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TomLa July 17th, 2005 09:18 AM

blocking non-file sharring ussers
Is there a way to edit the Limewire program to permantly block ussers from downloading from you if they are not sharring any files? (the kill button is only a temporary fix)

deacon72 July 22nd, 2005 06:19 AM

There is no way I know of that you can truly tell the "leaches" from someone who may have temporarily disabled downloads. I do know that, in OPTIONS, under SHARING there is an adjustment you can make as to sharing files. It is amazing the number of ppl who DO NOT SHARE. But for dialup and foriegn countries this may be necessary. Never assume your circumstances are the same worldwide. Not all are so Blessed

TomLa July 22nd, 2005 09:19 AM

your right. I didn't think about that. Thanks

Cal July 24th, 2005 07:19 PM

It is amazing how many non-sharers there are and it makes
me angry. I've worked hard to make available over 1,000
original, documented and correctly identified songs. To have
someone who doesn't care enough to share take advantage is wrong.
There is a way to stop these worse freeloaders....

Under tools, go to options.
Under options go to filters.
Open filters and open hosts.
There you can enter the IP #'s
of those who download your material without sharing.

I get the IP # as they're downloading my muisc, then
kill their download(s). Then enter their IP # in the
list of downloaders you wish to deny access.

It works.


TomLa July 25th, 2005 06:19 PM

I thought Deacon72 made a good point as to why some users may not share files, because they have a slow dial-up instead of a highspeed internet but the more I think about it some of those same people, who don't share their files, upload my files at way to fast of a pace for them to be using a dial-up network. So that can only mean that they just choose to not share files. I think I will look at each member individually and make a decision as to whether or not they are stingy. Those people I will use your way of blocking them. Thanks alot.

Grandpa July 31st, 2005 12:18 AM

I am no fan of freeloaders but I have been doing some experimenting latley and have found that there really isn't any good way tio tell if a person is sharing or not. I have had people DL fome me and tried to brouse them made note of there IP adress if I could not brouse them I would kill the UL. Latter they would reappear and I would atempt to brouse again and this time it would show they were sharing. I would repeate the process and sometimes it would show files and other times it would not. So brousing a host really isn't a good way to tell if someone is shareing. If you block these people and every body uses this method of determning who to block. Pretty soon you and everybody will be blocked, and guess what no filesharing

Later Grandpa

deacon72 July 31st, 2005 08:45 AM

As Grandpa said, there is no proven scientific way to determine who does or does not share. It has been researched and proven that over 50% of the users on ALL P2P, file-sharing programs do NOT share. They take, they download and they "leech", but they are still part of the network. They can become Ultrapeers, but if you block them they become tottally useless. Now before anyone becomes selfrighteous or santimonious about this.....Before you started on P2P networking, How much did you have??

How many "original" files have you given to the community that did not originate in that community or in some other program??

Don't block anyone. Avoid judging users who just may have reasons. The one you block today may be the only one to share the file you are looking for tomorrow.

TomLa July 31st, 2005 03:00 PM

So Deacon 72 what's the answer, just accept the leeches for what they are and let them download from you and ignore the fact that they aren't returning the favor? I've put 10 personal zip files in my folder to share with others and I don't think its asking too much of others to share too. When I check for upload's and try to scan the ussers. I try to scan them 3 times- because I too have seen that sometimes a usser can be scanned after several tries- and if I can't scan them after 3 tries I use Cal's method of blocking them.

deacon72 July 31st, 2005 03:22 PM

Yes, accept them. I started back in '98 with Napster. We had our share of leeches and we didn't like it, but we accepted it. Here is food for thought. You say you put 10 files in a folder to share. What about all the other files you downloaded?? Why aren't you sharing what you fully and without reservation were allowed to download but now you only allow 10 files to be uploaded from you. What I download, whatever I get from here, I share without reservation. I don't ask anything in return. pound for pound kb for kb. Share and don't ask anything in return is the greatest gift of all. And NO I don't get paid for answering questions in LimeWire. Me, LOTR, Grandpa, Peerless, beerbottlebill, and so many others do it to share the knowledge without reimbursement because we like to.We test BETA's to improve the community because we like to. I may not change your mind about the way you share, but maybe someone will be affected by this and take up where I left off when I am no longer around this world. Have fun and as someoneelse likes to say


Grandpa July 31st, 2005 03:25 PM


When I check for upload's and try to scan the ussers. I try to scan them 3 times- because I too have seen that sometimes a usser can be scanned after several tries- and if I can't scan them after 3 tries I use Cal's method of blocking them.
TomLa you can do what ever you want to do. But when I was doing the testing while the people were DL from me one guy I scaned 12 times before I got any results. And was I suprised when they finnaly showed up there were litteraly thousands of files this person was sharing a coupple I had been looking for I clicked on them and got in line in his Q about an hour later I checked and the file was finshed. I had been looking for this file for awhile with no results so this person had some pretty good bandwith to take me from #5 to complete in an hour, the file was rather large 350mb. So I think if you use the above method you may be blocking some of the wrong people. Like I said unfortunatley there is no good way to tell who is sharing and who isn't.

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