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  #41 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2004
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Default Re: Basic security

Originally posted by vertigre
I would like basic security, this comes in two parts.
I back this completely. The reason is very simple: I'm being sued in Germany AT THIS VERY MOMENT.

I think I'll be able to win the case, but I don't like the possibility that my provider might monitor my traffic and see, which files I share, and which get uploaded from me.

At the moment the only files I share are those mp3s I recorded myself, but I want LimeWire to allow me to down- and upload so far anonymously, that noone can simply get my details without legal action (I don't care, if the police is able to track me back, when they put in their full force, because they should still be able to track people sharing child-porn etc., but they shouldn't be able to do it without quite some effort).

I want to have it so, that noone can prove he/she downloaded a specific file from me, without some major research by the police. It must simply be hard enough, that it can't be done routinely.

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2004
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Complete agree!

Please make the IP hidden!

& i like the "trusted visitors" idea!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2004
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Originally posted by astridita
Complete agree!

Please make the IP hidden!

Well, what is that supposed to hide? Anybody who is able to open a command line can get similar infos from the OS without LimeWire being able to hide it. Just type netstat -a on OS X or netstat /a on Windows and you see any IP number that is connected to your computer.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2004
cnadice llano
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Angry connection problems

i had limewire downloaded on my computer for about 6 months and i found that it had been infected with spywear and when i had the spywear removed i found that i could no longer connect to limewire i paid for the unlimted use of this program but its not doing me any good im getting married soon and was hoping to be able to burn some c d's but its not looking good help!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2004
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Originally posted by jum
Well, what is that supposed to hide? Anybody who is able to open a command line can get similar infos from the OS without LimeWire being able to hide it. Just type netstat -a on OS X or netstat /a on Windows and you see any IP number that is connected to your computer.
Make it impossible to be sure, that the host which serves the file really shares it. If that host could also be a proxy, which doesn't even know what it souted through it, youl can't be ure, if the browsed IP really is the source.

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old September 2nd, 2004
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Default "complete" and a "completed" distinction in the upload

Im not sure if this is a good idea, considering legal issues with to much FYI's. But I would like to know when a file is complete - i.e. complete this second, versus completed- downloaded hash file. This would help know when I can close limewire. Sometimes I feel bad cause I dont know if the upload is gonna restart in the next few minutes or not.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old September 3rd, 2004
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Default Re: connection problems

Originally posted by cnadice llano
i had limewire downloaded on my computer for about 6 months and i found that it had been infected with spywear and when i had the spywear removed i found that i could no longer connect to limewire i paid for the unlimted use of this program but its not doing me any good im getting married soon and was hoping to be able to burn some c d's but its not looking good help!
Your spyware may have made LimeWire work because it modified the TCP/IP protocol stack to include what is called (on Windows) a "Winsock LSP", i.e. a plugin for Windows sockets that normally performs address resolution, or supports ancillary functions through helper processes.

I do think that you have not completely removed the spyware, and that the spyware's installed LSP is still there, even if it is no longer working as expected as the main part of the spyware components are no longer there.

I suggest you use "SpyBot Search & destroy", and get into its "advanced mode", where you'll find the "Tools" button on the sidebar: then click on "Winsock LSPs". You'll see a list of LSPs installed in the Windows networking stack. You need to keep the following ones:

(1) Transport Protocols:

(1a) MSAFD NetBios (\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{...}): several instances are present, this is normal as there are several networking interfaces for the internal local host, in addition to remote accesses, DSL modems, Ethernet cards, Wifi adapters, ...

(1b) MSAFD NetBios (\Device\NetBT_Tcpip6_{...}): same thing, except that this is related to the support of the newest internet protocol "IPv6" instead of the legacy IPv4 protocol with 32-bit IP addresses.

(Both are supported in %systemroot%\system32\mswsock.dll; these two support the IP protocol for Internet, and optionally the NetBios protocol over IP, a.k.a. "SMB", used for Windows shared files and services; don't remove them as you would delete at the same time the support for TCP/IP transport, needed for Internet; instead configure your firewall to block the RPC/DCOM port and the Microsoft files/printers/services sharing server ports).

(2) NS Providers (namespaces, i.e. resolution of names to addresses):

(2a) TCP/IP (%systemroot%\system32\mswsock.dll): this contains the DNS client that resolves hostnames like "" to an IP address. Don't remove it.

(2b) NTDS (%systemroot%\system32\mswsock.dll): this contains the WINS client that resolves Windows hostnames and services for NetBIOS/SMB or with a NT Directory Service: in a LAN, or optionally over the Internet over a secured virtual channel. Don't remove it, as it is needed to access to internal resources of your local host from local applications; instead, you need to configure the Firewall or IP settings to exclude the support of NetBios over Internet connections.

(2c) NLA namespace (Network Location Awareness) (in %systemroot%\system32\mswsock.dll): this supports namespaces needed for wireless or mobile networks, and allows locating a server managing you private domains. Also needed as the base support for PNRP (the secured Peer-2-Peer protocol from Microsoft). It is installed if you have enabled this P2P protocol, but possibly with other components, or with some Wifi connections (I think it is needed for the support of WEP and WPA authentication on WiFi accesses or routers).

(2d) the namespace provider for PNRP cloud (in %systemroot%\system32\pnrpnsp.dll): needed for Microsoft P2P protocol, it allows locating hosts and services in the P2P cloud with their GUID; it contains a search agent and a topology builder; in Microsoft P2P, searches occur only between authenticated servents, through secured channels, that create one or several "clouds" located anywhere on a private LAN, or on Internet, without a central server. Authentication works through hosts certificates; hosts, files or services are identified by GUIDs, and this PNRP protocol allows performing a distributed replication of a virtual file server or service, and locating hosts on this virtual network via their GUID. This MSPNRP protocol is still in beta form (Microsoft has learned a lot from experiments in Gnutella and other P2P protocols, notably when tuning its "topology builder" and optimizing searches with broadcasts in a instable network with lots of dynamic routes; I absolutely don't know the performance of this P2P protocol, but Microsoft does not intend to build it for free file sharing between unidentified servents: it requires using authentic certificates registered in a central PKI authority, with a verifiable identity, so the build topology will always be identifiable by a responsable network owner; apparently not suitable for personnal P2P applications due to privacy issues). The support for PNRP in uninstallable (check the Microsoft documentation about NETSH)

You may also find some other LSP's installed by some antivirus; but beware of LSP's installed by some free "popup remover" bars, as they sometime include their own spyware!

Note that the Windows XP Service Pack 2 contains tools to remove unsafe LSPs and restore the default configuration if it gets damaged.

Also XP SP2 contains a builtin local firewall that is known to cause problems to some Gnutella users: it requires a manual configuration to let incoming connections and datagrams from the Internet to your local Gnutella ports 6346 (TCP required for the base Gnutella protocol, UDP needed for the new Out-Of-Band search protocol).
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Last edited by verdyp; September 22nd, 2004 at 03:35 AM.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2004
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The Filter Results hlp a lot in sorting out the returned search results, but I'd prefer the search function to have AND and OR control, so that far fewer unwanted results are returned. At the moment, the seacr function treats all separate words as having an OR relation; in almost every case that I use separate words, they should be AND.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2004
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Default Folder searching/downloading

It would be nice to be able to search for folders, if you are for example searching for a full album and a one click to download the whole folder.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
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I'd like to enter myself my conection speed. I mean, I have a cable connection, but the upload/download speeds that LW has for Cable are not the same as mine. Therefore, I can't configure my optimal upload speed as well.

Another thing: I'd like to see exactly who are sharing the files that are displayed on the search field. Let's say I see two files, and I want to donwload both of them. If they are both from an user that has a slow connection, I'd rather download just one at a time, because if I click both of them, they would go very slowly and maybe I won't finish any of them.


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