August 21st, 2002
Good luck with your new home, if you're becoming my neighbour call me for a beer. :)
Thx for the answers, I still need lots of time. Since my network
class grows with my server (no Gnutella thingie) and the server
takes all my time. I'll plan to use STL std::string with some tiny
addition yet like sstring::format() and sstring::operator const char*().
Btw when using std::string here's a port of format() member: Code: void vformat(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
if(strstr(fmt, "%n")) { //check against %n, which can be exploited by accident
assert(0 && "sstring::format: Parachute for unsafe type %n");
assign(fmt); //note: really nobody needs unsafe %n
std::vector<char> buffer; //buffer for creating string
size_t size = strlen(fmt)+16; //some extra characters, string will grow
while (1)
buffer.reserve(size); //ensure we have that much space in the buffer
//try to print into allocated space
int n = vsnprintf(&buffer[0], buffer.capacity(), fmt, ap);
if (n>-1 && n<buffer.capacity())
{ //allocated space was fine
assign(&buffer[0]); //store the formated string (unfortunately a copy)
//else try again with more space
if (n>-1) //glibc 2.1
size = n+1; //precisely what is needed
else //glibc 2.0 or MS-crt
size = buffer.capacity()*2; //twice the old size
} |