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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

View Poll Results: Would you want to see and download music only from your friends?
Yes 2 16.67%
No 8 66.67%
Yes, and wouldnt it be cool to let everyone no how popular I am? 1 8.33%
No, wouldnt it be horrible to know that all my friends downloaded that video I made with my significant other. 1 8.33%
Voters: 12. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2005
Join Date: August 5th, 2005
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jujucabana is flying high
Talking To Combat Copyright Infringement

I just watched CSPAN about P2P copyright infringement, and the whole issue was that this is stealing. But it could be resolved if their was someway to make Limewire like a "" where you could only download from friends. Then in order to protect information that you didnt want certain friends to know that you have, you could have a level of friendship. Like Level 3, they can see all your shizzno. Level 1, they can only see your cool music.

That way it wouldnt be illegal, because it is sharing between friends, which to my knowledge is compeletly legal when their is no money exchange between the two parties. So now they can accuse you of promoting sharing! which is what limewire is to me!!!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2005
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I don't know where that video was made. But I can assure you it depends upon local laws. Be that state or national or combined. Some countries have strict regulations about this & some not so.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2005
Join Date: August 5th, 2005
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jujucabana is flying high

these were american senators, in response to the lawsuit against grokster. i dont use grokster, because limewire is best for Macs. (until recently)

an offset of the american government actually controls the internet, since the internet is a US military invention.

(isnt that sort of wierd and strange?)

so i think from that standpoint the laws of the internet are US, and they are probably the ones that internet users/developers should follow.

although that is interesting to think of, that maybe someone should create global guidelines and rules for the internet. that all nations could come to some sort of agreement over.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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actually, the US government could shutdown massive parts of the internet. they have the authority to do so. all they have to do is order all US isp's to cease and desist and abstain there services and order isp's to shutdown and close all foriegn company and buisness operations that they control and any subsidaries under there power. also closing any international network ports into this country.

this would shutdown atleast 90% if not more of the world network (aka the internet)

that kinda makes me proud of my country

to see who control IP's which control the communication of networks, please see: (north america),,, .. i cant rember the one for asia, but owell

some more: (africa) (asia) (south america -latin america-) (europe)

Last edited by ultracross; August 6th, 2005 at 01:12 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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i voted no, because this segments the network private, which it was meant to be open.

id give a better explanation, but im frikon tired right now.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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I voted no, Open means open a network like you are suggesting would be very limited on availability of files. Do you or anyone you know of have a few hundred thousand friends with virtually unlimited sources to files.
I would seriously question the legality of sharing with friends only, at least here in the US. Any copyright that I have ever read does not have a clause in it that says you can share this with your friends.
If it were true that there is a legal loophole then I just made a bunch of friends. Everybody I share with is my friend.
Here comes da judge
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Later Grandpa
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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jujucabana is flying high

i think it might limit your sharing, but it seems like the average number of friends is 200 on Myspace.

and some people have upwards of 50,000 friends. i think the people that store the most information, would in turn have the most friends. so you would just need a few friends that store alot of information.

and i do think it would be interesting to see the music and movies my friends have collected. and yes there would be a limited amount of files being shared, but it might be better for both parties involved. One person would have to buy that album, and one person would have to buy or rent that movie, within smaller networks.

and maybe their will be more sharing involved because their would be fewer free loaders. or people sharing just one or two files. because no one would want to be a friend with someone who only shared one or two files.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
Join Date: August 5th, 2005
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jujucabana is flying high

i personally think everyone on limewire is my friend, even though i have never met them. but from a legal standpoint you might have to have some interaction between them. and i think if you set it up, to allow interaction, it would be easier to argue in court.

i think the internet is a beautiful new way to interact, and who would have thought all these people would share. and i just dont want to see it go down the drain, because the government always sides with big businesses. ya know?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2005
Join Date: August 8th, 2005
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Hristaky is flying high

true true!
just make the chat thing a little more advanced and have a sharing limit of 10mb of your own files or something like that that wasy its not stealing but still sharing! I mean its true that its not exactly fair One person has like 100gb of shared movies music programs and everything while someone might only have 10mb like the newest greenday CD but realy it dosent matter because if everyone adds what they already have it b like a surge of data
love limewire
crap on the system
dont let the man take ya down
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