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TomLa August 11th, 2005 05:58 PM

At first when I couldn't upload files from someone I thought they were just being stingy. I didn't really understand the mechanics of Limewire or P2P in general but now it sounds as though there are several reasons that can keep someone from getting files from other users. I'll not ban anyone else from getting my files whether I can scan them or not. Thanks for the info.

mstfyd August 25th, 2005 01:16 AM


Originally posted by TomLa
I thought Deacon72 made a good point as to why some users may not share files, because they have a slow dial-up instead of a highspeed internet but the more I think about it some of those same people, who don't share their files, upload my files at way to fast of a pace for them to be using a dial-up network. So that can only mean that they just choose to not share files. I think I will look at each member individually and make a decision as to whether or not they are stingy. Those people I will use your way of blocking them. Thanks alot.
They might be afraid that the PTB will view their library, & they would be the next public example. Ethically though, that really should mean you shouldn't participate at all.

When I was on dialup, I never even thought about not sharing due to speed issues. Like that tv rotisserie, you just set it and forget it (usually overnight). Most of the time I'm sure people chose a faster connection source, if one was available. Unless a file is rare, I doubt anyone would pass by a cable or T1, & head straight for the modem :confused:. So its pretty rare for a modem to get swamped, even with larger files.

deacon72 August 25th, 2005 03:51 AM

I've been sharing since 1998 when Napster was getting a start. I know that I have never contributed an original piece to share but have always shared what I downloaded. I was on dialup (28.8)back then and had a 486 100 mhz overdrive with 72 mb RAM and a 2.1 HDD. Damn I was in my glory. If some of the "oldsters" had banned me back then as a newbie, I wouldn't be able to share what I do today. Contrary to what Sphinx said, there was an overabundence of folks who didn't share as attested to in the Napster Forums. But The network grew to over 80 MILLION REGISTERED USERS. Many past, present and future apps may vie for the title but I don't think any will ever achieve the popularity of the "KING". I checked some of the people who seem to be sharing "viruses" (851.7 mb zip files) and some of the spammers (106.8 wmv and the other ipod ads) and would have banned them except for the fact they, i believe, had no idea of what they were doing. (for the most part that is)
So I figure as long as I know what I am downloading and what I am sharing (Bitzi searches, verified d/ls, virus scans, and spyware/ adware programs) I won't ban or block anyone. They just may (and some have) share a file I need to make my collections complete.

As someone else is so fond of saying Thanks for the files.

ultracross August 25th, 2005 02:05 PM

@ mstfyd

if you dont give back what you take, then you shouldnt be taking. right? if you dont want to share the illegal content with everyone else, then why do you download it? the model of p2p: only take what you are willing to give back. give more than you are willing to take. generosity is the key to make any p2p network successful and grow. selfishness, greedyness and leeches have no place in this p2p model and will only help destroy it.

A Dude August 26th, 2005 03:20 AM

I really have to weigh in on this issue.

For about 2 years, I've enjoyed the use of limewire, getting music files I couldn't find elsewhere, and countless other songs I enjoy listening to.

I'd love to share, have a cable connection, BUT...

I'm 16 years old, and obviously, still live with my parents. Therefore; In the event I was sued for sharing, my parents would be the target of the lawsuit. I'm not going to put my parents at risk because of my actions.

So please, just share. There are freeloaders out there, but plenty of people who have legitimate reasons not to share. You can't distinguish between them from behind a computer screen.

ultracross August 26th, 2005 08:34 AM

@ A Dude, do i really have to repeat this?

if you dont give back what you take, then you shouldnt be taking. right? if you dont want to share the illegal content with everyone else, then why do you download it?

TomLa August 26th, 2005 07:30 PM

:confused: A Dude are you serious? Do you really think others should share files with you and you not do the same???? You need to wake up.

CaptainFailure August 27th, 2005 01:10 PM

How about this
I know a lot of college kids use limewire, like myself I think It would be nice to be able to search everyone on my ethernet connection since it's much faster..instead of just getting a few result you could have one way to search the whole thing and browse everyone at my school's files that way I could download easier and quicker

mstfyd August 27th, 2005 02:33 PM

This is directed at me?

Originally posted by ultracross
@ mstfyd

if you dont give back what you take, then you shouldnt be taking. right? if you dont want to share the illegal content with everyone else, then why do you download it? the model of p2p: only take what you are willing to give back. give more than you are willing to take. generosity is the key to make any p2p network successful and grow. selfishness, greedyness and leeches have no place in this p2p model and will only help destroy it.

[B]This is directed atme? Is there anything in my post which states or implies that I do not share?

I don't think so.

I'm no freeloader, and never have been.

Extreme Halo 2 fan August 28th, 2005 04:41 PM

Personally, I hate freeloaders too but there is an option in tools where you can block freeloaders. I share about 1,300 files and have dsl

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