Enjoy!

*Note: 4Shared now requires people to be registered in order to download files. If you don't have a 4Shared account & don't wish to sign up - use the mirror alternatives below.

Alternative Mirror Download sites and connection data:

(Morpheus host file patch in post #4)

Morpheus Basic Installers...

Download Morpheus for Windows 2000/XP:

Morpheus 4.9.2.rar - MediaFire - download . or . Morpheus 4.9.2.rar - - download

Download Morpheus for Windows 95/98 and Me:

Download Morpheus Windows XP:

New Updated Link: Morpheus . or .

Morpheus Portable 5.3 - no installation necessary, can run from external such as thumb or flash drive:

Morpheus Portable 5.3 -MediaFire . or . Morpheus Portable 5.3 - 4Shared

Morpheus Ultra Installers...

Download Morpheus Ultra for Windows XP:

New Updated Link: Download Morpheus Ultra . . . Mirrors: 4Shared

Scroll down to post #4 for Morpheus Popup fixes and host cache connection files.

Morpheus5x May 13th, 2009 07:56 AM

Nice job File_Girl71 , it got connected to network wit no problem.

Can you do clean for the other version instaler -

No Longer Working Download Link!!!

When Avast scan the instaler , it says Mymorpheustoolbar.exe - adware .
Only this 1 exe but other files clean.
If you can remove the adware and make new instaler please.

*Link above now has the updated,cleaned install thx to File_girl

Morpheus5x August 31st, 2009 10:21 AM

Ha File_Girl , just found 1 more full setup/installer . - online file sharing and storage - download Morpheus-Ultra-5.1.0.exe

This version use less memory/cpu than other Morpheus v5 series , about 10-15 MB lower.
It needs updated gnutella web/host and neo cache .
Can you please update with the new cache file .

File_Girl71 November 13th, 2010 02:21 PM

Morpheus and Morpheus Ultra Connection Problem!
If your Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra has stoped working and won't connect any more...Do not uninstall it, but use the Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra FiX!

How to do:
(Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra must be compleat shut down before use this fix. Use Windows Task Manager for see if Morpheus.exe is running. If it still do end the process.)

1.) Download the Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra FiX.exe, and save it!
2.) Run the Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra FiX.
3.) Start up Morpheus or Morpheus Ultra, and it should connect!

New Updated Link: Download Morpheus FiX here: morpheus-fix.exe - - online file sharing and storage - download

New Updated Link: Download Morpheus Ultra FiX here: MorpheusUltra-FiX.exe - - online file sharing and storage - download

The Morpheus and Morpheus Ultra FiX works with all version 5.x.x

Using instructions: 4Shared sample image

*Note: 4Shared now requires people to be registered in order to download files. If you don't have a 4Shared account & don't wish to sign up - use the mirror alternatives below (folders.)

Mirror 1: Sabercat

Mirror 2:
Morpheus & Gnucleus folder with Popup fixes & connection files, MediaFire


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