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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #361 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2006
Join Date: April 12th, 2006
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BRitchey is flying high
Exclamation Upload Log history

As I have well over 25,000 packages for daily access via Limewire I have a real need for a permanent Upload Log History report. Format is not critical, just common sense info will suffice. Can you help?
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  #362 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2006
Join Date: April 14th, 2006
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Feanor is flying high
Lightbulb Search and Logging Requests

I've been a Limewire Pro user for about 3 years and there's a few things that I'd really like to see in the next version.

1) SEARCH - Boolean search criteria in a single search tab; AND, OR, NOR

2) SEARCH - Logging of files that have been downloaded that tracks even if the downloaded file is no longer present in the library pool. Along with this, the ability to go into the log and remove items to re-download them.

3) SEARCH - Ability to save and load a group of search tabs, often searches run for days or weeks waiting for that elusive file to reappear

4) SEARCH - Link the search function with the download, so that a search automatically kicks any matching awaiting files in the download window to attempt a reconnect.

5) DOWNLOAD - In the download window, ability to filter the display of the download window so that if I'm looking for all the awaiting files with a specific name, I can easily find them.

6) DOWNLOAD - Ability to prioritize items in the download window by putting this priority in a header (like Filename, Speed, etc) so that I can sort the download window by priority.

Implementing all of this would certainly make Limewire worth paying for another upgrade.

Thank you.

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  #363 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Feanor
2) SEARCH - Logging of files that have been downloaded that tracks even if the downloaded file is no longer present in the library pool.
Especially this!

I never want to download one of those iPod ads or kp ever again.

Currently, I keep harmless junk files from the "What's New" searches in the UNshared dl folder. However, this workaround doesn't solve the kp problem.

Although only about 1 in 1,000 pics turns out to be kp, I'd rather NEVER ever have one of those files on my drive again.

So, FEANOR's suggestion would be a very welcome addition.
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  #364 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2006
Join Date: April 10th, 2006
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Well my fellow Cyberians, if nothing else, it seems we are on the same page, so to speak. I'm pretty sure we will be left to our own devices when it comes to solving anything. Most of what we seek has been on one wish list or another since the very beginning. Now I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the engine already performs most if not all of the abstract functions, just not necessarily on the specific data field(s) we want the function to process. Tell ya what, and I'm making no promices, but I'm gonna pull down the source code and developer kit and see if maybe some light weight Limewire Data Base "toolkit" can be tinkered together. Stief - Could you elaborate on that a bit. Just how does one identify a "harmless junk file"? I've had some pretty ugly **** jump out of Zip files that had been in the system for quite some time but remained undetected(able) until unzip. Either way, tell me more. FI) must you take and hold the entire file/or will a virtual "placeholder suffice?
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  #365 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2006
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re harmless junk file--I'm on a mac, so the stuff that jumps out of zips hasn't affected me yet this millenium

The junk I'm talking about are .jpgs, mostly ads, or really bad porn with someones web site printed all over it. Too, there are the default pictures sets that seem to come with many computers and are shared by many people.

Good luck bolting together a patch: maybe there is even a bounty for it: check and maybe you can cash in
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  #366 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2006
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Nimwad is flying high

Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter, Bogus file filter is absolutely neccessary even though I can get passed them I just don't want to spend a lot of time looking for stuff. Spam links during results should also be removed. Also open P2P is neccessary and what i mean by this is once when you connect to the network you have to automatically share files and no firewall blocking to preven downloads either.
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  #367 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2006
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akeed_the_slayer is flying high

Have limewire as a torrent client and an IRC client therefore ensuring total speed -As LIMEWIRE is the fastest and best
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  #368 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2006
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torrent client in progress
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  #369 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2006
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Something I Want: Look at emule look at features, Steal some from them please... Such as More file searching... Server connections... Better filtering for viruses, spyware, and crap files!
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  #370 (permalink)  
Old June 7th, 2006
Join Date: June 7th, 2006
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fruitlolita is flying high

Repeat all searches button. Please, for the love of god.
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