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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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Wink support for bit-torrents/bitprints/multiple networks or whatever

Bad idea, right? But as long as other clients are doing this and these are catchwords that attract new users, gnutella should force the issue by adding support for the plugins that allow it. Let the other devs come to the GDF and complain, and maybe the truth and fair treatment will get more respect.

I can guess that the evolution will be like the automatic queries. If something DOES work (like a merge between torrents and magnets perhaps?), all the better.

If other networks can plunder gnutella with their 100:1 leeching, why not give gnutella users the "do unto others BETTER than they do unto you" opportunity.

LW probably has already developed ways to add the plugins like giFT already developed, and shoild at least be allowed to "keep up" with the competition.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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No. People on P2P forums are beginning to realize that multinetworks program sucks and usually have poor implementations of all the networks. Let LW continue to show leadership by not going crazy about a fool trend began by poisoned and shareaza. Let them not waste work on other half baked implementations and get real work done on gnutella. Other might try to catch up on the new gnutella technologies implemented in LW, but users will notice the difference even if some are not (there is a % of stupidity everywhere, it can't be avoided, look at morpheus supporters that come here). I'm personnally admiring innovators, not followers and imitators (original is often the best).

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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Don't forget KCEasy, and recently, Kiwi. I hope you're right about others realizing how harmul multiple networks can be, though the discussion about LW 4 on Slyck --despite juggalo and Greg Bildson's efforts--shows that there is a long way to go.

I hope filesharing is not at the same level of evolution as railroads: companies eventually agreed on track guage, but even today I suspect some areas still set their tracks so only their cars and locomotives can run

Do you think there's a fair way to set the entry level for developers to access gnutella? If so, I'd ask for a feature request to "block Vendor." Right now I keep checking if a connected vendor supports Browse Host or has a >0 QRP. If not (repeatedly),and the messages I/O is high, I start itching to "block Vendor."

. . . and if Dave doesn't start correcting his users whoi probably think he came up with the "What's New" and other devs, I'd start blocking ACQX too.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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Note that BitTorrent is not by itself a P2P network with search capability. You can't search in BitTorrent, you can just download from swarmed BitTorrent locations provided that you have a

BitTorrent URL and that the initial BitTorrent source indicated in that URL is permanently accessible (on a true web server).

BitTorrent is then a very useful system to help a website reduce its output bandwidth, by letting its downloaders becoming assisting mirrors for the web content.

BitTorrent will be fantastic for contents that you can search in a central server that hosts tens of thousands of files, that are heavily replicated (I see a good application of BitTorrent for the distribution of free software, on websites like or OSDN/SourceForge, if they can't upgrade to support more transfers at efficient transfer rates: it may become critical in some near future for these central servers to work with more and more broadband users that want to download at megabits/s speed).

BitTorrent would be also fantastic for distributing streaming contents via HTTP (for example free radios on the web), without paying lots of money to very expensive CDNs (Content Delivery Networks).

In the future, if there are good central servers with lots of contents where we could search for BitTorrent contents, it could be a good addition to LimeWire to add a component connecting to these servers (if they accept the workload for these searches). But for now, it's premature (unless we just integrate in LimeWire the BitTorrent client where you import an BitTorrent URL found on the web.

The immediate need is not BitTorrent but a wider support of Magnets on web sites (Magnets are concurrent to BitTorrent, but can perform more things, as a Magnet can also be made to search in Gnutella).
LimeWire is international. Help translate LimeWire to your own language.

Last edited by verdyp; May 22nd, 2004 at 05:24 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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Ya P2P is filled with profitors and opportunists people. Dave of acquisition is one of them. I laught loud when I read the thread 109.2 that acquisition is a one man work. LOL ! At least in market share Dave is very low compared to morpheus and shareaza. There will be natural selection and those apps are bound to extinction sooner or later (a lot of chances are that they'll die before LW). BTW I'm a reader of slyck forums as well and saw that thread. I can say that opinions about gnutella and lw are much better now than they were last year.

Last edited by et voilà; May 22nd, 2004 at 05:49 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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LimeWire already fully supports bitprints since long for downloads, it now also supports THEX tree data for recovering files with corrupted sections (notably during swarmed downloads, a good point to defeat hackers trying to break the contents of some popular files with fake/bogous data inserted randomly within swarmed downloads)...
Now with THEX trees, TigerTree Root hashes, and SHA1 content hashes, swarmed transfers are secured: you are sure to get a clean copy from popular downloads with many sources!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2004
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Interesting. I tried some 'magnets' from here (as discussed here ), and thought they didn't work because of some incompatibility. Would be nice if they did work.

Which reminds me--I meant to request that I could create magnets from a multiple file selection in the library.

In response to your earlier post about torrents, are there good reasons to not allow torrents to be used through LW? I recall the earliest posts in the mailing lists were about sharing bandwidth, much as you described with torrents. If this would take away dev time, I could see the argument against, but if they are easily 'ported' /integrated with the magnets--then they seem like a reasonable request.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2004
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Originally posted by et voilà
Ya P2P is filled with profitors and opportunists people. Dave of acquisition is one of them. I laught loud when I read the thread 109.2 that acquisition is a one man work. LOL ! At least in market share Dave is very low compared to morpheus and shareaza. There will be natural selection and those apps are bound to extinction sooner or later (a lot of chances are that they'll die before LW). BTW I'm a reader of slyck forums as well and saw that thread. I can say that opinions about gnutella and lw are much better now than they were last year.
I think dave is quite right in Acquisition being an one man project, but he always forgets words like "interface", for it is an one man INTERFACE project. I assume he is not overly happy to have me asking when he will integrate the new features of the LimeWire core into Acquisition time and again, but that is how it goes: Truth comes back through people.

Only thing really bugging me about it is, that he didn't GPL the interface-code, for GPLing it would have improved most OSX p2p-interfaces, I assume (while he'd necessarily have to stay ahead of the curve, but could use improvements by others...). Somehow I don't overly like pipelining.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2004
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The bad thing about Acquisition, despite it is a good interface, is that its version numbers do not reflect the internal LimeWire core version number.

If it said "Acquisition 109.2 (LimeWire 3.9.2)" it would be more clear. I don't know exactly which options of the Limewire core it supports. And I have no time to check its sources (is it open-sourced, as required by the LimeWire GPL licence?)

I could say the same thing about "AcqLite" and "AquaLime", or for "FreeWire" (no more interest for it, users can get clean and free LimeWire Basic, and get real support for it with the original), that should offer a way to get the sources for EACH of their published version.
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Last edited by verdyp; May 23rd, 2004 at 02:35 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2004
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Acquisition has its core open sourced, but not the interface (something bout pipelining making it unnecessary to open the interface-code)

One bad move is, that it doesn't specify in the Venor-message, that it is Acquisition. The current version announces itself as "LimeWire/4.0.2".

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