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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2005
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@trap_jaw: We already have some kind of DHT, and that's the download mesh.

Knowinig the buddies of your buddy could be done just like knowing alternate-locations for your files.

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Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2005
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You just gave me an idea: It is not what limewire offers, but the way how it is presented, that makes the difference for a judge.

If it offers a ripper, which rips the CDS and then asks "Do you want to share the ripped mp3s in gnutella? Be aware, that sharing copy-protected materials is illegal, as long as the license doesn't eplicitly allows it."

Which means to the judge: We told the Users, that sharing the wrong CDs is illegal, but since there are CDs which can be shared (i.e. creative commons att-sa CDs), we do no wrong.

If teh User doesn't share the CDs, then the folder with the ripped mp3s isn't added to the share, but the mp3s stay ripped. Now we just need to find a good cross-plattform GPLled ripper.

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Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2005
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now i feel as if someone is actually understanding what i been trying to get acrossed

btw, i like that idea about warning the users.

another request: Keep the scroll bar aparent even though there is nothing to scroll, this would keep the gui from casually jumping while searching/scrolling downwards. kinda hard to explain... but i can give a screen shot if its worthy enough.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2005
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Originally posted by trap_jaw4
Originally posted by ultracross
I dont see how they could benifit from it because they could not upload content, you would only be able to retreive magnet URLs that would require a Gnutella downloading agent.

These magnet links would have to contain IP addresses because magnet links without IP addresses don't work reliably with LimeWire.
umm, isnt the whole gnutella network built upon using ip address's? this is the most common form of tcp/ip communication.

if the riaa/mpaa wants ip address's all they need to do is set up a bot client on the network that collects them, they already do this, and to me, i dont give a rats butt if they have mine or not. my isp does not give out my info unless they have a warrant.

so whats the problem? because everywhere you go on the internet, or download something or even just connect to another client, your ip address is usually being logged somewhere, by something or someone.. so this is something that is not very new and is very common accross vast networks.

it wouldnt take much resources if you had a few good mirrors with a decent connection. then all you would need is dns-round-robin to distribute the resource needed.

i would hope to see this feature in the near future because it will give the oportunity to search out of your net horizon.

and no it wouldnt be hard to implement either.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2005
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1. Add the ability to create directories/folders within the library.
2. In the monitor Incoming Searches area: add the ip address of searching user, TTL, vender (if applicable) and other things to fill up that mostly unused area.
3. URL (http/ftp/irc/magnet etc) and emoticon support in chat. (you guys should try and ask if you can use the emoticons that your forum uses, i like those, ask vbulliten or whatever if you can.) hopefully this will evolve into something that is quite use full.
4. The ability to type and/or add your own genre into the genre searching drop-down combo box.
5. Add block host to the upload monitor to block users abusing my generous upload quota.
6. Some sort of 'favorite host' list option to add hosts to a list that you dont have to remember there ip. this would go great along with a dynamic-dns login. also allow a description to be made about the host.
7. Wildcard search support? why isnt this already implemented?
8. While using the windows theme skin, and putting your mouse over a tab that is not already in focus, the highlight tab will start 'twiching' while you move your mouse around on it. bug?
9. under the library while clicking on a file, and then clicking Web page for file(s) opens up my browser... but there is a missing image: /gnutella/res/com/limegroup/gnutella/html/file_view_logo.gif ... bug?
10. This would be kinda cool: how about a MOTD (message of the day) kind of thing that would display to users downloading off the host. this would make advertizing other files easy. or when downloading off a user, display the top downloaded files off that host. aye?
11. and yes, im reposting this one: a copy/paste right-click context menu.

i will post more ideas when i think of them.

Last edited by ultracross; February 10th, 2005 at 04:46 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2005
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
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trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by arne_bab
@trap_jaw: We already have some kind of DHT, and that's the download mesh.
That's not even remotely like a DHT.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old February 11th, 2005
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1. maybe add the option to start as a system service on windows systems?
2. dont clear the number of hits and uploads upon refresh or when restarted. give the option to clear them.
3. Optional setting to show the minimum bitrate on search results, like default it to 128 or something, but dont have the option turned on by default.
4. i noticed while watching uploads on the monitor tab that sometime the progress bar goes well over 100%, like to ~220%and the time goes into the negitives. im using limewire ... bug?
5. in the search window, expand the little X (close) button to width of the bar.
6. this maybe a long term request: but maybe the ability to preview a file by streaming it. i dunno if this is such a good request., but im just throwing in some ideas into the pool.
7. after playing/previewing an mp3 file with the limewire player, it doesnt go back to saying "LimeWire Media Player"
8. While changing between some themes, usually from windows theme, to another, then back to the windows theme, not all of the theme is changed back to the windows theme. does limewire not correctly reload it? limewire
9. When the status quality says "TurboCharged" the 'g' is slightly cut off.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old February 11th, 2005
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Originally posted by trap_jaw4
That's not even remotely like a DHT.
But the way it works suffices to build a buddy-system on it.

When you ask for a download you get all who also download teh file. Here, you simply have the buddies buddies addresses. You don't need to know anything about them,, but that teh buddy says "hello" to them, as soon as he/she comes online. If you now come online, you first say hello to all of your buddies, and when you don't reach one, you ask the buddies of that buddy do give you the new address. If they don't have it, there is none. Else they will give you the buddies address.

If you want to send a message to your buddy, but the bugger isn't online, you smply send it to all the buddies of the buddy, and as soon as your buddy comes back and says hello to them, they pass it on.

With public-key encryption, the messages could only be read by the buddy to whom they were sent. They could be verified via signatures.

Difference from the download-mesh: In the download mesh you have alt-locs for files, which you give to otehrs when they ask. Here you have alt-locs for the address, which you use yourself.

As soon as you connect with a buddy, you send your whole buddylist over there (IPs suffice for that), and when it changes, you send them an updated buddylist.

Sure, that wouldn't scale, but it doesn't have to (except if you have 5000 buddies).

Buddy-discovery, if none of your buddies is online anymore goes via buddy-files over Gnutella. All your buddies and you yourself have your buddy-file, so there should be enough sources for it.

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old February 11th, 2005
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trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by arne_bab
But the way it works suffices to build a buddy-system on it.
No, because you cannot do any look-ups. With the download mesh you more or less accidentally stumble across more sources. One source that you tried downloading from tells you, who else might have a certain file. It is not possible, simply to request all possible sources for a file and that's what you need, if you wanted to use the download mesh for looking up the IP for a certain ID/nickname
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old February 11th, 2005
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Draketo, small dragon.
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@trap_jaw: Now I have to admit, I don't understand the problem.

If you mean, that we can't use teh download-mesh as it is now, to completely do the task, you are surely right.
But it already does most of the things you need to form these smaller chat-nets.

I don't think we should use the same database (the DownlaodMesh), but a very similar mechanic.

You don't need all alt-locs, because the ID-file should already contain the most recent addresses of the buddies of the host (it ontacts all its buddies).
Now that I think of it again, 2 contacts are necessary:
1: Check and contact all buddies and download their most recent ID-file-with-buddylist (which they should just have changed, since your IP most probably changed).
1.1: Find those buddies whoose IPs changed
1.1.1: Look into the ID-files-with-buddylist of your buddies. Maybe they have it already (very probable, since you often have similar buddies as your buddies).
1.1.2: Contact their buddies to ask for the new IP
1.1.3: If those buddies have the same IP in their database as you, you tell them "can't contact" (we have the same facility in teh download-mesh) and ask the next one, till you checked all. If you don't find a new address, you go on to the next buddy, you couldn't reach via the IP.
1.2: Update your ID-file-with-buddylist
2: tell all your buddies to get the new ID-file.

Or do we have some other misunderstanding?

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.

Last edited by arne_bab; February 11th, 2005 at 12:00 PM.
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