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Juggalo15 December 21st, 2002 07:45 AM

Bug fixes and upgrade lists ect...
When a new version comes out on your homepage ( you should put up version history and bug fixes.I wonder what you guys do to the program every 2.8.1,.2,.3,4,.5 and ect.:confused:

rutro December 21st, 2002 09:21 AM

This request/suggestion is shared by many LimeWire users! I still don't understand why this doesn't happen? :confused:

How bout it LimeWire Team?

Juggalo15 December 26th, 2002 08:49 PM

look...its been there the whole time,jus me and you werent smart enough ta find it;)

rutro December 27th, 2002 03:08 AM

Knew bout it...
Yes, I've known about the "features" page... however, that documents the enhancements/features between official release versions such as 2.6, 2.7, 2.8.... not the bug fixes or changes between beta versions 2.8.1,.2,.3,.4,.5 etc. as you had originally inquired.

Juggalo15 December 27th, 2002 06:20 AM

true true
hmm..well,im a lil happier cause i finally see somethin rather than nothion:D

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