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royobanen September 5th, 2009 10:30 AM
since is not working well ... i think for the moment is better

File_Girl71 September 5th, 2009 12:08 PM

I can agree to that....Seems it's down for verry long time now!But i have nothing to do with Morpheus - Official Site : #1 P2P site enny way....By the way have you updated your installers on
since it got the neo network fix added? ;-))

Vampmon September 5th, 2009 01:21 PM

Seems to be a problem with the host i keep signing up to. First one deleted my account, second one deleted the account, third one had a "threats" issue with Norton SafeWeb so i didn't want to use that otherwise people wouldn't feel happy downloading the file.

Anyway i tried to sort it out today but i got a lot of stuff to do so i'll try again tomorrow.

By the way the site is not "down" its still possible to download the file which people have, around 100 downloads a day now which is good.

royobanen September 15th, 2009 10:10 AM

sorry i was busy last week that is why i didn't answear your posts... i didn't change the installers yet but and i will change tonight inshallah

big thanks for morpheus's lovers

File_Girl71 December 13th, 2009 03:50 PM

Well this site morpheus - Redirig par is still up and running, but the is DOWN for a long time now! Well Vampmon whats happning :confused: I guess greed does not pay off!:rolleyes_2:

royobanen December 14th, 2009 04:42 AM

yes file-girl
i was checking everyday from a month i think bandwidth is off....

i wanted make a big website with "logos and design bandwith ...'' but i tried many times paying server costs from my credit card but no access .... the credit cards here valid only in morocco ... " my poor country"...
"that is why look very poor"
anyone if someone wants to help i will let you know that

i had a question for you ....i tried to fix G1 in morpheus but without any success ...g1 in morpheus very poor few search result and G2 good only for french movies!!!

i updated morpheus by new ultra peers from limewire but without any success...

thanks our file-girl:)

File_Girl71 December 14th, 2009 06:10 AM

Hi royobanen:) Thats strange, for my Morpheus Ultra still gott good search result both on Gnutella and G2....I have updated my installers with fresh Cache files and new Neo Network fix added from last week! Here is the link to the installers:

Morpheus5x January 12th, 2010 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by royobanen (Post 351136)


i had a question for you ....i tried to fix G1 in morpheus but without any success ...g1 in morpheus very poor few search result and G2 good only for french movies!!!

i updated morpheus by new ultra peers from limewire but without any success...

thanks our file-girl:)

Give the older version Morpheus 4.9.2 a try, if you havent before. It probably gets better results on both Gnutella and G2 , since it connects to 5 Gnutella ultrapeers ( newer V5 connects to only 3 ) ...

royobanen January 18th, 2010 04:28 PM

i tried morpheus 4.9 but i've found morpheus ultra 5.2 is much more better

morpheus in g1 very poor that is the truth

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