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none67 October 28th, 2003 06:41 PM

You need an edit menu for the skins!

sberlin October 28th, 2003 07:23 PM

What kind of edit menu? Like easily developing your own skin (with immediate feedback on what it looks like)? That'd require a fair bit of work, but it is definitely a feature that we'd like to add at some point. For now, you can visit for information on how to manually create a skin of your own.

berli November 10th, 2003 04:34 AM

Actually, a simple choose skin option in Preferences would be nice.

My brother downloaded a Limewire skin. I can't seem to go back to the default. Winamp lets you choose which skin you want to use out of the ones you have downloaded. This wouldn't be so hard to implement, would it?

sberlin November 10th, 2003 07:57 AM

They're both already implemented. Go to the View -> Apply Themes menu option. You'll see a list of available skins, a link to get more skins, an option for the default skin, etc...

berli November 12th, 2003 11:34 AM

Duhhhh . . .

I feel stupid now.

Thank you for the tip.

Back to the aqua skin--nirvana. :D

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