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Morpheus (Windows) For users of Morpheus to get assistance. Important link: Clean Updated Morpheus Installers available here!

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
Join Date: October 10th, 2008
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File_Girl71 has a reputation beyond reputeFile_Girl71 has a reputation beyond repute

Thanx!Cool web site you have i Hope many can see it,and it would helpe Morpheus stay alive even longer-since StreamCast is gone!
Would be cool if we can raise the number of Morpheus users on the network,then we se what will happen....
Just Good enough, smart enough, and no longer Elite...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
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royobanen is flying high
Default im tryin

im tryin to help this great programme .he musn't die
but plz can you fix some probelemes in morpheus basic 5.3
he don't share in his folder
and morpheus 5.2.3 ultra G2 MUST CONNECT by default

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
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Hi!Well Morpheus Ultra 5.2.3 does not connect to G2 by default,but it should have done that-agree!Can be difficult since Morpheus Ultra are prefixed so it installs two exe files....I can see what i can do about it!Morpheus 5.3.0 basic don't share in his folder,i only know my first installers had problme with adding shared folders....Thats should be allready fixted,but if somthing els you must enlighten me with moore details and what is happen!I gonna install Morpheus 5.3.0 tonight,then i will see what happen!It can also be a safty issue,since Morpheus by default use My Documents as default download and share directory...But it can of course be a bugg as well,we see!

PS: If you dont add enny files in the default shared directory it will not share from there,thats how the works!It will only share from the folders you adding,no buggs so fare!
Just Good enough, smart enough, and no longer Elite...

Last edited by File_Girl71; June 26th, 2009 at 10:30 AM. Reason: some moore info!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
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File_Girl71 has a reputation beyond reputeFile_Girl71 has a reputation beyond repute

Bigg Thanxs for you helping royobanenWe need moore people like you out there We refuse Morpheus die,like many discontinued p2p apps out there did....I only hope Morpheus will run on Windows 7 to!
Just Good enough, smart enough, and no longer Elite...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
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royobanen is flying high
Default i try my best

thanks a lot. you are great too you fixed the best p2p and i hope you will fix these bugs ...because the most of the internet user's aren't very smart ...and it will be not easy to show them how they enbale G2
and i tried a search without G2 only few results so morpheus needs G2 (shareaza) enabled ....
maybe morpheus basic will work much more better because G2 enbaled by default but i tried again ...he don't share in his folder so when you restart morpheus again he don't find the files...he share the files in C:\

sorry my english is so bad because english is not important language in my country morocco...
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
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I just installed Morpheus ultra onto Windows 2000, connected straight away. Set to connect to G2, connected fine AFAIK. ie: 5 G1 (gnutella), 3 G2 hosts. If anything it was struggling to connect with Neo.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old June 27th, 2009
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Morpheus5x is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Some tips to get better results:

1. Morpheus can be forced into ultrapeer mode , connecting up to 32 other UPs (LW,Frost,Bear etc - it connects to all ) - if your internet is fast enough and will help others to connect.
In Preferences-Networks , theres a force gnutella ultrapeer/G2 hub options.
This should get you more results.

2. Also ensure the network status (lower left corner next to the status icons) says 'Connected' and NOT 'Firewalled'.If firewalled you get very poor search results , and problems downloading files.

3. Use fixed listening port , by default Morpheus assign random port every time it starts.In Preferences-Connection , you'll see 'Set incomin gnutella port..'.Click on its checkbox (make it ticked) and key in port number to use in the textbox on its right.I found port 6346 or 6348(same as Shareaza/Bearshare uses) gives me better results but you can use others.

4. Use a ip blocklist to block spam/hostile anti-p2p peers. - online file sharing and storage - download
This is taken from Bluetack blocklist (bogon+badpeers+gnutella lists) .
I've used Blocklist Manager to convert into Morpheus/GnucDna format.
To use this blocklist :
- Exit Morpheus , program must be closed before updating the file.
- Extract from the zip file to temp folder or desktop.
- Right click on My Computer and select explore . Go to this folder , C:\Documents and Settings\*user\Application Data\Morpheus
C:\Documents and Settings\*user\Application Data\Morpheus Ultra
*user is your Windows user profile e.g Administrator if you logon/run windows as Administrator
-Copy from temp folder or desktop
That's it , done .
To check that you've done correctly - Start Morpheus , go to Preferences-Block , you'll see list of hundreds of thousands of ip address.
Once you've done all these , you'll get very few spam/fake results and lot more real files.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old June 27th, 2009
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File_Girl71 has a reputation beyond reputeFile_Girl71 has a reputation beyond repute

Thanx Morpheus5x! Cool blocklist you made,only you need to update it 2-3 times in a week,if you will have the same good continued effect as now!!!Thats way i use Peer Guardian 2 with 7 lists,and i think you must include the filter list for Fakers as well...Thats those client/hubs/ultrapeers that sending fake or fals information so you will not download enny files,or you get a totall different files then you put to download......But don't get me wrong i will test it out enny way,and i hope you can keep it updated as well!!!!Thats cool!!!! Well royobanen the are no bugs with Morpheus 5.3.0 basic installer as you think!I am 100% sure you installed the Morpheus Ultra first then uninstalled it then installede Morpheus basic!Now did you remove the registry key for Morpheus in Windows???? I don't think so,ihave once the same issue for Morpheus Ultra it diden't wanna share even the folders where added,but it was my previouse Morpheus regkey that played this joke on me back then...Go to C:\WINDOWS\regedit and open by dobble click on it,now click on edit and serach for...type in Morpheus Ultra or Morpheus then let it search for the key,then you delete the keys it findes,but you need to find all of the key-it will let you now when all the key is gone!!!!Yo need to manually delete the Morpheus/Morpheus Ultra key from your registry to avoid things like this happen to you!!!I hope this will help you solve the probleme for you,i will point out that the Morpheus Ultra is fare moore better then the basic one...For better performance just follow Morpheus5x's advice above,then you will have a better working Morpheus as well!For the Morpheus Ultra is not possible to pre enable the G2 network as it was for the basic one...I have working on the installer whole day with out enny sucsess so fare-sorry!I will assume most of the old as new Morph users are not that dumb a$$e$ out there so the will find the way to the Preferneces tab and thats easy if you like to click on things....Don't worry they will figure it out!!!Happy Morphing enny ways!
Just Good enough, smart enough, and no longer Elite...

Last edited by File_Girl71; June 27th, 2009 at 06:44 AM. Reason: miss spelling!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2009
Join Date: December 30th, 2008
Posts: 25
Morpheus5x is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Morpheus so easy to use,maybe the easiest .They designed the interface to be simple,uncluttered.
Heres screenshot of Morpheus Ultra 5.2.3 , with some explanations:
Attached Thumbnails
Help full user information on Morpheus!!!-screen2.jpg  

Last edited by Morpheus5x; July 7th, 2009 at 09:07 PM. Reason: Upload new pic , to make the text clearer
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old July 18th, 2009
Join Date: December 30th, 2008
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Morpheus5x is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default Newer not always better

Shown below is comparison Morpheus vs
The older build 1038 connects to 3 Gnutella/G1 ultrapeer in leaf mode,
just like the paid Ultra version.
Newer build 1042 however connects to only 1 G1 ultrapeer.
After searching the web , the setup cannot be found anymore.
Good news is that i found Morpheus can be changed to build by copying the core dll file , M5Shell.dll , from the older build into Morpheus installation directory, c:\program files\morpheus
The older(1038) dll i got from friends PC :

After copying into the program files\morpheus , need to re-register the dll :
Click on Start->Run
Type in -> regsvr32 "c:\program files\morpheus\m5shell.dll"
Click on ok.
You'll see message "DllRegister M5Shell.dll successful"

*Disclaimer - do at own risk , i have tested it works without problems but
no guarantee it 100%

EDIT:Updated link to better version
Attached Thumbnails
Help full user information on Morpheus!!!-morpheus-5301042.png   Help full user information on Morpheus!!!-morpheus-5301038.png  

Last edited by File_Girl71; December 14th, 2009 at 06:49 AM. Reason: Added a updated working link for the installer!
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