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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

View Poll Results: Are you downloading slow at some times? [Cable Only]
Extremely Yes 7 25.93%
Yes 9 33.33%
No not really 6 22.22%
I have no problem downloading fast 5 18.52%
Voters: 27. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2007
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough

Right on Grandpa

UK Bob
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old March 11th, 2007
Join Date: June 9th, 2006
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GeorgeS is flying high

The trouble with your idea is that you're trying to FORCE your way on others in a dictatorial way. YOU think there's no good reason for someone else to limit uploads. You need to have an open mind. You have a right to control your activities, others have rights. So you're in Europe and you're getting used to the EU dictatorship?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 22nd, 2007
Dark Guy's Avatar
The cat killer
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Dark Guy is flying high

JhonySlater, are u crazy, the points system is from Edonkey, and if you're not popular uploading, then no-one in your all life will upload to you, specially if you're on dial-up, that's too hostile for dial-up users (i cut those chains with ADSL 200 Kb/s, even there i can't upload more than 10 Kb/s dl'ing at 15 Kb/s), that idea is totally out of this world
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old March 28th, 2007
Join Date: March 7th, 2007
Posts: 6
Lookin is flying high

I voted yes to being slow at times. I have a reason for that though. I have been watching my connections to others that I download from and I have notticed there are people I am supposed to be getting files from and yet when I browse them they have nothing that I am downloading. I like to refer to these people as piggy backers. I think they attach themselves to certain file or persons files and steal bandwidth from others. That to me is something that people need to start to watch out for. I know this to be true because I will pause the download and watch my bandwidth increase to what it should be. I then resume the download and browse each person on that download and there are maybe 2 to 3 people on there that are not shareing what it is that I am after. You want better speed? get rid of these people "what I like to call piggy backers" and you will see an increase in your download speed. I do click on these individuals and block them but I dont know if that stops them from being able to still download. Hope to see something done about this.

Last edited by Lookin; March 28th, 2007 at 11:06 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2007
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me d is flying high
Default set up your options properly

i had dial-up (really slow), now i have T1 connection. what i didn't like then was the selfish sharers that wouldn't give me the time to get something downloaded. all the thousands of songs i have aren't worth a pisshole in snow if i'm not on.

even tho in my searches i pick the fastest connections T3 or T1 they can still run slow(1,2,3 kbs). for my setup the normal range is around 15-25kbs DL from one host T1 or T3 connection for one song.

the reason is because they allow too many uploads at a time. even tho i can only DL 3 at a time, they are allowing too many total UL.

the people that need to be banned are the ones that WON'T set up their tools properly!

p.s. anyone who has dial-up send me a PM i'll find something you'll like, and i'll leave the light on for ya.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 14th, 2007
Join Date: April 29th, 2007
Posts: 30
nowshining is flying high

i'm on dialup and i only have a 3hr exact connection, so anybody can try and download form me within that time frame however many will get cut off automatically or i will have to kill the upload or uploads and then go to file- disconnect- pause my downloads disconnect and reconnect, if i don't and i have fallen asleep, i have auto-dial to re-dial in and frostwire will try to reconnect, however sometimes now it's been totally not trying to reconnect esp. if i've fallen asleep for the whole day, however i can download if the ips of others didn't change..

"Oh and some modem users and cable/dsl lie about their speed and some of those t1s and t3s could really be them...
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