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Lord of the Rings April 13th, 2005 04:02 PM

Request for an answer to a simple question for future LW incorporations
Having seen what LW is concentrating upon developing in the nearest future ( ), I'd like to know the answer to a very simple question. Does LW have any intention to develop & incorporate a size filter/search criteria within LW (re: Xtra search option):
(a) Before 2006 (b) Before 2007 (c) Much after 2007 (d) No intention to incorporate this at all (e) Only incorporate one of the 2 options (f) Any combinations of the above & which ones?

I am impressed with what LW is concentrating upon & don't think the priorities should be changed. But I also feel that the concept I've brought forward which has also been requested by many others in essence either in this section or elsewhere will make LW a much more effective program re: search results for accuracy.

Although I've expanded my original post elsewhere before as to my meaning, I will reiterate it here. 1. A Size search type/added criteria AND 2. A Size Filter.

The criteria would be an added search filter & could be included in all search types. A size filter would work similar to how the other filters work on results.

ie: the filter can work if size criteria wasn't used in search, and can also work if criteria was used by reducing the results even further if desired.

ukbobboy01 April 14th, 2005 04:28 AM

What use is this?

I wholeheartedly agree that a search filter should be incorporated within LW, it would be so useful in filtering out garbage from your search results.

However, I have a problem with one of LW stated “Large Projects” goal:


User identity through dynamic DNS or similar technique
Does this mean that LW users will now have their names, and possibly their addresses, on view for all to see?

If my identity is going to be exposed then I would rather not use LW, simply because I do not want my details on show for all the “crazies” and criminals to use and abuse. And, above all, I value my privacy and security, any software, I know of, that seeks to compromises these things that I value will be deleted.

UK Bob

PS. I may have gone off the deep end on this one but I would like to know what is meant by this goal.

sberlin April 14th, 2005 07:08 AM

The wishlist is not our plans for the immediate future, nor even the far future. It is simply a wishlist.

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