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vince September 17th, 2002 11:15 PM

Statistics - query hits
The Limewire statistics window shows a count of incoming searches, it would be nice to know how many of those were hits, i.e. how many queries were responded to with a QueryHit.

Unregistered September 18th, 2002 11:20 AM

you can see that in the new library window -- they'll be a column for uploads (completed & attempted), hits, and alternate locations (how many other places you know of that have the exact same file).

Treatid September 18th, 2002 10:04 PM

Ooh - thanks for that. I hadn't noticed it. Handy.


Norm September 23rd, 2002 06:18 PM


I am on 2.6.3 Pro & I can't find that info in the library window. Any suggestions? My window shows incomplete and attempted as successful. If someone has difficulty & is disconnected & reconnected 20 times I get a report telling me there were 20 files uploaded.

Unregistered September 23rd, 2002 07:02 PM

the library should have three columns to the right side: uploads, hits, and locations. uploads is in the form "#1 / #2", #1 being completed uploads and #2 being attempted uploads. hits is just a single number, which increases as incoming queries match your files. (for instance, a search for *.mp3 will raise all your mp3s hits by 1.) locations is also a single number, and they'll raise when another client exchanges information about a specific file, telling you of other places that contain the exact same file you have.

they should be sortable -- but asof 2.6.3 they aren't. (due to some problems introduced by changing from java.lang.Comparable to in one place and not another.) darn those mac os9 users ;)

Norm September 23rd, 2002 08:10 PM

You are correct - if I get over being "brain dead" and space my columns so I can view them all.



Unregistered September 28th, 2002 09:45 PM

This feature is a great addittion, but it dont work for me as is.

All my shared files are nicely organised in artist/album directories. If I want to see the files most hit or uploaded I have to go through each and every directory.

I think that in the library view the name column should also include a relative path. E.g. if I have :

../Music/Artist 1/Album 1
../Music/Artist 1/Album 2
../Music/Artist 2/Album 3

Clicking Music in the dir tree shows all files in all these folders... Selecting Artist one shows album 1 and 2 ... etc

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