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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

View Poll Results: Which feature would you most like?
Show accurate horizon statistics (for leaves too) 14 7.07%
Re-implement the "browse host" feature 66 33.33%
Add remote download queueing 56 28.28%
Dynamic result sorting 24 12.12%
Organize library by metadata 12 6.06%
Integrated video player 26 13.13%
Voters: 198. You may not vote on this poll

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  #61 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
Join Date: March 28th, 2002
Location: oakland, ca
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hahntsak is flying high

Originally posted by Taliban

That's currently not supported by any other client. - When searching for hashes, you could probably reduce the requery interval to 15 minutes or so.
even that would help, better than now
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old April 24th, 2002
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gfox is flying high
Smile broken record

just give me an "incomplet" tab!

it would list those file, but you could double clic on one to re initiat a search.

or at least a copy/past menue

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  #63 (permalink)  
Old April 24th, 2002
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hahntsak is flying high
Default Re: broken record

Originally posted by gfox
just give me an "incomplet" tab!

it would list those file, but you could double clic on one to re initiat a search.

or at least a copy/past menue

as is if i've got a title in the download window saying requery and it says over 10,000 in secs, i have to research, kill current file and click the same file name again - what about reducing that requery timer back to a smaller level as a choice rather than killing it at all.
if it isn't listed then it could say 'couldn't download' or something like that?
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old April 25th, 2002
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Taliban is flying high

The next version (2.4.0) will show only 300 seconds to the next requery (after 5 minutes it tests if any requery has been sent in the last 45 minutes and if not, sends a requery).
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old April 28th, 2002
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netrunner is flying high
Default not sure if it makes sense - language filter


i'm really excited about audio-books, but for me as a german it is not easy to find these in a specific (my) language. does it make sense to filter requests by language? i think it will, if you could set your language in the tools-options menu.

still sharing...
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old April 28th, 2002
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Location: germany
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netrunner is flying high

...what is absolutely nonsens if you can't select your connections to ultrapeers/"servers" by preferred language.

what does this mean to the community?

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  #67 (permalink)  
Old April 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I would love to be able to connect to ultrapeers in specific countries--for example, I am a big fan of Indian pop music and would be thrilled to find a listing of servers in India that I could hook up to.

Anyway, feature requests: remote browsing, and make incompletes re-search when you doubleclick them instead of playing a preview. Or a popup menu with re-search on it.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old April 29th, 2002
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Smile Feature? or just more info?

Not sure if this qualifies as a "feature" but,
It would be great if version upgrade info could be added to the LW Pro download pages.

As a LW Pro user I am amazed by the number of LW version "UpGrades"
paraded on my download page...
(I think that there have been about (15) since my original purchase).

Now, realistically(?) are ALL of these version changes right for me and my OS ?

Most other programs I use give me at least a hint as to what is new and what has been fixed
in the latest release version offered.
I have not been able to find any such info (or link to this info) on my Pro download page.
And, I'm thinking that (maybe) the "newest" LW offered may not have anything new for me...
perhaps the fixes are only for PeeCees...
or, just fixes for my Mac...
or, new features that I do not want or need...
or is this a "MUST HAVE" upgrade?

It would be great (to me) if version upgrade info could be added to the LW Pro download pages.
Might this also speed-up our testing of new features and fixes?
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old May 11th, 2002
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Thumbs up I Second That!

Originally posted by crohrs
Hello Geraldo. As VTOLFreak pointed out, there is a way of using your native media player instead of the built-in player. It might be possible to visually remove our media player if users do this, but I don't think there's a big demand for the feature.

The multi-source downloads you mention have been in LimeWire since 1.9. The ability to add new files to an existing download will be added in LW 2.2.

<a href="">LimeWire PRO</a> is the ad-free, bundled software-free version of LimeWire that we sell for $6. That payment gives you six months of free upgrades and helps pay for future developments.

-Christopher Rohrs
I will directly grab a snippet of a post I had made earlier the other day to the forum:

I messed around
with morpheus and kazaa on the windows xp side and found kazaa to be the best
for me in that category. Until I tried limewire, no other programs in linux
came close! Limewire is #2 overall if I had to compare it with all p2p programs
regardless of OS. LIme Wire could be #1 only if they could get their system to
be able to handle multiple multimedia files (ie avi, mpeg, mpg, divx, mp3, etc)
whether internally with their own player like what kazaa has, or by accessing
an external media program like xine, mplayer, ogle, divx, etc.

That is my view on this matter. Plus the browse host feature, of course, was an added plus to the program. Incorporate these two features and there would be no reason why this program should not be number one on my list!

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old May 12th, 2002
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Talking Add support for OGG Vorbis

I think you should add support for OGG Vorbis into the internal player. It's a great format.. it's all I use.
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