May 23rd, 2002
WAKE UP! Hey, when you pay for something you expect it to work right? Now if this was a free program supported only by ads I would not be here complaining. Now you rich foke out there can throw 10 bucks left and right and not care. Ten bucks for me is no big deal, the big deal is that we all pay for a program that works. Granted it has some nice features and the developers/prgramers are hard at work. BUT YOU DON'T PROMISE SPECIFIC UPDATES AND FEATURES AND NOT IMPLIMENT THEM! That is the whole point of this thread. Get that through your head. Read the thread Title. I am not complaining about the network. Gneutella is one of the best things to come around since the internet. But alot of people purchase these programs reading the forums and expecting updates. We all know its an ongoing process and yes it is hard, but the point is not to ask people what features they want when it takes nearly 6 months (Ongoing) to implement them.
Improve the network FINE! Tell US! Dont update the dang program and expect us to update if you dont tell us just what has been updated. If this program was strickly Freeware then it would be different. But now paying customers want to be answered.
If you like this program so much then you dont even need to come to the new features request forum because it obviously is good enoph for you!
No one here even knows what is going on with the program. Thats the point. Understand? |