April 12th, 2010
Novicius | | Join Date: November 21st, 2008
Posts: 1
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Originally Posted by sberlin Please add your feature requests to this thread.
The following requests are already noted, please do not add them again.
Please add your request as replies to this thread, in a concise manner. If you want to discuss a feature in detail, please do so in another thread.
Thanks very much.
- Option for the maximum simultaneous transfers of a single file, preventing a file from taking all upload slots.
- Reorganize preferences: No more firewall option, rename port to firewall, the search option (limit, speed, quality) removed, no more compression option, no more out of band option.
- New system of requeries [not going to happen any time soon]
- A file rating system, allowing users to collectively rate fake/garbage/good/excellent files.
- Browse clients other than LimeWire from upload window
- Allow browsing firewalled hosts
- Use NIO to take up less resources/RAM
- Client side queueing of multiple requests to a single source
- Remember advanced stats checkbox between launches
- Remember preferred sort order between launches
- Ability to clear existing sort on a table.
- Explore button on download page
- A private folder accessable only by trusted users
- Allow certain files/folders to get preferred status in upload slots
- An option to connect to fewer ultrapeers when acting as a leaf
- A mailto button for formatting & sending magnet links
- Multiple download folders for different types of downloads
- Sharing of portions of iTunes selections by choosing a playlist
- An edit menu (and ability to copy/select any displayed text)
- Ability to send download filename in search box.
- A mini LimeWire to handle magnets
- A window menu to bring chat/options/stats/main window to the foreground
- Browse host to display results with directory structure like in the library
- Drag & Drop support
- Monitor pane moved
- Bandwidth status displayed in the GUI at all times.
- Searching for phrases together, using "LimeWire Rocks" and finding only results where LimeWire Rocks, instead of limewire on the rocks.
- Seekable media player.
- Symbol next to the 'X' on search tabs to show the context menu.
- Re search for corrupt files automatically. (Should be taken care of already with TigerTree support, actually.)
- Recently searched drop down box. | I have been buying your software, I want to connect as an ultrapeer not a leaf |