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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2005
ultracross's Avatar
FrostWire Developer
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Default More features to add.

Like to see some of the following:

1. A way to 'temporarily' unshare the root shared folder OR only a sub folder inside it. but also keeping the option to unshare folders permently, taking them out of the library via the library click-menu.

2. A centralized (or distributed with the use of the DNS Round-Robin technique) Gnutella Search Engine Web Service that is connected to the gnutella network so that a user can perform web-based searching with a browser and links to files that will appear downloadable through a magnet link, limewire will autimatically take care of the download because of the magnet url. (maybe could handle this? it is owned by limewire right?) that would be frikon awesome if such a thing existed, then you could search through their gnutella connections that might be out of my own network horizon and find what you want. This is a big MUST. It wouldnt make the gnutella network centralized, it would just connect to it and provide magnet urls. maybe even integrating a small tabbed window that loads the page inside limewire and you can perform searches there if you cannot find what you want in your horizon.

3. Ability to browse folders of another users shared content when using the 'browse host' feature.

4. The Monitor 'show' button should be remebered between launches.

5. Limewire should remember the positions of internal window split bars.

6. Just a little nag, the spinning lime should be better graphically designed. i like the image, but the quality is very poor.

7. The 'Whats New' search should have the ability to search whats new on the network after limewire starts up.... maybe an option should be setup in the options window for this.

8. GET RID OF: sharing incomplete files. i hate it when people share there incomplete files and it fills up the search window full of unwanted crap.

9. It would be nice to see if Limewire embeded CDDB into their software, making it the first p2p program that will actually correct, help and improve the search results and content filter. Making this an optional component would be AWESOME!

10. Chat: The use of nicknames instead of IP addresses. That wouldnt seem to hard to do. A buddy system would also be rather awesome.

11. Better media-player. One that is seekable. Dont care about being able to view video content, only audio content.

12. A fast meta-tag generator with the ability to change/edit meta data on-the-fly.

13. Little itch: Renaming Enqueue to Add To Play List

14. Add Ability to rip/encode media to mp3 or other widely used format. Maybe even add the ability to detect if a media CD is inserted and asking the user if they want to rip and share this content?

15. Asking the user if they really want to rename a file before renaming it.

16. Maybe torrent support and sharing it on the GnuNet.

17. Better Corruption detection. I get too many files that have been pumped into the GnuNet from the RIAA and MPAA. LEAVE US ALONE! Also, I dont know exactly how the hash file works, but i know what its supposed to do. This should be uploaded FIRST, not last, some clients upload it last and THEN limewire detects the corruption. I have noticed this more than a few times.

18. Improvement on the play list. giving it more options. I would use limewire as my media player if it was MUCH improved, maybe even a whole redesign of it needs to be done. But for now, it is just used to preview files before adding it to my play list on my REAL media player.

19. Searching should have optional boolean checking: AND OR XOR NOT NAND NOR XNOR etc, thats all the ones i can think of. This should be an extended search option.

20. Alot of the interface needs to be improved.

21. Making limewires total used memory ALOT lower, if i keep it running for like a day, its already using 140,000+ K of memory. I think there maybe a memory leak somewhere?


23. Version/Client Banning. This could prevent inferior clients (or bad actors) from screwing up the network.

24. Some sort of security mechinism that is VERY HARD to break should be implemented:

please post your thought or comments.

Last edited by ultracross; February 8th, 2005 at 12:17 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2005
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Some quite nice thing here, but: Don't use CDDB, pleae. it isn't open anymore. Try using freedb instead...

Also: Gnutella2 is the single-client network mike created, and he already drew back from it. You cn be pretty sure LW will stay a single-network client and fare very good with that (making G" simply disappear again someday)

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2005
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
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trap_jaw4 is flying high
Default Re: More features to add.

Originally posted by ultracross

1. A way to 'temporarily' unshare the root shared folder OR only a sub folder inside it. but also keeping the option to unshare folders permently, taking them out of the library via the library click-menu.
What do you mean by temporarily unshare???

2. A centralized (or distributed with the use of the DNS Round-Robin technique) Gnutella Search Engine Web Service that is connected to the gnutella network so that a user can perform web-based searching with a browser and links to files that will appear downloadable through a magnet link, limewire will autimatically take care of the download because of the magnet url. (maybe could handle this? it is owned by limewire right?) that would be frikon awesome if such a thing existed, then you could search through their gnutella connections that might be out of my own network horizon and find what you want. This is a big MUST.
In addition to using up huge amounts of resources, the RIAA would just love such a feature because they wouldn't have to pay BayTSP for such a service, no - they could simply use LimeWire's service for free.

3. Ability to browse folders of another users shared content when using the 'browse host' feature.
Good idea, ask the LimeWire devs why they didn't implement it yet. I did submit a patch for that.

6. Just a little nag, the spinning lime should be better graphically designed. i like the image, but the quality is very poor.
Yeah, it seems as if LimeWire's designer quit a while ago.

7. The 'Whats New' search should have the ability to search whats new on the network after limewire starts up.... maybe an option should be setup in the options window for this.
That's not possible.

8. GET RID OF: sharing incomplete files. i hate it when people share there incomplete files and it fills up the search window full of unwanted crap.
LimeWire doesn't allow people to share their incomplete folders. Users have to outsmart LimeWire by moving incomplete files to there shared folders for that to happen. I believe that kind of stupidity is one of the system-imanent problems of file-sharing.

9. It would be nice to see if Limewire embeded CDDB into their software, making it the first p2p program that will actually correct, help and improve the search results and content filter. Making this an optional component would be AWESOME!
That doesn't work very well for mp3s. There are certain apps that tried correcting ID3 tag information before, but none of them really worked.

10. Chat: The use of nicknames instead of IP addresses. That wouldnt seem to hard to do. A buddy system would also be rather awesome.
A buddy system is not going to happen, - not with Gnutella.

11. Better media-player. One that is seekable. Dont care about being able to view video content, only audio content. /

12. A fast meta-tag generator with the ability to change/edit meta data on-the-fly.
There already is something like that. Simply use the "annotate" button in the library.

13. Little itch: Renaming Enqueue to Add To Play List
I like 'Enqueue'.

14. Add Ability to rip/encode media to mp3 or other widely used format.
There are so many tools that already do that much better than LimeWire ever could, so LimeWire won't add it.

16. Maybe torrent support and sharing it on the GnuNet.
I used to offer a BitTorrent enabled LimeWire version, but I don't anymore because it's too much work to fork development. I don't think LimeWire will add BitTorrent support.

17. Better Corruption detection. I get too many files that have been pumped into the GnuNet from the RIAA and MPAA. LEAVE US ALONE! Also, I dont know exactly how the hash file works, but i know what its supposed to do. This should be uploaded FIRST, not last, some clients upload it last and THEN limewire detects the corruption. I have noticed this more than a few times.
LimeWire is already working on a better corruption detection (and at the current speed of development you will have that feature by 2006).

18. Improvement on the play list. giving it more options. I would use limewire as my media player if it was MUCH improved, maybe even a whole redesign of it needs to be done.
The LimeWire media player is not intended to be used as primary media player, - in my opinion it should rather be removed than improved.

19. Searching should have optional boolean checking: AND OR XOR NOT NAND NOR XNOR etc, thats all the ones i can think of. This should be an extended search option.
That may have been useful at a point but it's currently tough to implement since the max length of a query string is 30 characters. Which pretty much sucks, btw.

21. Making limewires total used memory ALOT lower, if i keep it running for like a day, its already using 140,000+ K of memory. I think there maybe a memory leak somewhere?
That's not a memory leak, that's java.

not in a thousand years.


23. Version/Client Banning. This could prevent inferior clients (or bad actors) from screwing up the network.
I submitted a patch but somehow it went >/dev/null.

24. Some sort of security mechinism that is VERY HARD to break should be implemented:
Too complicated to implement...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2005
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I have kind of an idea, how a buddy-system could work, but you'll have to know your buddies buddies for that (and just send messages for that buddy to them for forwarding if thhe buddy is offline and ask only the buddies of your buddy for that ones whereabouts instead of the whole network).

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2005
ultracross's Avatar
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Default Re: Re: More features to add.

Originally posted by trap_jaw4
What do you mean by temporarily unshare???
I mean to unshare it, but instead of limewire removing it from the library list, it should like change the font to red or something. and also keep another option that would remove it from the list. ALSO add the ability to unshare INDIVIDUAL files.
In addition to using up huge amounts of resources, the RIAA would just love such a feature because they wouldn't have to pay BayTSP for such a service, no - they could simply use LimeWire's service for free.
I dont see how they could benifit from it because they could not upload content, you would only be able to retreive magnet URLs that would require a Gnutella downloading agent.
Good idea, ask the LimeWire devs why they didn't implement it yet. I did submit a patch for that.
Im wondering that myself.
Yeah, it seems as if LimeWire's designer quit a while ago.
its not hard to open up photoshop limewire devs....
That's not possible.
i dont see why it wouldnt be, because once limewire is launched, and fully connected (or whenever the user decides to connect.) and the connect quality is either excellent or tubocharged, it would then search whats new.
LimeWire doesn't allow people to share their incomplete folders. Users have to outsmart LimeWire by moving incomplete files to there shared folders for that to happen. I believe that kind of stupidity is one of the system-imanent problems of file-sharing.
Tools > Options > Uploads > Allow Partial Sharing
That doesn't work very well for mp3s. There are certain apps that tried correcting ID3 tag information before, but none of them really worked.
Then find one that really does work or else we need to really start looking into integrating a ripper/encoder that can rip media files and can detect once a media CD is inserted and asking if the user would like to rip, tag, then share the files.
A buddy system is not going to happen, - not with Gnutella.
The chat/buddy system SHOULDNT work on the gnutella network, thats not what i would want and its almost very impossible to implement without very serious security issues, no i woulnt want it like that, it should be a feature soly built into limewire.. it should be totally independent of the network itself. ofcourse some security, issues do arise, and i recognise that, and it shouldnt be too hard to tackle those objectives, one way of securing user identity of the chat/buddy system login is with dynamic DNS, as per: .... some of my whole ideas are conceived through lists like this... i can certainly go WAY INTO how the protocol should be established but im only discussing the possiblility of even implementing it first.
Im not seeking a full fledged media player, im just wanting to see an expansion of what has already been developed, i think what they did was great by first just introducing a basic mp3 player, now you see lots of people wanting it to do more. ATLEAST give it a seek bar if thats all they are going to do with it.
There already is something like that. Simply use the "annotate" button in the library.
Missed it, dont see it, cant find it, or dont understand it. I do however know that the describe function works well but its not good for use with mass media content.
I like 'Enqueue'.
to each users own i guess.
There are so many tools that already do that much better than LimeWire ever could, so LimeWire won't add it.
This would give GREAT interest AND boost network results because users are being given a free encoder and sharing them at the same time. If this were to happen, then more results on rare files would turn up more often. [POINT A]You really have to think like a user when it comes to this kinda stuff... if the user is asked to rip and share their content, then they would do it more often than not. instead limewire does nothing, and usually new files that are put on the network are produced by enthusiasts.. get my point? make it so that limewire is good at everything, then it would become a very usefull program that runs on the gnunet that delivers rich content and can become a center for source of media and online activities. THIS is what the user wants, but who knows this? well you need to think like a normal user and what they would want. dont be or act like a tech genious (im not pointing fingers at you or anyone) if you want to attract the people that out-number you on the internet, (usually the brainless) you need to know what they want, and how fast they want it. no normal computer user would sit and encode their cd collections and share them out. why? because they dont know how or dont want to know. instead they just keep leeching off the enthusiasts files. if instead limewire just detected when a media-cd is inserted, and ask the user if they would want limewire to rip, tag and share these files, they would be MORE willing then not.
I used to offer a BitTorrent enabled LimeWire version, but I don't anymore because it's too much work to fork development. I don't think LimeWire will add BitTorrent support.
maybe the dev should think about producing limewire with the ability to load plugins, because i could see lots of these types of plugins being made.
LimeWire is already working on a better corruption detection (and at the current speed of development you will have that feature by 2006).
why such a slow process? they DO have money dont they? how hard is it to find java programmers? i thought that was one of the biggest internet standardized languages?
The LimeWire media player is not intended to be used as primary media player, - in my opinion it should rather be removed than improved.
see Point A
That may have been useful at a point but it's currently tough to implement since the max length of a query string is 30 characters. Which pretty much sucks, btw.
i have never had a search string that was ever that long, i also think the protocol wouldnt have to be touched, it could be just an independent limewire feature that would just sort the results that were found and remove any of the non-boolean matches from the results display. and you could even send it with the search string entact (but i think you would need to redefine the protocol) and the clients will report something that matches the boolean and ONLY if it matches the boolean. limewire would go even farther than this to make sure that any search results that are returned match the boolean and if not, remove them from the results list.
That's not a memory leak, that's java.
damn java. something needs to be done about this, because it eats up the memory after running for an amount of time, not good for cpu either, runs normally @ 12% just having it open for a few days on an intel 2.6ghz processor.
not in a thousand years.
now im split on this issue, because i just read that gnu2 is still not even ready and still has lots of problems and issues regarding the fact that its supposed to be 'better' and 'scalable'.
I submitted a patch but somehow it went >/dev/null
well i do have the free born right of being an american to allow who can/cannot connect, download, chat, browse or connect as a peer or leaf. This IS my right. I disconnect users all the time who have very primitive software, primitive software only hurts the gnunet and should be dealt with.
Too complicated to implement...
well the last i heard, it was a possibility to add the digital certificates and security that was proposed.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2005
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Uh, could you cut the being-an-american-crap, please? Your legislation isn't really that free and hasn't been for a ong time.

But this is only about small parts.

I did think proposals a long time (and still do), but I seldom managed to get that idea into a program. The only efficient way is to learn to program and do it yourself.

for example: If it isn't too hard to open up Photoshop, then please do so and create an icon, which is so good, that the LW devs want it...

They have their own priorities and the top priority is making Gnutella (not Gnunet, that's a different network) the most efficient p2p-network.

Besides: They search for good Java-Programmers for more than half a year now.

I think you are right about the User-centric way of thinking.
But you also have to think about the legal situation. LimeWire would have a far worse standing with an integrated ripper, when it should go to a judge at sometime.

But if you find someone who'd do it, you'd be on the good side. It's still GPL, you are free to do it.

PS: Even thogh I criticize much, I like the way you seem to get to answers.

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2005
ultracross's Avatar
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Originally posted by arne_bab
Uh, could you cut the being-an-american-crap, please?
How about god-given rights then? Im not going to comment on the legislation part because that would get into politics and this is not what im here for (although i dont mind to discuss the topic myself but this is the wrong place)..

but in-all i appreciate the good-sides of criticism, it would be devistating to not here of any because you can always improve something, but you wont figure out what you could do to make it better if you never took it apart, banged it around and saw some sort of flaw in it. criticism is a good thing, and there needs to be more people to criticize limewire to make it better.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2005
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trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by arne_bab
I have kind of an idea, how a buddy-system could work, but you'll have to know your buddies buddies for that (and just send messages for that buddy to them for forwarding if thhe buddy is offline and ask only the buddies of your buddy for that ones whereabouts instead of the whole network).
not gonna happen unless somebody implements a DHT.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2005
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Default Re: Re: Re: More features to add.

Originally posted by ultracross
I dont see how they could benifit from it because they could not upload content, you would only be able to retreive magnet URLs that would require a Gnutella downloading agent.
These magnet links would have to contain IP addresses because magnet links without IP addresses don't work reliably with LimeWire.

i dont see why it wouldnt be, because once limewire is launched, and fully connected (or whenever the user decides to connect.) and the connect quality is either excellent or tubocharged, it would then search whats new.
Ah, that's what you mean! I understood you wanted to search only for files that were created after your session was started. Now, that's entirely possible but it won't ever be implemented because LimeWire has this: "no automated queries" policy.

LimeWire doesn't allow people to share their incomplete folders. Users have to outsmart LimeWire by moving incomplete files to there shared folders for that to happen. I believe that kind of stupidity is one of the system-imanent problems of file-sharing.

Tools > Options > Uploads > Allow Partial Sharing
And that's there to stay. Forever. You will not receive search results for any of these partial files.

Then find one that really does work or else we need to really start looking into integrating a ripper/encoder that can rip media files and can detect once a media CD is inserted and asking if the user would like to rip, tag, then share the files.
not gonna happen.

The chat/buddy system SHOULDNT work on the gnutella network, thats not what i would want and its almost very impossible to implement without very serious security issues, no i woulnt want it like that, it should be a feature soly built into limewire.. it should be totally independent of the network itself.
Someone could add user profiles to Gnutella, so people can advertise their ICQ/AIM/MSN/JABBER ids.

ripper/encoder blah

why such a slow process? they DO have money dont they? how hard is it to find java programmers? i thought that was one of the biggest internet standardized languages?
LimeWire has been looking for developers for almost a year. It is obviously pretty tough to find more developers.

i have never had a search string that was ever that long, i also think the protocol wouldnt have to be touched, it could be just an independent limewire feature that would just sort the results that were found and remove any of the non-boolean matches from the results display. and you could even send it with the search string entact (but i think you would need to redefine the protocol) and the clients will report something that matches the boolean and ONLY if it matches the boolean. limewire would go even farther than this to make sure that any search results that are returned match the boolean and if not, remove them from the results list.
You could add a second filter in addition to the one that is already implemented, but if you don't include the boolean paremeters in the query, you are headed towards sending a lot of useless query hits. Plus, queries are matched against the full path of a shared file and query hits contain only the file name, so you will also have lots of false negatives.

damn java. something needs to be done about this, because it eats up the memory after running for an amount of time, not good for cpu either, runs normally @ 12% just having it open for a few days on an intel 2.6ghz processor.
That may happen if you are running as an ultrapeer.

now im split on this issue, because i just read that gnu2 is still not even ready and still has lots of problems and issues regarding the fact that its supposed to be 'better' and 'scalable'.
It's not just the technical problems with that protocol, it's a religious/political issue.

well the last i heard, it was a possibility to add the digital certificates and security that was proposed.
That may be true, but adding that kind of security would probably require redesigning large parts of the LimeWire core.

Last edited by trap_jaw4; February 9th, 2005 at 06:09 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2005
ultracross's Avatar
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ok, either you dont like the proposals, you dont like the idea of expanding limewire to become a multi-agent/doing lots of things all in one program, or you just dont like the idea of newcomers proposing new thoughts that could benifit the whole of us. instead you just reply with the answer of no--with a short scapegoat, instead of thinking how it could be implemented, what the impacts would be, and what the greater over-all user experience would result in, you just turn it down.

well your hitting head on with innovation, YOU are starting to feel the effects of the RIAA/MPAA warping your head with their logic of how to prevent innovation... you cant control the internet, and as long as the gnutella protocol improves itself, it should be able to sustain global attacks and have redundancys like the internet itself. as of now, the RIAA/MPAA are lobbying a bill that will give them carteblanche to attack the gnutella network... look, limewire has ABSOLUTELY no way to control the content on the network. and the saying fits perfect here: "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em" so if it makes the user more comfortable to have lots of features in limewire, and they use it more than ever, then this means limewire will grow into something that is so massive and constuctive that it could never be shut down, this would eventually force the mpaa/riaa to finally give up. because the riaa/mpaa wont have enough money to spend on performing attacks, hosting fake files, and nodes that they outsource to other companys...... this will. no law in the world governs the internet, no country owns it, no one person/company/network or agency can stop it, the only way to defeat or shutdown the internet is to look at why it is so perfect... but thats the point, perfection is made by imperfection.. you could however cut sections of the internet off by DoSing the low copacity nodes or slipstreems etc, but this is unlikely to happen because rarely anyone knows these nodes. but in short "We cannot just stop at words, we must go all the way, we must fight for the free, we must never look back at what good we could have done, but always look forward at the good we could do." so lets not stop innovation.. we must keep limewires innovation.

innovation is good, we should act like there are no laws, because on the internet, it is law-less, but that is not to say that there is no manners. limewire should improve without the fear of being sewed. limewire should go on the basis that "limewire and the gnutella protocol does not condone the illegal acts that do occur, but also with the same respect cannot stop any illegal acts that do occur." this would render limewire innocent from what is on the network. i dont blame limewire or the gnutella network for what content is on it. how could you? how could you blame the creator of something for the actions of the user? it shouldnt happen, its not right, its the most unfair kind of judgement out there, and how did limewire condone this kind of activity?

some would say because it even supports the mp3 type files to play INSIDE of limewire, i would consider this a benefit that the user recieves, however we cannot control the content that the mp3 player plays. you also cannot control the content that would be ripped while using a limewire mp3 ripper, so whats the big deal in developing these things? ITS FRIKON INNOVATION!! get that illegal nonsense out of your head. its only illegal IF you share out and download intellectual copyrighted digital media. BUT producing the tools and making them available to the public for ease-of-use doesnt make it illegal, there is software and will always be software that will allow this kind of thing to happen, so why not build it into limewire to put and pull this all together, this makes me wonder what would have happened if the mpaa would have won the VCR case to ban them from the consumer homes...........

just thoughts on why people are scared and affraid of innovation, if the mpaa/riaa would just sit down and think of the MANY ways they could market this new technology that WONT go away (they are just hoping it to magically disapper if they put a few bad files up on the network.) they could end up being the real big-time-winners here.

ps: screw the riaa and mpaa, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves by the very thought of oppresing thoughts, ideas and opinoins. DONT BE SCARED OF THEM!! they cant do crap to you, if they sew you, file for a counter suit for stealing money from you at the checkout lane when you bought an overpriced CD that is only worth no more than $2. << this is the attitude i take to anyone who tries to control me on the internet made up of a free and open protocol. i pay my internet bill every month, and i dont like you trying to get me to pay extra for something that i wouldnt buy if i was forced to.. this is how i look at it (kind if took this attitude once i read a paper--but i relate to it heavily) :

Dear RIAA/MPAA: I understand you dont like the idea of content being available for free on the internet. but you would NEVER have gotten money from me if i couldnt sample it first. this is how i think: if i cant sample it, im not going to pay $15.99 to buy it and realise that its crap. if i sample it first, like it, then i will think about buying it if i think its worth the price. THATS SIMPLE LOGIC!! THATS HOW MOST SHARING USERS THINK! get it through your thick-brains how obvious this is. peace.

ahem, thats it, i can go on forever lol!


Last edited by ultracross; February 9th, 2005 at 08:43 PM.
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