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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2005
Join Date: February 1st, 2005
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TheRogue1000 is flying high
Default OS Indication

I'm a newbie with LW. Interesting app. Would like to see a column which indicates what OS the particular file is for. Since both pcs and Macs, for instance, can use .BIN files or Zip files, would be helpful to indicate which OS the particular file is intended for.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2005
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Yo ... I just hope I don't get shot for posting this but ... this was the p2p I was using prior to LW. I think this is what you mean.
Attached Thumbnails
OS Indication-myster-folder-b.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 18th, 2006 at 05:47 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 2nd, 2005
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TheRogue1000 is flying high
Default OS Indication

That appeared to be OSX. I'm still on 9.2.2. I meant that there should be an indication in the LW Search menu stating the OS for which the particular item is intended. Most are clearly for pcs. Exe can't be for anything else, for instance. But a .BIN file can be either. So can a .Zip. Even some .RAR files can be opened by Macs on X. Would just be very helpful to know which the download is for so time is not wasted on an item which won't run.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 2nd, 2005
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Well I used that program in os 8.5 originally. The program allows you to search for any of those areas of topic. But also it separates the actual downlds into those areas as you can see; both mac & win specific folders.

I didn't want to post an image of the app itself for fear of getting blasted. But the concept is the same.

Complicated though how to determine whether a zip file holds a mac file or win file inside it! And yes Expander can open zip & rar files & others for unix.

(By the way I wouldn't give too many thumbs for this particular app. It had a small user base several years back & still does when I tried it again a month or so back.)
Attached Thumbnails
OS Indication-myster-search.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 18th, 2006 at 05:49 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 3rd, 2005
unknown file types
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If only people would make descriptions of their files and what operating system their shared files are for. Most files being shared are for the Windows platform. I think it would be great if Limewire itself could filter out files from one platform to another, like say you have downloaded Limewire for MAC OS X, after setting Limewire up on that system. Limewire for OS X would only search on networks that shared OS X files, systems running Windows should only be able to connect to networks sharing Windows compatable files and so on. I'm sure the application Limewire already knows what platform it's been installed on and what it's intended purpose is so why can't the different platforms just seperate themselves from within the P2P network and just connect to the same type, that's if it's possible for the P2P application to determine what I just said. I don't see why not though. Every time someone connects to my system to get a file I can see what version of Limewire they're using or if they're using another Gnetella P2P application. Why couldn't Limewire just have another column for which OS the application had been installed on? I guess I babble too much, sorry for the babble.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 3rd, 2005
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Well actually one arguement against that is that the point TheRogue1000 was making. That people might use mac at work & pc at home or vice versa. That's one of the reasons they zip mac files instead of a mac compression. (Or alternatively to be able to safely pass thru a window's environment - since mac files have xtra data that windows os doesn't understand & might do something damaging to. A difference of file systems.)

All the same it would be good to be able to identify the other file's origin operating environment.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 3rd, 2005 at 08:59 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2005
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TheRogue1000 is flying high
Default OS Indication

Lord, what did you mean regarding not expecting too much from an app. Which one was that? LW itself seems to be much more pc centric, which is hardly a surprise. Would be nice if there were a P2P network specializing in Macs.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
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Default downloads "for" osx

I've been reading this few posts on how to recognize stuf for mac or not for mac (that is the question!)... I find myself times and times over, with downloaded documents (mostly wares or prog) advertized "OSX" or "Mac osx" etc., and even on the right format for it: dmg or sit or sitx even! (and of course under zip, rar, tar, also), but which, when unsitXed or dmged, appear to contain only 1 exe doc (unreadable on dos) and a license, openable with textEdit!... how would so many people play such a trick? the reason given in one of the posts (for people having a Mac at home, but working on PC at work) seems very nice indeed, but maybe a bit unreallistic, in view of the enormous amount of cases of that type... I must add that I see that sort of thing 70% of times on Lime Wire, but have very rarely seen it on overnet or eDonkey... are some others have had the same problem? I would be very intriged to have a proper answer... and it would also certainly help not to loose time running after a wrong hare!... thanks
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
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I've rarely had that problem. If you know the correct size the file should be then you shouldn't have that issue. If it's zipped then it'll say it's mac. If it's dmg or sit, then it "should" be for mac. I don't believe I've ever seen windows files packaged in SIT files. Not that there'll necessarily be any reports but you could always check Bitzi to see if there's any user feedback on such files before you downld them.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
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Default dmg for mac osx but opening on exe!

well, L. of the Ring, thanks for your attention, but it is really what I said, I even kept few of those documents in a special file, in case!... but I did throw maybe a dozen or more in the garbage): for instance, without quoting any name, I've got 3 different downloads from the same app, advertized "for osx", and in dmg, which should be correct for mac (I don't see who else would download such thing!). Though, when the dmg opens, one has in the first a ziped file, in the second a rar, and in the third, a ace, and opening those, you find in each of them 2 things: 1 license txt (openable with textEdit) and a "setup exe... so what?... I must add that the weight of those documents seems correct, corresponding with the content. I recently got a Norton, not for my mac, really, but to avoid sending virusses all over the place, and I use it from time to time on imported materials; so, I used it to test those exe documents, but all are OK.
If you want to see for your self, try to research with, as a keyword: osx, and you'll see. I will try any way your suggestion, but I must first try to understand what it is, and how it works, but that is OK.
(I read just now in that forum a post (I didn't see it before!)from someone having the same problem)
thanks anyway.
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