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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2004
Posts: n/a
Default New "Search" page layout

I really don't like the layout of the existing search panel in Limewire and I think the changes need to go far beyond a simple "skin".

I've designed a much more space efficient and, I think, usable and esthetically pleasing layout for consideration.

For those who simply hate Macs, don't look because I uses Apple's Project Builder user interface designer to make this. Here's some links

48KB - A PDF image of the interface window
24KB - The full interface nib - for those running OS X with developer tools

The basic change is that instead of the search fields taking up a major portion of the left side of the window, I've moved all that functionality to the top of the window, and added an "advanced..." button that would open up a dialog box with more options.

I've also eliminated the tabbed layout for search results and replaced it with a drop down menu, the result is that searching options and search result selections are all contained in the space that was previously taken up by the search results tabs alone.

The result is a lot more screen realestate available for displaying information about the search results and downloads in progress.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2004
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 1,366
sberlin is flying high

Hi Gerard,

Thanks for the input and especially for the sample PDF. We have redesigned some of the search input for the upcoming 3.9.3 beta. The 3.9.2 beta showed the beginnings of the idea, but we have changed it rather dramatically since then in order to incorporate everyone's suggestions.

There is no denying that the search panel takes up a good portion of space, but it unfortunately is necessary. An earlier version of LimeWire experimented with the 'advanced' button on the top, but it was too out of the way for most users to take advantage of. Also, the filters (an example of which are in the 3.9.2 beta) have no room to be placed above the search results. We are very fond of the downloads in the same screen as the search results, so aren't very willing to move that...

All in all, it's a tough predicament, but we hope you'll like the design in the upcoming 3.9.3 beta.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2004
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by sberlin
Hi Gerard,

Thanks for the input and especially for the sample PDF. We have redesigned some of the search input for the upcoming 3.9.3 beta. The 3.9.2 beta showed the beginnings of the idea, but we have changed it rather dramatically since then in order to incorporate everyone's suggestions.

There is no denying that the search panel takes up a good portion of space, but it unfortunately is necessary. An earlier version of LimeWire experimented with the 'advanced' button on the top, but it was too out of the way for most users to take advantage of. Also, the filters (an example of which are in the 3.9.2 beta) have no room to be placed above the search results. We are very fond of the downloads in the same screen as the search results, so aren't very willing to move that...

All in all, it's a tough predicament, but we hope you'll like the design in the upcoming 3.9.3 beta.
I'm eagerly awaiting 3.9.3 then

As for the filters, I see where many people would like them, personally I don't find any use for them.
In my mock up, the "any type", "search", and "advanced" buttons could disappear and be replaced with three drop-downs for the filters, much the way the current search pane is replaced with the filter options, leaving only the smaller search text field. The search field itself could be shrunk, or replaced with a small "new search" button in my layout.

Again, though, I'll await the new layout in 3.9.3b before making too many suggestions.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2004
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by sberlin
All in all, it's a tough predicament, but we hope you'll like the design in the upcoming 3.9.3 beta.
Not really, it is is some respects even worse than the 3.9.2 search pane.

I now have to move my mouse cursor all the way to the bottom of the window to click the "<Back to search" button instead of staing at the top and clicking in the "search text" box. The new button is entirely too far out of the way as this is the only time my mouse goes to that part of the window. Try using this layout on a 1600x1200 window.

This layout still leaves a convoluted search results selection method of horizontally tiled and scrolled buttons. I can't think of another application that requires the user to scroll through horizontally tiled buttons, it's just poor UI design.
I understand that at the moment it's easier for you to waste tall the space for search, because you like the "filters" attached to the main window and they share the same space.
If you were to move the filters to either a separate window or a slide-out drawer that could be kept hidden for those who don't use the feature, it would go a long way toward enhancing usability and allowing the search features to be moved to a much more space efficient layout.

There are industry-wide and OS supported solutions to these issues, sliding drawers, pull-down menus, floating pallets, etc. I think the UI team at Limewire should take a step back and strongly consider these options instead of tossing together something completely new an awkward such as the current system.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2004
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 1,366
sberlin is flying high

Hi Gerard,

I now have to move my mouse cursor all the way to the bottom of the window to click the "<Back to search" button instead of staing at the top and clicking in the "search text" box.
We anticipated this problem, and there are two solutions already in the beta. 1) You can also click the 'Search' tab at the top to immediately return to searching. 2) After a normal search is performed, you can immediately start typing to do another search.

If you were to move the filters to either a separate window or a slide-out drawer that could be kept hidden for those who don't use the feature, it would go a long way toward enhancing usability and allowing the search features to be moved to a much more space efficient layout.
We also anticipated that some people may not like the filters. You can turn them off at any time by choosing View -> Show/Hide -> Search, and unchecking the filters option.

We'll likely take another look at the whole layout for another release, but for now we're going to stick with this.
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