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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

View Poll Results: Good Feature to Add?
J-rock genre 2 33.33%
J-pop genre 2 33.33%
Teen pop genre 1 16.67%
Sort by release year 1 16.67%
Sort by country of origin (supposing that were possible) 2 33.33%
Annotate files (including complete, incomplete, and cleared) 1 16.67%
Revert limewire pro's ugliness to limewire basic's prettiness 2 33.33%
Video preview 4 66.67%
Ability to go back and forth on a song or video file (not just play) 3 50.00%
Ability to remove the built in player from view 3 50.00%
Ability to choose a music and video player of your choice to open files. 3 50.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 6. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2007
Join Date: January 22nd, 2007
Posts: 3
omgzmiyavi is flying high
Exclamation 11 New Cool Feature Requests

What in the hell... so I get limewire pro, and the trade off is the removal of that annoying ad? in exchange for:

1. Ugly fonts, squished small fonts, ugly display in general (it looks like something from a unix machine), and did I mention it's ugly? Soooo: How about the option to revert it to the basic limewire look? You know, the one you don't have to put your head up close to the screen to read?

2. Why can't you reload the incomplete files like you can do with winmx? Why in the world was that overlooked? Feature please!

3. Can someone please make it so that you can choose what player you want to play the file, rather then that really limited player built into limewire and the option to just remove that ugly thing if you don't want to see it? Like... winamp, quintessential, musicmatch, vlc, whatever.

4. For those who don't want to remove the built in player, mind making it so you can skip ahead to see what the rest of the song or movie is like so that you don't have to sit there and wait for it to get through by itself?

5. For those who don't want to remove the built in player, mind at least making a little video preview thing? Even a lil one?

6. Someone please add Teen Pop to the genre list

7. A J-pop genre (as in Japanese)

8. A J-rock genre

9. Some add the ability to sort by release year of the video or song

10. The ability to sort by band origin (I guess a new mp3 and video tag will have to be made for that first, I wonder how that would work)

Anyways, supposing it was possible to sort by country of origin, I'd recommend:

South Africa (what teen pop bands have ever come from there?)

11. The ability to tag files including ones you clear from the list. For example, if a son was horrible - so that you don't end up trying to complete the file or download it again - you tag it as "garbage" and it sticks in limewires log and let's say you try and download it again, you can see a an annotation about the file you made, as it was stored in some log in limewire on your harddrive somewhere. And then you think "oh yeah, it was crap".

! !
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2007
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Hmmm....where to start?

1. You already can change the look of Limewire Pro

2. You already can restart your incompleted downloads

3. You already can choose an alternative player

4. Many (or most) songs are not appropriately tagged to begin with...a lot of the songs have nothing for genre or just say 'other', so adding more genres isn't necessarily going to get you better results...

5. If you were going to sort by country of origin, why would you limit it to the countries you mentioned? What's wrong with allowing all countries to be listed?

6. Read this: How to find music. That should help eliminate the 'crap' you're downloading. For movies, use Bitzi to avoid crap.

Good Luck

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2007
Join Date: January 22nd, 2007
Posts: 3
omgzmiyavi is flying high
Smile Rebuttal

muhctekdano]Hmmm....where to start?
>1. You already can change the look of Limewire Pro

Obviously I don't see how so merely telling me that doesn't help.

>2. You already can restart your incompleted downloads

Obviously I can't see so obviously that doesn't help. Do you know the difference between feature and functionality? If the feature isn't readily apparent or in an inconvenient or hard to find place then it isn't functional. It's retarded that the restore incomplete downloads IS NOT VISIBLE. It's not in the search, monitor, library or connections, tab, and it's really retarded that it isn't one of the options in the library tab where duh, you'd think you could simply press a button that says reload incomplete files. FUNCTIONAL.

>3. You already can choose an alternative player

See above.

>4. Many (or most) songs are not appropriately tagged to begin with...

And a lot are, so what's your point. None.

>a lot of the songs have nothing for genre or just say 'other', so adding more genres isn't necessarily going to get you better results...

No, that's wrong, according to your logic if there were no genres then there wouldn't be any difference. Obviously, that's dumb. The other reason I made that request was because it is apparent that the unlisted genres like jrock and jpop are not shared not because they aren't popular but not as popular in america as in japan obviously, and by showing europe and america that it exists will encourage more listening and sharing of that genre. It's called advertising, encouraging. And 'what the hell, so "other" is a superior choice to the actual genre? Come on man, stop blowing farts in the forum. Great, you wanna be heard, you wan't people to think you are wise, so be wise and say something wise.

>5. If you were going to sort by country of origin, why would you limit it to the countries you mentioned? What's wrong with allowing all countries to be listed?

Because I'm narrowminded and racist. Dude, BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE MOST PUBLISHED SONGS COME FROMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. You aren't gonna find Zulu tribal ritual song for ancient ancestor worship ritual 1223234 on limewire. So you seriously think it's gonna help to have 198 listed counties will help indicate the genre? And guess how many countries EUROPE covers. Hmmmm. And last time I checked I didn't say, "Thou shalt not make reference to any other regions or obscure islands which anal wise man wants listed for no helpful reason other then to be heard."

And aren't you the one that said adding more options won't necessarily help? But now you're buggin over why I didn't include all 198 countries?

>6. Read this: How to find music. That should help eliminate the 'crap' you're downloading. For movies, use Bitzi to avoid crap.

Who said I was downloading crap? Who said I needed help finding music? Are you secretly watching my downloading habits? Although that it is funny that limewire won't let you use more then three search options at a time isn't it? Doh?

>Good Luck

To hell with luck, God bless you.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2007
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muhctekdano is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

You aren't gonna find Zulu tribal ritual song for ancient ancestor worship ritual 1223234 on limewire.

Please accept my apology. I learn to get by with the way things are. Maybe that is a shortcoming of mine. You, however, are quite creative and I enjoyed your rebuttal immensely!
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