February 1st, 2005
recently upgraded - now gutted ;-( I purchase Limewire Pro last year and was very happy with it.
I sadly made the mistake of downloading the demo of the new version and I have to say I loathe it!
What has happened!? ;-(
Im kicking myself now because my original Limewire Pro 3.8.6. has now been "corrupted" by downloading the newer demo version and I cannot seem to reverse the situation.
When searching previously on the left the results of each search would be broken down by artist, album and type this very useful facility is now GONE. In addition when one had clicked to download on a file in the search list - a folder would show IN the search list to show that that particular item was in the download list - this facility is now GONE.
As far as I can see there are NO additional features only less.
Has anyone any ideas why this great product has become less useful and user friendly?
And secondly is there any way I can revert my product back to the original 3.8.6.? |