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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2005
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rkapsi is flying high

Unless the spammers are clever enough

Oh they are clever enough!

LimeWire 5.x's Spam Filter:
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2005
Join Date: August 17th, 2005
Posts: 2
Guesty McGuesterton is flying high

Originally posted by rkapsi
Unless the spammers are clever enough

Oh they are clever enough!

LimeWire 5.x's Spam Filter:
I was actually talking about spammers being clever enough to spoof the size of a file - the link you posted was interesting, but I'm not quite sure how it's relevant to what I was talking about when I said what was in your quote. Could you clarify it a little? If you have any information about filesize spoofing, I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts, since I've never heard of anything like that being done successfully.

And since guests are no longer allowed to post, I'll take that as a hint that my comments are getting on somebody's nerves.

I'll keep this as brief as possible, and on-topic for the feature request forum.

We need a filesize filter, not a spam filter that will take who knows how long to train, and will probably end up filtering out perfectly legitimate results and some spam, whilst letting the rest of the crap get through. Just like every email spam filter I've ever used.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2005
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Guesty McGuesterton said " And since guests are no longer allowed to post, I'll take that as a hint that my comments are getting on somebody's nerves."

That is strange ... you are not wrong wonder why? I'm sure it was nothing personal.

No offence over the iPod we're just a Mac mad household....

Apart from that your posts make a lot of sense to me.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2005
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rkapsi is flying high

Could you clarify it a little? If you have any information about filesize spoofing, I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts, since I've never heard of anything like that being done successfully.

The files you're seeing in the search results are not necessarily actual files. The filename, hash, size, metadata and everything else could be faked and the data is generated on the fly by a function while you're downloading it. This could be random data, nulls or something else that makes somehow sense.

*** I'm stopping at this point to tell you more ***

Keep in mind that not all spammers are interested in earning money with P2P. Certain organizations are trying to bug you until you give up P2P (search for T3 spammers and corrupt files)!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2005
Join Date: August 17th, 2005
Posts: 2
Guesty McGuesterton is flying high

Originally posted by rkapsi
Could you clarify it a little? If you have any information about filesize spoofing, I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts, since I've never heard of anything like that being done successfully.

The files you're seeing in the search results are not necessarily actual files. The filename, hash, size, metadata and everything else could be faked and the data is generated on the fly by a function while you're downloading it. This could be random data, nulls or something else that makes somehow sense.

*** I'm stopping at this point to tell you more ***

Keep in mind that not all spammers are interested in earning money with P2P. Certain organizations are trying to bug you until you give up P2P (search for T3 spammers and corrupt files)!
I can confirm that the hundreds of 104.8 kilobyte files are actual files, and they are actually that big - I downloaded one out of curiosity a month or so ago, scanned the hell out of it with everything I could find, then played it. It was nothing more than a few seconds of film featuring a static picture of an iPod, with some offer and the URL of some website on the iPod's screen.

As for the files that have started to appear just recently, I wouldn't know what they are - I haven't downloaded one, and I don't intend to.

I wouldn't mind so much, but I don't even download copyrighted content - just independent, copyright-free material that's freely distributable. =/ Nevertheless, I still use PeerGuardian and a lot of experience gained on other P2P networks to identify which files are fakes. I also check every file I download with a fully updated Norton AV, and run Spybot and Ad-Aware every two days. I may not be immune to malware and corrupt files, but I'm highly resistant.

Last edited by Guesty McGuesterton; August 17th, 2005 at 05:34 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2005
Join Date: November 4th, 2005
Location: NJ
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JorgeF is flying high

I fully agree with you that this needs to be done immediately!!

There should be several options instituted:

In the preference of the program there should be an option to eliminate from the search outcome files that meet a certain size requirements.

2nd: One should have the ability to highlight several files at once and with one right click of the mouse block all the hosts that have those files.

3rd: If one result shows up but with 36 people that have it, at present we are only able to block one. We need the ability to block all.

I hope LIMEWIRE is reading this!!!

Lets put the class back into this program and give the users what they need.

This should be top priority next to security.

Everyone please voice your opinion and other features that you feel merit Limewire to change
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old November 8th, 2005
Join Date: November 8th, 2005
Posts: 11
shaba230 is flying high

Originally posted by JorgeF
I fully agree with you that this needs to be done immediately!!
There should be several options instituted:
In the preference of the program there should be an option to eliminate from the search outcome files that meet a certain size requirements.
2nd: One should have the ability to highlight several files at once and with one right click of the mouse block all the hosts that have those files.
3rd: If one result shows up but with 36 people that have it, at present we are only able to block one. We need the ability to block all.
I hope LIMEWIRE is reading this!!!
Lets put the class back into this program and give the users what they need.
This should be top priority next to security.
Everyone please voice your opinion and other features that you feel merit Limewire to change

I must admit everything you wrote is good, expect in your first point you have quite a flaw. If limewire does all three, what you are saying will likely work out. BUT if you just want to add a filesize filter in general it should be done as such.

It should actually NOT be a filter. Limewire should NOT search for 500 files then only show you the ones for the filesize RANGE (yes you should be able to input a range) what it SHOULD do is ONLY search for files that are within that range so this way you will get ALL the results that are within your range instead of it just hiding all the other results that are not in your range.
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