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birdy September 9th, 2006 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Meldt
I would like to see an option to download a short section of a video clip to preview to avoid hours of download of porn or crap. eg A steve Irwin search produced about 20 hits - mostly porn and the actual tape is still in the coroners hands.

There's always Bitzi. You can check out a file before download & if it's been rated, you'll get an idea of content & quality. A file with heaps of sources but no bitzi rating is quite possibly crap.
How to use Bitzi

You can also preview the file after, say, 5% download. If it's not what you want... bin it;)

Personally, I hope that tape stays under lock & key. How revolting for his family, to have that floating around on the net.

Drk_Avenger September 9th, 2006 12:13 PM

C'mon Dude, P2P nets are infested
I'd like a function like reporting a file with virus, so, when you download a file and you scan it with your anti-virus and it reports a virus, then report the infected fle to the gnutella servers, so no one will download that infected file, or make it to have a mark saying it's infected, and help keeping the P2P networks a little cleaner, shouldnt WE do IT?:cool:

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 05:36 PM

Gnutella doesn't use servers. It's decentralised. Or rather it has millions of servers (one for every user). Does it still seem like a good idea ?? ;)

freon October 11th, 2006 09:53 PM

Please give us better search filtering
466 results, and not a valid song track among them, much less the one I was searching for.

Audio Search (title): "hundred feet away"

30 TOTALLY HIP TRACK (feet) wma 1,629 KB
30 Top of Charts (feet) wma 3,981 KB


At least let us export all of the fields LimeWire can capture, including the ones that are only displayed in the tooltips, for all of the search results, to a text file that we can search ourselves.

Also, why does a search by artist find tracks that a search by title misses, and vice-versa, even though the text of the result appears to match both? Not very confidence-inspiring! :bangh:

freon November 15th, 2006 08:57 PM

All I see in the junk results are the keywords I entered and common words like "track", "eighties", and "classic". Obviously, it would be stupid to throw away results that contain ONE of these words, especially when searching for rare items. If there is a way to exclude files that contain specific phrases or multiple words with the junk filter, I haven't found it. Please tell me how to do this.

Man o' the World November 17th, 2006 09:06 PM

I know you have heard this before, but I agree that your player is a little lacking. On my system it has severe lag. It isn't a problem really though since I use an alternate player as well. Additionally I would very much like to see dynamic result sorting. I do have some other simple ideas that might be applied, though I am not sure how useful they would be for others or if I might seem silly for even suggesting them, but here goes. First, as I sometimes have to play with spellings for my searches, if I could toggle a "Do not reset" button on my search column it might save me a little time. Additonally, an "exact match only" option might be integrated into the search column for those times that you know exactly what you want. Lastly, I would really like to have some way of getting spam out of my results (porn sites posing as music, screensavers, etc.). They are easy to identify since their file sizes are small and often the results numbers are very high, but they add clutter. Overall though, I have been getting a lot of great use from the system and am grateful for it. Thanks.

Man o' the World November 17th, 2006 09:37 PM

Oh Yeah, when we preview lets have some controls on it. I see that another post mentions this and I think it is a darn good idea.

Xcom46 January 27th, 2007 02:05 AM

Meeeeee NEXT
Ok My Turn:mbounce_2:
1.A kb rate is a good idea because it will be like kazaa where you can see how many you have left to download insteed of a percentage. That is a good idea.:idea:

2.Makeing some new skins would be nice :idea:

3.Something with the chatroom on LW i never used it but some people say there's dont work that woulld problee be a good idea to fix it so it works with all users .

4.And maby trying to make it use less MEM would be nice for the one's that dont have 512 or higher.And probly useing less MEM would probly make it start up faster.

5.would be try to make it start up faster instead of like kazaa where kazaa is really slow when it starts i dont use kazaa any more but they turned to Crap:jester:

This is my five point a genda :woohoo:

misteriforget596 January 27th, 2007 03:42 AM

gotta agree with cat
i mean chat - does it wok ? thought i was chattin to anybody but i ws chatting to myself didnt see the YIOU thing

misteriforget596 January 27th, 2007 03:44 AM

:rofl: chat would be ggood if it worked - maybe its me

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