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rickb06 August 7th, 2005 10:06 PM

New Idea..
I think you should include some kind of media play with LimeWire.. Some that could preview multiple movies / sounds clips with ease.. No idea how.. but I thaught that would be cool to watch more than one thing at a time have an extension to the preview menue

coolvideo.mpg --> Preview --> Internal Player --> Window 1, 2 ,3
--> External Player --> Win***

To give an idea of my thaughts.. that is a right click of the file in the download transfer window, or the media library..


Only A Hobo August 8th, 2005 03:06 AM

You will find somewhere in this forum that this has already been suggested (mp3s of course can be previewed inLW) The thing is LW is a downloading tool and the feeling is that the application should be primarily just that. Addition of whistles and bells which are easily available elsewhere are not going to improve the applications downoad/upload capabilities. In fact they would probably have the opposite effect.

ukbobboy01 August 8th, 2005 04:09 AM

Bells and Whistles

I couldn't agree with you more, anything that diverts processing power away from downloading and/or uploading is a very bad idea.

And, as you said, there are plenty of free media players about that can do the job.

I also think the the LW programmers should primarily concern themselves with better (and faster) connections and throughput of downloading and uploading, after all nothing else really matters.

UK Bob

ultracross August 8th, 2005 04:26 AM

i just want a seekable mp3/m4a player dammit! ;) :cool:

Lord of the Rings August 8th, 2005 04:28 AM

I think it sounds like a good idea to have an option to choose which program opens video/audio files. Sometimes you may want to use a different player. And not necessarily your default video player or audio player. At present, I have 2 default video players for different types of files. VLC for everything except mpeg files which I use QT to play. But that's on a mac & I have mpeg1-4 codecs for QT. But for audio on a mac, it's a little more complex. iTunes can't play all audio types & therefore I use Audion to open some but I can't set it by using defaults or within LW. I'd like to see the choice be within LW.

As ukbobboy01 & Hobo said, it's not such a great idea to add a video player to LW itself.

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