July 21st, 2007
 | Old Fart | | Join Date: June 29th, 2007 Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Posts: 81
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Limewire Browse disabled I would like to see an option added to the next version of Limewire.
I have notice that while monitoring incomming traffic, almost 99% of those downloading from my computer have somehow been able to disable the browse option to them. If the Limewire software is able to detect such connections, could they create a option that would allow a host to restrict those connections. Not sure if this is the right place to make such request, so.....hopefully this will get forwarded to whom it may concern.
A deliberate act of disruption in which equipment is hindered of normal operations.
What I mean by this is....I have been monitoring my computer with a eagle eye and I have noticed that almost every one of those that have been connecting (that have the browser disable) to my computer were attempting to download the largest files that they could. What this does is to tie up the computer for HOURS and pervents others from connecting at all. I have removed those large files and I'll continue to monitor my computer. I'll keep you posted on other bad habits I discover within this system.
I just seen a connection download a file from a directory (folder) that I had removed from sharing earlier this morning. Needless to say, they too had the browse option disabled. It's been a long night. I have figured out a way to weed out some connections (host) that I'd rather not have anything to do with. I did a search of "Porn" and attempted to browse each one. Most of them had little or nothing worth while to offer (just a bunch of garbage really) and it was much easier to block their IP since that option is available by using the right mouse key. Once I get all the bad apples out of the basket (this could mean 100's or even 1000's of blocked IP's), this system might be pretty good.
BTW...I ran a BBS many years ago called The Dragon's Pit. I ran it on a 8088xt with a 2400 baud modem and it was connected to 5 different network WWIVnet, LINKnet (can't remember the other's) and from my BBS users were able to communitate with others all over the world. This was way before the Internet was anything like it is today.
As a matter of fact, I still have my BBS just like it was the day I shut it down (on disk). I had over 500 users and I had over 25 different online game they could play. I mention these things so that you'll know I have a little knowledge of the network system. At any rate, I have got some more monitoring to do. I'll keep you posted on what I discover.
I have blocked almost 150 IP's at this time and it has helped. At least more people have be able to download and the logging is looking much better than before. Do what you will, but I encourge everyone to block whoever your unable to browse. You owe noone the right to enter your computer like that. I have come to the conclusion that a whole bunch of these IP's are either old and nolonger in the system or they're just bogus. I couldn't count how many of these IP's lead to a dead end. Maybe the pings/pongs need to get themselfs updated with what IP's are really working numbers.
Last edited by rpbizzle; July 22nd, 2007 at 02:31 PM.