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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #311 (permalink)  
Old December 20th, 2005
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  #312 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2005
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kmag is flying high
Default Re: force resume - plz bring it back

Originally posted by punkprincess
LW 4.8.x had a force resume option. if a file was awaiting sources, the force resume option would start a search for sources. now, with it gone, the only thing you can do about files awaiting sources is to cancel them and then restart them. becomes kinda troublesome, switiching back n forth with ur incomplete folder in the library and the download tab.
i would love to have the force resume option back for good!
In the search tab, the 5 buttons on the bottom of the window are "Cancel", "Find Sources", "Pause", "Preview", and "Clear Inactive". (Sometimes the "Find Sources" button is labeled "Resume", but it does basically the same thing, despite the different label.) Highlight the downloads that need more sources and click the "Find Sources" button. (This is for LW 4.10.0, and I believe true for all of the 4.9 versions.) The feature is still there... just renamed.
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  #313 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Default Re: force resume - plz bring it back

Originally posted by punkprincess
LW 4.8.x had a force resume option. if a file was awaiting sources, the force resume option would start a search for sources. now, with it gone, the only thing you can do about files awaiting sources is to cancel them and then restart them. becomes kinda troublesome, switiching back n forth with ur incomplete folder in the library and the download tab.
i would love to have the force resume option back for good!
I just periodicaly mark all inactive downloads, press pause and then press resume. Works fine for me.

I think LimeWire is the best p2p program on the net, but it could do with a bit of rethinking.

1. Wouldn't it be great if you had a schedule where you tell the program when to be active like Shareaza. I have free internet from 0-6 o'clock every day and it's a drag to have to set my alarm to go of at 6 when I don't have to be up till 7.30. Im sure alot of users would appreciate it.

2. Your preferencing filter really needs a never allow freeloaders not rarely as it is now. Even Freeloading Leeches hate Freeloading Leeches. + Being able to ban specific IP's from downloading from me. People that share preteen incest etc. files should be banned completely from all networks and deserve jailsentences and not great movies and songs

3. Being able to connect to the G2 network as well would be very nice too. It's growing rapidly. Especially when downloading large files it would do alot of good.

4. An extra search option giving you the option to filter out files smaller than or larger than some presets like 1MB, 5MB 10 50 100 and so on.

5. Also I think alot of people are getting very annoyed, when using LimeWire basic, of being reminded every single time they start the program that they should go PRO. Isnt it enough that if the search window is empty there is a notice there plus a banner at the bottom of the screen. A good way to turn people of from LimeWire I think.

6. being able to filter out specific file sizes like 851.7 KB would greatly improve search options. The filter is almost perfect beside from that.

Enough with the negative.
The LimeWire crew is doing an exelent job in improving the program. I know programming takes A LONG TIME

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  #314 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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1. Sounds like a good idea!!!

2. From what I've read, it's far too difficult to determine who is & who isn't a freeloader. It uses up a lot of resources. Nice concept all the same. For me, the filter does at least seem to work, even if the slider doesn't work.

3. Sharing other networks is a argumentative point. Once people or programs start utilising other networks then one or both of the networks suffer. ie: the bandwidth must be shared between both. Shareaza is a typical example of how it doesn't work very well. So many Gnut 1 users complain Raza users are unreliable to upload from ... very slow speeds & unreliable to connect to. That's because they connect to multiple networks. At least one of which requires they can only downld as fast as they upload. Get my point! Always one of the networks gets sacrificed. What I'd like to see, & also for Raza is that only one network can be connected to/accessed at one time. That would solve this big issue.

4. A size filter ... yep I've asked for it. The next best thing is the spam filter. See answer in point #6.

5. I also don't like nag messages. Even using Pro you get nag messages about updates. The previous setting was to have a popup "only" at LW startup. I believe LW should revert back to this setting for both updates & upgrades to pro. I do recognise the concept that updates should be made well aware of so the gnutella network keeps up to date without having people on much older versions which are damaging to the network without realising it. But ... a little more user friendly technique perhaps. Nobody likes being nagged. hehehe

6. Have you tried using the spam filter yet. It's a dynamic learning filter so it will learn bit by bit by what you decide is spam. Autogenerated spam results are the easiest for the spam filter to chop out.

BTW the force resume hasn't disappeared. It's now in a keyboard shortcut. For win users, right-click the file (such as from the library window/incomplete folder.) For mac of course that's option-click. For files in the main downld window .. Resume is approx. the same thing. Well similar.
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  #315 (permalink)  
Old January 6th, 2006
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Thumbs up search

the search name needs to be longer value capable some things have big file names and it sucks when u cant fit it all into the search bar.....
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  #316 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2006
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darajo is flying high

How about when you pause a dl and then shut down LM that when you restart your paused dl STAYS paused.

Also, I'd like to be able to browse a host when a dl from them is not actually active - in the que but not active OR (even better) be able to browse a host by IP.
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  #317 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2006
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being able to use ] and [ in searchterms and "exact phrase" would be nice
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  #318 (permalink)  
Old January 15th, 2006
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soapman87 is flying high

i think there should be an option to not display the limewire icon in the system tray when its not visible on the screen
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  #319 (permalink)  
Old January 15th, 2006
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Originally posted by soapman87
i think there should be an option to not display the limewire icon in the system tray when its not visible on the screen
?? huh ? why

I think it's essential this it's there. Don't know how many times I almost turned the computer off with Limewire running, and saw it at the last moment. If Limewire is closed suddently some of your incomplete downloads may stop working, and you'll have to download from scratch instead of maybe 93%. Not fun when tryin to get a 700 MB file
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  #320 (permalink)  
Old January 15th, 2006
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soapman87 is flying high

lets say someone keeps stopping limewire cause the net is going slow. that way they wouldnt be able to know that limewire is running
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