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royobanen January 19th, 2011 04:28 AM

youtube + forum added +....
morpheus on youtube + new websites link + "forum added in the sites"
i hope it will help

youtube :
morpheus - Redirigé par

+ i'm tryin to make morpheus connect autoumaticly to G2

File_Girl71 January 19th, 2011 05:01 AM

Really cool video on YouTube...I think i know a way to make Morpheus/Morpheus Ultra automaticly connect to G2 by default...Give me two hours and i will have it ready!;)

royobanen January 19th, 2011 05:04 AM

very good news...we will be gratefull. "you always surprise us"
we love you

File_Girl71 January 19th, 2011 05:39 AM

Yes now i finally made Morpheus Ultra to auto connect to G2 network....No need to check mark it again, and the fix was easy to add as well...Just go and download the new installer here on Gnutella Forums and test it by your self...The filetipdetail.html is removed by default from the installer...Enjoy!:giggle:

royobanen January 19th, 2011 11:10 AM

YOU ARE MUCH MORE SMART THAN I WAS THINKing .ONE MORE THING CAN YOU UPDaTE TORRENTzlib. if you can do that . i'm sure morpheus will be the best p2p !

+ i give you a big kiss and hugs

royobanen January 19th, 2011 03:52 PM

i edited the video shows speed 1000 kb/s
go go morpheus

File_Girl71 January 20th, 2011 12:05 AM

TORRENTzlib in Morpheus :confused: What is that :confused: If you mean to update the BitTorrent core in Morpheus sorry that is not possible with out the source code....By the way the BitTorrent solution Morpheus use is not updated since 2005/20006 and was created by Bram Cohen the BitTorrents father so to speak...:D You can read more about Bram Cohen here:

royobanen January 20th, 2011 06:27 AM

i tought updating zlib.pyd can fix the problem

File_Girl71 January 20th, 2011 07:08 AM

Zlib is is usely compression library as i can see of "Zlib.pyd"...It is coded in Python language...And question is updating it to what? I can take a look into it, but I can not promise any thing about Morpheus/Morpheus Ultra Torrent issue...As of to day it does not work! :(

File_Girl71 January 20th, 2011 07:54 AM

Zlib.pyd is same as Zlib.dll...But it is as I said a compression/decompression library and probably not the issue with Morpheus/Morpheus Ultra BitTorrent suport...I think the whole BitTorrent core must be updated and sorry to say we need the source code to do soo!

royobanen January 20th, 2011 08:58 AM

ok ... i tought like overnet before . when it was not connecting till you upadte zlib.
but morpheus still download torrent from some websites like "Please no Torrents site links" nice work you did .connecting by defaut to G2 it will help too much. thank you so much

royobanen January 20th, 2011 09:09 AM

i tried with same torrent file .... from "Please no Torrents site links" and Morpheus Torrents download does not work with TPB any more...
itoma let me download the file with execelent speed
thepiratebay connecting but never downloading


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