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terminator123 November 3rd, 2006 03:57 AM

Shutdown Windows Feature After Downloads
The next version should have a feature where you can set limewire to shutdown windows (not just the program itself) after a download has finished. I usually start downloading at times during the night so this feature would make it more convenient for me to not have to wait long hours for big downloads to finish. If this is to be introduced it has to be flexible such as being able to choose which downloading files should be complete before windows shuts down as you might have many queued.


Lord of the Rings November 3rd, 2006 04:32 AM

I could imagine such a thing being able to be done on mac, probably with applescript or something. But windows is something else. Controlling shutdown via a program might be seen as a virus type of activity. :confused: Interesting idea. :) Just my half a cents worth. :D

ukbobboy01 November 3rd, 2006 04:33 AM

Hi T-man

Good idea, one that I will wholeheartedly will support.

UK Bob

ukbobboy01 November 3rd, 2006 09:24 AM


Nero V5.5 could close down your windows PC after completing a burn, so the same type of thing could be adapted for LW.

UK Bob

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