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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #541 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2009
Join Date: February 2nd, 2009
Posts: 2
Caissa64 is flying high
Post List of Feature Requests

== Things I hate about the new version (please change):

It doesn't seem like you can decide the maximum number of searches anymore. It just seems to cut off at some point (around 10?).

You can only see about 3! search tabs at once, after which you have to click that drop-down to see the other searches. This seems minor but is probably my least favorite part of the new versions.

You can't right-click a tab and "repeat search." In fact, I don't see any way to repeat a search without closing the tab and re-typing the search term.

== New things I'd like to see:

I'd love "repeat ALL searches" and "get more results for ALL searches" options.

== Note: This is my first post, so I'm sorry if these requests are duplicates or are in the wrong spot.

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  #542 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2009
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Originally Posted by Caissa64 View Post
== Things I hate about the new version (please change):

It doesn't seem like you can decide the maximum number of searches anymore. It just seems to cut off at some point (around 10?).

You can only see about 3! search tabs at once, after which you have to click that drop-down to see the other searches. This seems minor but is probably my least favorite part of the new versions.

You can't right-click a tab and "repeat search." In fact, I don't see any way to repeat a search without closing the tab and re-typing the search term.

== New things I'd like to see:

I'd love "repeat ALL searches" and "get more results for ALL searches" options.

== Note: This is my first post, so I'm sorry if these requests are duplicates or are in the wrong spot.

The developers hardly ever post over here If you go to this other forum & register (click on link below), you can give feedback about LW 5 & maybe get a response from a dev
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  #543 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2009
Join Date: February 2nd, 2009
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Caissa64 is flying high

Thank you. I'll try that.
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  #544 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2009
Join Date: December 24th, 2007
Posts: 4
warnbb is flying high

I would love to be able to save playlists. My library is quite extensive, its a pain to have to go through it every time I want to listen to music. Also, I like to open my playlists in my windows media player because if I have any other windows open, the limewire media player skips
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  #545 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2009
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I believe playlists will be returning in the next release of LW 5, however that might not be for another couple of months.
Alternative in meantime is to downgrade to LW 4. Lime Wire » Download Out-Of-Date Installers, which did have a save playlist option.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 4th, 2009 at 01:06 AM.
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  #546 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2009
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warnbb is flying high

I am so happy you told me about the downgrade. I didn't think that was possible. Color me happy, I can jam again. Thankyou.
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  #547 (permalink)  
Old December 3rd, 2009
Join Date: March 22nd, 2009
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grampy17 is flying high

I don't remember whether I raised this concern/made this suggestion before.
I wish there were an option in Limewire whereby users could make corrections to song titles and artist names. There are a lot of songs with simple errors in their titles, songs that are identified as a completely different songs, and songs with incorrect performers' names attached. I recall once being able to contact a host and informed him/her of the errors on some tracks he/she was sharing. He/she responded, "I don't know what they are. I just download and share." Actually, he/she admitted he/she had never even heard of the songs I was talking about. Makes for a lot of wasted time downloading incorrect stuff.
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  #548 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2010
Join Date: November 21st, 2008
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bilbo54 is flying high

Originally Posted by sberlin View Post
Please add your feature requests to this thread.

The following requests are already noted, please do not add them again.

Please add your request as replies to this thread, in a concise manner. If you want to discuss a feature in detail, please do so in another thread.

Thanks very much.

- Option for the maximum simultaneous transfers of a single file, preventing a file from taking all upload slots.

- Reorganize preferences: No more firewall option, rename port to firewall, the search option (limit, speed, quality) removed, no more compression option, no more out of band option.

- New system of requeries [not going to happen any time soon]

- A file rating system, allowing users to collectively rate fake/garbage/good/excellent files.

- Browse clients other than LimeWire from upload window

- Allow browsing firewalled hosts

- Use NIO to take up less resources/RAM

- Client side queueing of multiple requests to a single source

- Remember advanced stats checkbox between launches

- Remember preferred sort order between launches

- Ability to clear existing sort on a table.

- Explore button on download page

- A private folder accessable only by trusted users

- Allow certain files/folders to get preferred status in upload slots

- An option to connect to fewer ultrapeers when acting as a leaf

- A mailto button for formatting & sending magnet links

- Multiple download folders for different types of downloads

- Sharing of portions of iTunes selections by choosing a playlist

- An edit menu (and ability to copy/select any displayed text)

- Ability to send download filename in search box.

- A mini LimeWire to handle magnets

- A window menu to bring chat/options/stats/main window to the foreground

- Browse host to display results with directory structure like in the library

- Drag & Drop support

- Monitor pane moved

- Bandwidth status displayed in the GUI at all times.

- Searching for phrases together, using "LimeWire Rocks" and finding only results where LimeWire Rocks, instead of limewire on the rocks.

- Seekable media player.

- Symbol next to the 'X' on search tabs to show the context menu.

- Re search for corrupt files automatically. (Should be taken care of already with TigerTree support, actually.)

- Recently searched drop down box.
I have been buying your software, I want to connect as an ultrapeer not a leaf
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  #549 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2010
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You can connect as an UP providing that you...

- have a reasonably fast connection

- aren't firewalled (tools > advanced tools & you'll see whether you're behind a firewall)

Staying connected to the network for a long time (high uptime) can also help.

If you meet that criteria, the network will choose you to be an UP when UPs are needed

If you're showing as behind a firewall, you can give us your system details & we might be able to help out with that issue: System details - help us to help you -> Provide these details when you post!!!

There isn't a great advantage to connecting as an UP... you might see a small difference in search results (as UPs connect to a greater number of other UPs & leaves than a leaf). But on the other hand, in my experience UPs tend to see fewer uploads than a leaf.

Both help the network in different ways... UPs by devoting bandwidth to handling more search traffic (& shielding leaves from unnecessary traffic) & leaves by devoting bandwidth to uploads.
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  #550 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2010
Join Date: June 7th, 2008
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mrogers is flying high

Hi Caissa,

When you select a tab, the search box is automatically filled in with the search words from that tab, so you can just hit Enter to repeat the search.

Hope this helps,
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