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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2005
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Default File Size Filter

Is it possible to create a filter for LimeWire that will block certain file sizes?..I see you can block the host..But, It would be much more effective to just block the Virus files they share!..Based on the Theory, many of these fools are sharing them without knowing!..I really have no need to see hundreds of virus files everytime I do a search...Please, lets find a way to block there file size so good files can shine through. Good files with the same file size as a virus, Im sure are none or very few..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2005
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There is already a spam filter similar to ones in email clients that is written for LW, it will be one of the main features of LW 5.2, so you'll be able to test it in 5.1 betas. (4.9, 5.1, 5.3 are betas, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4 are releases).

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2005
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Thank you very much..I know you fine folks put your asses on the line for us all.. And I for one Appreciate it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2005
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What!! More BETA's Where are my aspirin

Glad to see the work progress. Shows me where my money goes when I get the PRO versions. Workth every damn dime too.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2005
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In my pocket deakon and you cant have any

Thanks for adding the spam filter can't wait for the beta I love Headaches. HeHe
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 1st, 2005
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I think more than just a spam filter an actual size filter would make obtaining/finding what you're looking for much easier, well in theory anyway. That's why I requested it here Xtra search option It could also benefit re: spamming. (I'd like to hope one day one of my requests will be adopted in practice. lol )
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2005
Guesty McGuesterton
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Yeah, I know it's probably not the 'done thing' to bring back threads that have fallen off the front page, but I figure it's either that or make an entirely new thread and risk getting flamed for not making use of the existing topics.

So, consider this another official request for a filesize filter - starting sometime last week, (for me at least) the video search returns nothing but spam results. The search ends before it finds any genuine files, effectively turning the video search function into a big advertisement for whatever the hell they're trying to con people with this time. It's probably more I-Pod bullshit, since that seems to be the flavor of the month right now.

I realize I've said pretty much all of this in another thread, but I thought that also saying it here might get it noticed by the developers a bit more easily. If there's one section of the boards they're more likely to look at than any other, it's this one. At least that's the theory.

A basic 'show files of X megabytes and above' kind of filter would be a good start, and would effectively eliminate all but the most determined of spammers. By determined, I mean those quicktime files that come from multiple T1 sources, are all named differently, and are all just over 8 megabytes in size. I have no idea what they advertise when you play them, since I've never downloaded one.

At this rate, new users will download LimeWire, get hit with several hundred spam results, and then promptly uninstall it - not a good way to encourage people to buy the Pro version, since the only apparent difference between that and the free version is that it finds the spam faster. =/

I really hope a size filter can be introduced soon, since LimeWire is the best P2P program I've ever used - and I've used a LOT of P2P programs over the years. It'd be a shame to see it disappear because of some ****tards trying to make money on the single worst gadget in existence.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2005
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now now... I take exception.. iPod is a brilliant machine, and I dearly love mine.

As to the rest of your post .... The spammers are getting quite clever and I fear the developers are not keeping up with them. If I was a developer I would say shut up we are doing everything possible. But I'm not.............................
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2005
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a new spam filter will be a feature of the 5.0 release..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2005
Guesty McGuesterton
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Originally posted by Only A Hobo
now now... I take exception.. iPod is a brilliant machine, and I dearly love mine.

As to the rest of your post .... The spammers are getting quite clever and I fear the developers are not keeping up with them. If I was a developer I would say shut up we are doing everything possible. But I'm not.............................
No, the developers aren't doing everything they can - filesize filters aren't the hardest things in the world to incorporate into a program, (according to someone I asked who does a fair bit of programming) and doing so would eliminate the spam problem virtually overnight. Unless the spammers are clever enough to spoof the size of a file, there wouldn't be any way to get their crap past the filter without uploading very large files in place of the ones they currently send. Not very a cost-effective money making scheme.

As for iPods, I have numerous reasons for hating them. They're cheaply made, they break if you so much as look at them the wrong way, they're ludicrously overpriced, and all the ones I've heard skip all over the place if you move with any kind of speed.

Since they're basically glorified portable hard drives, there's also mechanical failure, (Google for common hard drive failures, and you'll see what can go wrong with a hard drive if you don't already know) decreased battery life due to powering the motor, and the risk of data loss and physical damage to the platters if the read heads make contact with them.

Then there's the fact that I really don't like sticking those bright white headphones in my ears and instantly becoming a mobile advertisement for Apple. If they want to advertise, they can do more TV ads.

I have a flash MP3 player that doubles as a pendrive - a 1 gigabyte capacity, 24 hour (continuous) average battery life at high volume, no moving parts other than a couple of buttons, easily concealed pretty much anywhere, and it plays all of my tracks beautifully. And I didn't have to hack the living crap out of the firmware to make it play tracks I've ripped from my own CD collection, unlike the iPods I've seen.

But my biggest reason for hating them is that I can't open my email or browse a website without getting some kind of iPod spam shoved in my face. The internet is so completely saturated with the damn things that numerous otherwise normal sites have recently posted 'news' articles that typically began with a statement like "Now I don't normally get involved with these free iPod schemes, but...." and ending with something like "So just go to this site, fill out the questionnaire, sign up for their newsletter, and help me get a free iPod!" Yay for the 21st century equivalent of the pyramid scheme. =/

I'm sick of hearing people talk about them as though music has never been portable before, too - I've been able to walk down the street listening to music for most of my life. The only real 'new' thing that was introduced by portable digital music is the amount of tracks that can be carried at one time.

If you like your iPod, all I can say is that I'm glad for you. Of the two people I know offline and three online who have iPods, they've all had to take them in for repairs more than once. It's good to know that they turn out a decent until every now and again. However, I don't like iPods at all - they are, in my opinion, the worst kind of disposable designer junk, and the sooner we see the back of them the better off we'll all be. The current problem with LimeWire is evidence enough to back up that statement.

And one last thing: Only A Hobo, this wasn't a personal attack on you, this is just how I feel about iPods. I'm honestly glad you haven't been screwed over by Apple's sub-standard manufacturing practices, and I know that everyone has their preferences. Yours is iPod, and mine is more or less anything but. No offence intended, so I hope none was taken.
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