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Farcpr October 30th, 2005 03:15 PM

Go Pro Popup
There should be a never option for the go pro popup. I would leave limeware up all the time as a coutesy to other users but the "GO pro" popup interferes with other work I'm doing 20-30 times a day.

I am not going to go pro, now later or ever.

If this continues I may have to uninstall limeware and try a diffferent service.


stief October 30th, 2005 06:07 PM

too bad you're so set against the Pro (I figure the devs deserve the support for the million lines of coding they've given out freely).

Anyway, has a version almost identical to limewire, but there's no popup.

I hope LW keeps the Pro reminder, but maybe cuts down on the frequency of the pop-up.

Farcpr November 2nd, 2005 03:00 PM

Now I can't shut down LW
I use my laptop for everything. When I'm on the road I use it for navigation. LW loads itself and pops up infront of the map on the highway. If I can't find a way to stop that I will definetly have to remove LW from my machine.

Only A Hobo November 2nd, 2005 03:16 PM

Are you saying that the pop up keeps coming up or that Limewire keeps re-launching of it's own accord?

If it is the first one that is totally ludicrous and this surely is a fault in Limewire, which if it exists should be corrected... If the second you may have a virus.

Fwiw I use Pro, partly to get rid of ther message which I'm sure I only got when LW opened, and partly because it seems cool to me to put a bit of money into the Limewire development. I also do happen to believe that pro works better ... not twice as well or anything .... just better:)

ukbobboy01 November 3rd, 2005 05:04 AM


This is just a small thing, about the LW pop-up, but I think it is worth a mention:

You know that loads of people (newbies) are being scammed on a daily basis, they are led to believe by scam sites that they have paid for and are now download Pro when all they're getting is a URL link to download Basic. It is only the pop-up that tell these naive souls that something is wrong, without it they would continue using Basic while believing they got what they paid for.

So I say “Keep the Pop-up”

UK Bob

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