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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

View Poll Results: Filesize Filter?
YES...Would be helpful not to have to see all those viruses! 18 43.90%
NO...I kinda like em 5 12.20%
File size filter will have many benefits including finding exactly the file size I'm after & reducing the rubbish results 18 43.90%
Voters: 41. You may not vote on this poll

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old October 24th, 2005
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Limewirer, The Phex size filter does not quite work that way, but you can set a minimim and maximum limit, which I haven't used but it is Much much better than nothing!

It occurred to me, wrongly, that you could put the file size you wanted into the Phex Word filter but of course you would only get All files that size.DUH

I too am not a developer, but there must be SOME way to filter out a file size, in Limewire the same way you filter out a word... just in a different field, or am I being unreasonably naive
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2005
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I fully agree with you that this needs to be done immediately!!

There should be several options instituted:

In the preference of the program there should be an option to eliminate from the search outcome files that meet a certain size requirements.

2nd: One should have the ability to highlight several files at once and with one right click of the mouse block all the hosts that have those files.

3rd: If one result shows up but with 36 people that have it, at present we are only able to block one. We need the ability to block all.

I hope LIMEWIRE is reading this!!!

Lets put the class back into this program and give the users what they need.

This should be top priority next to security.

Everyone please voice your opinion and other features that you feel merit Limewire to change
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old November 17th, 2005
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aricshow is flying high
Default Mabey, but..

The file filter would filter files that are suppose to be that small, like text files or small games, but if limewire came with a virus scanner or scaned the files online that would be Vary Helpfull
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2005
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Your ideas are not new, they were wrong when they were first suggested, possibly over a year ago, and they are wrong now.

No one wants LW with its own second rate virus scanner, most users have their own favourite AV app, whether free or paid for.

But a size filter is needed now, in fact more now than when it was first suggested sometime ago.

UK Bob
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old November 21st, 2005
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eh yea I can see why it would be good but umm when you think about it they already have a order thing seriously how hard would it be to just go by file size and not even try the ones under like 900k. But I guess since people are lazy it would help.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old November 21st, 2005
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Zimdale & Hobo

The effectiveness of filters will depend upon how they are implemented.

For example, if filters are an integral part of the search query then your search is bound to be more effective, at the moment any search that you do is swamped with fake results.

Size filters here will give you a better, truer result and, as you know Hobo, the fake file makers have revolving IP addresses so that even if you put them in your block list they still swamp your search query, I know because I have tried to block them as well.

Next, if a simple form of filtering is implements, like Phex, i.e. after the search is completed the size filter is applied, then users will not accidentally infect their PCs with worms or viruses.

I'm sure that you guys, like myself, have accidentally downloaded these small files, they download so quickly that they are on your PC in the blink of an eye.

Either way, putting filters in LW is a win win situation.

UK Bob
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old November 22nd, 2005
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er yea my last reply did come out as kinda umm offensive though im just saying while this would be a good idea for limewire to do. it could take up time and space where they can be adding more vital peices of the program to make it go faster, be more efficent, and such.

though I know if they did add a size filter ide use the hell outa that too

hmmm I think google should make a plugin thing so that people that are experienced in java programming can create these little bits like this as a plugin instead of having the amazing programmers at gnutella have to do it
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old November 26th, 2005
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Someone tell me how the Gnutella program 5 years ago had a file size filter that worked on the network but not a file size filter now with people complaining about how difficult it is to impliment this filter... I'm assuming that the Gnutella program years ago ran on the Gnutella network or am I wrong here?

I think this file size filter can be addressed in two steps.

1. Simply write in the Limewire program itself to not display files under a specified size. Wouldn't that be easy! Even though those file would still be on the network and searched at least they wouldn't be displayed in the program. This would at least deter the virus kingdom from being know. Then again they can just add dummy files to make them bigger. But still, if they have to make their virus/ipod adds over 100mb or 500mb that would sure slow them down. I think this would be a good start.

2. Work on the network filtering here so that those file sizes (under or over) are just overlooked. This would complete the problem and I'm sure lots of former Limewire users like myself would return to the network. I took my 80GB's of shared files elseware till this problem is solved as I'm sure many already have as well. And as far as the guy that said that this isn't a high priority (if he's right) then Limewire is making a big mistake because there are fewer and fewer legit files being shared.

Ok, for some reason that made me laugh!
I've noticed less and less results where there were a lot more a year ago. Probably because users like myself are switching to other programs where they have those filters. Like Ares. It works perfectly! The only thing I like about limewire is the network but even that's failing.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2005
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Originally posted by Morb The only thing I like about limewire is the network but even that's failing.
That is very untrue, the network, at this time is growing enormously at a very rapid rate. this is because there is an influx of new users, "the gospel" of limewire software, and the shutdown of many p2p apps. this left people to look for alternatives.

But to be on topic, the spam filter is being worked on.. dont quote me on this nor hold your breath, but it will probably be released soon. From what i gather, the final bugs are being knocked out.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2005
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No holding of any breath going on here!
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