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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Exclamation 1.5 features?

i think that there are many more important things to put into 1.5 than skins, frankly ill never use them.
i do agree with kirby that it would be great to have encryption but there are a couple more pressing things.

#1 lmewire should "time out" connections that are going at 0.0kbps 4 more than a cetrain (user defianble) time. i am constantly closing and opening limewire because all my downloads are 0.0

#2 there should be a way to prioritize downloads so certain ones you really want will never say "couldnt download"

#3 All gnutella clients seem to cause trouble for icq, making me constantly connect and disconnect

#4 it would be nice if there was a estimated download time calculator. i know how off those things are but it woudl give a general idea

really i would b happy if i got #1 i could then completly get rid of bearshare which colapses my inet connect

well thas my 2cents. limewire si the best client by far 1 day ill install it on my linux box

btw when is 1.5 comin out? a ball park figure would be nice
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

I would like to say LimeWire should be the primary gnutella program of use. It works for a wide selection of OSes, uses better features and operations (searching, d/ling, etc). I give many props to LimeWire trying to improve the gnutella network. I've been using LimeWire for the past 2 weeks and have succeeded in many downloads but I've noticed alot things that could be "tweaked" a little to get optimal performance out of the network at the present time.

[ title ] - will be referring to the tabs in limewire.

my suggestions
[ search ]
· have a "smaller" max character limit for searching

· encourage users to search for keywords in selected groups (programs, etc) not "the_ripped_movie(divx)1of2.avi"
- keywords would actually produce more results
- could have it when someone enters a search "the_ripped_movie(divx)1of2.avi". LimeWire extracts the keywords "the","ripped","movie","divx" and automatically sends a search for that new string in the appropriate file group (video).

· have the "cancel" for the selected search as in v1.3
- i have to click "stop" then click "x" to exit
or right-click and "close search" or its just me. The one button cancel was alot easier.

· even though you have a feature to drop "greedy" queries. it would make since to
stop them at the search entry (can still search for "that_song.mp3" in LimeWire 1.4x).

· have some kind of checksum for search entries (people are searching for incomplete files ex: N1-2506752-The Band - The Song.mp3 which is causing congestion). People actually think that it is the filename associate with that file. I'm assuming you have some type of "order check" because all incomplete/downloading files have a different prefix to the filename. In shorter words something to stop people from searching and sharing incomplete files as with the prefix you assign.

[ connections ]
· feature to kill a host that is not accepting connections
- happens when a host has 0 amount of hosts during a specific duration. (People are starting to "Force" (Force IP) their IP to an invalid IP. Thus making other users not able to connect to them.

[ options - uploads ]
upload speed
· the upload speed preference on bandwidth is great but it is also screwing downloads.
when a user with a cable/dsl or higher has the sufficent bandwidth and puts his
upload speed to 0.0 KB/s. Why even bother downloading when its going to take you
some odd hours for a file ~2MB @ 0.0KB/s,
(2MB @ 3.5KB/s -average download speed of a modem user- takes ~10 mins). while they have their
upload speed so low their downloading like crazy from other people, almost "freeloading").
- the minimum upload speed should be 3.5 KB/s. It doesnt really affect you're
downloading. Just your connections to other gnutella users. which shouldnt matter
because you're either already downloading files you've searched for or you've
already been uploading files that someone has searched for. after downloading
and uploading, you'll resume connections to other users for searching. Inform users how to manage their bandwidith with TTL, Connections, Upload Limits, etc.

· set it default or an option of having some type of limit where the same file can only be uploaded once to anyone at any time. I had some guy taking up all my upload slots with the same file today and I'm on a modem!

maximum uploads
· set minimum uploads to 1

uploads per person
· set uploads per person a minimum of 1

- users can set maximum upload and uploads per person to 0 in LimeWire 1.4x (freeloading).

[ options - filters ]
· automatically drops messages from hosts that have the ip address or any other invalid
ip address numbers over

[ options - advance ]
force ip
· removing the manual entering of the "forced ip address". Many users are forcing their ip
addresses to or some other ip address that is not theirs or invalid. this means
those users can make outgoing connections but no one can make incoming connections. resulting in
the network becoming small segments. Just have LimeWire find the true IP address to the user's host.

· drop "invalid" queries. I've noticed it doesnt matter how many hosts I'm connect to I still get these ~100(char. length) invalid character (ex. †ŅˇŅŁž) queries. I'm thinking it non-english hosts.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: May 30th, 2001
Posts: 137
Kirby is flying high
Post Re: 1.5 features?

Also, a two field search query, (title and author) would be nice, and of course a MINIMIZE TO TRAY!!! feature. Also, LimeWire is planning a v1.4c before v1.5, but 1.5 is gonna a big one. afisk, when you reply, I also would like an "alpha" list of features that will be in 1.5. GO LIMEWIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default if it aint broke...

as the origional poster i have to disagree with scud on a couple things
1st dont get rid of forced ip, i know where ur going with teh invalid frustrating ip's but it would be better to just program limewire to drop those ppl off the network i use forced ip cuz im behind a firewall

2nd i like being able to search for the exact filename not to resume but because it was a unique file i wanted while searching on a general topic and i dont want 2 go thru 2000 files to find it again

i do agree about cuting off the freeloaders at teh search instead of the download it will be less frustrating for both
it would be especially great if they got a freeloader error message somehow so they would know 2 share files

i also would like ot see a list of new features and ojce again an approximate release date
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Re: if it aint broke...

Originally posted by Unregistered
as the origional poster i have to disagree with scud on a couple things
1st dont get rid of forced ip, i know where ur going with teh invalid frustrating ip's but it would be better to just program limewire to drop those ppl off the network i use forced ip cuz im behind a firewall
I wrote to get rid of the "manual" (user does it) entering of a forced ip address. It needs to be automatic (it forces your exact ip address via dns query or whatever else)


2nd i like being able to search for the exact filename not to resume but because it was a unique file i wanted while searching on a general topic and i dont want 2 go thru 2000 files to find it again
keywords will produce more results of the same filename. If you search for "the_band_-_the_song.mp3" only a few people are going to have that exact file in that filename. But if you searched for maybe "the band" or "the song" in audio file type of limewire. It will give you all the results with those keywords. Which means better grouping (multiple hosts with the same file = better download succession rate). Its only 2000 files big deal. You can click or double-click on a column header such as QUALITY and it will sort all the results in either best to least or least to best. Same with NAME, A-Z or Z-A. Just click and scroll download to your filename that easy. You have to remember some people might have that exact same file but with just a slight change in the filename (ex: the band- the song.mp3). If you searched for the_band_-_the_song.mp3 you wouldnt get the result back. Maybe that guy with the band- the song.mp3 doesnt have any upload slots filled b/c everyone wants to search for exact filenames instead of keywords.

i do agree about cuting off the freeloaders at teh search instead of the download it will be less frustrating for both
it would be especially great if they got a freeloader error message somehow so they would know 2 share files

i also would like ot see a list of new features and ojce again an approximate release date [/B][/QUOTE]
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

Some of the stuff mentioned here really couldn't be done without support in all other clients. Also a note about freeloaders, a peer may not accept incoming connections because it's behind a firewall or it's just full (the listener won't accept any new connections). Neither of these make them freeloaders. Many of the fastest downloads i've seen come from behind firewalls (these guys are usually on a T1 at least).

The only way to kill a freeloader is to not allow them to connect to you (g-net connections not download). g-net doesn't include this info with download attempts, and trying to then connect back to the host just creates extra traffic and really tells you nothing.

What I'd like to see...

1) Fix the upload window - I'd rather not see 2000 messages just because there are no more upload slots.

2) Add an option to re-run a search. Right now you have to re-type it every time.

3) Add a way to add new results to a download list.

4) Fix the bug in the search window when there are too many results (redraw messes up completely for me).

5) Download/Upload time estimates - I do miss this from other clients.

6) More info in the upload/download windows - at least the user-agent would be nice.

Really, right now I'm using Gnucleus. It has most of these features already. Not as "purdy" as Lime, but works well enough.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Neko-Yasha
Some of the stuff mentioned here really couldn't be done without support in all other clients.
Everything I've (me) talked about can be done. As I stated "tweaks" to LimeWire to get optimal performance out of the network (filtering unneccessary data inout and output).


Also a note about freeloaders, a peer may not accept incoming connections because it's behind a firewall or it's just full (the listener won't accept any new connections). Neither of these make them freeloaders.
Full hosts are not a problem b/c you (user) would not be connected to them so it wouldnt matter. I also rather get a firewalled host b/c their higher connections so that means a bigger horizon. Which also means they wouldnt matter b/c you can still send queries to the hosts their connected too. If you were speaking of the statement I made about disconnecting hosts that do not have a certain number of hosts for a certain duration, well that has happen to me quit a few times. One time this one host was connected for ~5 mins and their host count was zero. I'm guessing that happens when someone only has one connection opened (which is only you) or cant establish a connection to other hosts for some reason. It being a bandwidth or whatever else. That host should be disconnect b/c it creates a bottle for the user connected to them.

The only way to kill a freeloader is to not allow them to connect to you (g-net connections not download). g-net doesn't include this info with download attempts, and trying to then connect back to the host just creates extra traffic and really tells you nothing.
Freeloaders have to start some where. Then again I do believe any new user (the average joe) has something to share for the first time using the gnutella network.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a

1. Check to see if user has the file already before allowing it to be downloaded/uploaded again and again.

2. Nix the "no upload slots" msg or add a checkbox to clear them out.

3. Make max # of host connections really work.

4. Count only complete transfers in the "stats" page (minor detail i know).

5. Have some way to monitor what's going on without having the console always on top. ie like "server view" in bearshare or a tool tip showing ul/dl in progress.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Red face no auto fore ip!

1st of all i want to say that im behind a firewall and have set port forwarding (evan put myself in the dmz) and forced ip to my real ip and i have NEVER once downloaded sucessfully from someone behind a firewall. (bouns points if anyone can tell me why )

i must say tho i would not want anything on my system that "automatically" set my ip up as my real ip, nor would it be practical because no program can open up ports in my firewall to let gnutella thru (i hope) a program that does that is one that oversteps its boundaries

i also must say the checksum idea is horrible, i would stop using gnutella if i knew there was a database somewhere 4 the mpaa to sue for the rights to

on a side note- y is it i can get any evangelion episode i want EXCEPT 4???? (i have up to 18 cept 4 and have been tryin 4 2 weeks )
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Re: no auto fore ip!

Originally posted by Unregistered
1st of all i want to say that im behind a firewall and have set port forwarding (evan put myself in the dmz) and forced ip to my real ip and i have NEVER once downloaded sucessfully from someone behind a firewall. (bouns points if anyone can tell me why )
Since you're behind a firwall you can only make outgoing connections to ther hosts but yet it doesnt prevent you from communicating with them even though you're behind one. You can make connections to other hosts (outgoing to you) but other hosts cant make connections to you (incoming to you) b/c the firewall blocks them. With the gnutella protocol since you're behind a firewall when some tries downloading something from you they must request a PUSH. a PUSH is a packet telling you (the person behind the firewall) that another host wants a file and you'll have to make a connection to that host and upload the file. Instead of the usually that host connecting to you and downloading a file.


i must say tho i would not want anything on my system that "automatically" set my ip up as my real ip, nor would it be practical because no program can open up ports in my firewall to let gnutella thru (i hope) a program that does that is one that oversteps its boundaries.
Yes it would, then we wouldnt have people forcing their IP ADDRESSES to or some other invalid ip address. When I say automatic forced ip, I mean you would simply click the "FORCE IP ADDRESS" checkbox and it would do some type of DNS query and find your true ip address. It would be the same as if you entered it in yourself.


i also must say the checksum idea is horrible, i would stop using gnutella if i knew there was a database somewhere 4 the mpaa to sue for the rights to
If you read what I wrote...

have some kind of checksum for search entries (people are searching for incomplete files ex: N1-2506752-The Band - The Song.mp3 which is causing congestion). People actually think that it is the filename associate with that file. I'm assuming you have some type of "order check" because all incomplete/downloading files have a different prefix to the filename. In shorter words something to stop people from searching and sharing incomplete files as with the prefix you assign.

If you ever looked in your monitor window while using LimeWire you can see queries that consist what I'm speaking of.


If you use LimeWire and start a download. LimeWire will place the file in the designated INCOMPLETE folder. Say you're downloading the file band - song.mp3. Now if you looked back in your INCOMPLETE folder you would say a file with the filename N1-2503145-band - song.mp3. But when the file has finished downloading it copies it to your SHARED folder with the correct name band - song.mp3. I'm assuming the N1-2503145 while you're downloading a file is a prefix LimeWire uses so if that download drops and it picks up another it would not write over the file or mess up the new download for whatever reason. Like I said above if you watch your monitor window for a minute you actually see queries for N1-12543521-other band - another song.mp3. Which means people actually think when they first downloaded that file other band - another song.mp3 it was really N1-12543521-other band - another song.mp3. So they search for this file further congesting the network with unnecessary traffic. The thing I was speaking of was when a person using LimeWire (b/c only LimeWire uses prefixes to incomplete/partial downloads) and they try searching for N1-12543521-other band - another song.mp3 it would perform some type of checksum (it checks the sum (entry)) to prevent hosts from searching for files that are not out there (unnecessary traffic).

One last thing who said anything about a database anywhere!?


on a side note- y is it i can get any evangelion episode i want EXCEPT 4???? (i have up to 18 cept 4 and have been tryin 4 2 weeks )
Do not come here bitching b/c you cant download or find files. Whos fault is it b/c you cant find episodes of evangelion? No ones so stop whining. The network consists and is ran by the users.

We are the only ones who can keep it alive.
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