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ukbobboy01 August 2nd, 2005 12:22 PM

Ability to share multiple folders/drives
Dear LW Programmers

I would like to see, in the near future, LW given the ability to share multiple directories/hard drives.

At the moment, you can share and save to one main folder and share sub folders under the main one. However, I now find myself in the position where my hard drive is rapidly getting full. I still want to share my stuff on that hard drive but now I want (need) to save new downloads to another drive and share back that stuff as well.

I can't be the only one like this so get us out of a jam and add this facility.

UK Bob.

ultracross August 2nd, 2005 12:40 PM

never thought i would have to help you, but:

to change saved download locations:

this ALSO lets you change directories for different media types. this new feature is great for orginizing your shares.

to add more shared folders:

and click add.

ukbobboy01 August 2nd, 2005 11:23 PM

Sharing multiple folders

Thanks for that, I had not realised that LW had already added those features, simply because it has been some time since I actually looked at "Tools>Options".

Well, it just goes to show that no one person can be aware of everything, no matter how hard he tries.

UK Bob

PS. I no longer have an excuse to not buy that (tasty looking) Lacie 250GB external hard drive:).


Designed by the world-famous Porsche Design Agency, the LaCie Hard Drives exhibit world-class style and elite performance. The result of decades of architectural expertise, these drives feature state-of-the-art design and awesome performance.

With room to store up to 250GB, you can back up your entire system or add extra storage space when your internal hard drive is full. Built to be lightweight and durable, these drives can be easily moved for sharing and exchanging of files.

With Hi-Speed USB interface, the LaCie Hard Drives offer fast data transfer rates (up to 480Mbits/s) that are required for substantial jobs like downloading digital photos or saving MP3s.

These drives offer setup that is nearly effortless, and are ready to use minutes after removing it from the box. Secured rubber feet allow drives to be stacked, so you can get the most out of limited desktop space.

ukbobboy01 August 2nd, 2005 11:38 PM

External Hard Drive
1 Attachment(s)

Here's the picture I couldn't attach in the last post.

UK Bob

ukbobboy01 August 3rd, 2005 05:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
OK, I just love computer peripherals (I know it’s sad, so sue me).

UK Bob

ultracross August 3rd, 2005 01:42 PM

rofl, no IDE? im a western digital man anyways... they have 10,000 RPM 300GB HDDs... just what i need, for around $230. cheap!

Grandpa August 6th, 2005 01:11 PM

Hey ultracross/ukbobboy01

Have you thought about switching to SCSI 15000 rpm ultar 320 they are really fast. I picked a coupple of new 74 GB fujitsu on E Bay for under $200ea. Set um up at 0-Raid talk about fast benchmark went up 20%

Lord of the Rings August 6th, 2005 01:20 PM

I'd give the thumbs up to the Lacie firewire external drives. Becoming very popular nowadays. Only problems I had were when I partitioned it. Bad idea for an external drive on the mac. lol :D Gave me heaps of trouble until I got rid of the partitions. Been VG ever since!

Grandpa it's nice to see the SCSI drives finally coming down in price. Yes they're fast & would be xtra good for video work. Generally much smaller in capacity however.

Grandpa August 6th, 2005 01:46 PM

They have some 150GB models out there now.

ukbobboy01 August 6th, 2005 02:58 PM

SCSI Drives
Hi Grandpa

Back in the day, quite a few years ago, I was a keen advocate of SCSI drives, especially CD drives.

But now, I reckon that USB external drives are the easiest, most convenient way for a domestic user to expand the facilities on his PC.

However, if you are running a server or using your PC professionally then other options, such as SCSI, could be the way to go.

UK Bob

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