July 25th, 2009
Moderator | | Join Date: October 10th, 2008 Location: Some place in Norway!
Posts: 234
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As Morpheus5x say's above in his post does actually works, when your search is flodded bye Foxy result..... But if you have/had connection issue before, be carefull to use this to often you can find your self not able to reconnect to the network's.... I have a found another way to achive the same result with out disconnect and then reconnect... Her is what to do: Go to Morpheus Preferences tab and open Prefernces screen and take a look on General... Now you should see Search history options below... The are two checkboxe's.... First one say's "Clear search history on exit"... The second one say's "Disable search history"...Now there is a button named "Clear search history"...It doesn't matter if your Morpheus has be running for hours or just start running,you must click on that button named Clear search history on time...Now enable the checkbox the one say's "Disable search history" Now click Apply and OK, you are now done... What you have no done is flushing out Morpheus search memory let say... It won't include to many search result from Foxy, but more from the native clients who runs on Gnutella and G2...Foxy are no not able to flodd the Morpheus memory, and that is why your search result will be acceptable clean!!! EDIT: Unfortunly it is not a bullet proof method this one, or Morpheus5x's either, but it helps enny way-and Do Not keep pushing the "search more button" to many times... It will mess up your search result again....
__________________ Just Good enough, smart enough, and no longer Elite...
Last edited by File_Girl71; July 25th, 2009 at 02:57 AM.
Reason: Added som more info...