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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2007
Join Date: August 23rd, 2007
Posts: 2
The Little Guy is flying high
Default A few things

The audio player needs to be updated... badly.

- It needs to have a scrubber
- It needs to stop not producing sound during the middle of a song

- There should be something that can detect when an mp3 device is hooked up to the computer system, so I can drag songs into it from my library.

- The Library should be able to be set up like iTunes library, where I can edit the song's ID3 tags, then also drag the song(s) to my MP3 player.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2007
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is it windows media player?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 26th, 2007
Join Date: July 26th, 2007
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Anonymous Coward is flying high
Default Or any other media player for that matter

They should have never added that functionality in LimeWire. The media player you normally use will offer a lot better functionality, including the ability to queue songs you've just downloaded, tag them, and put them in your proper song library.
A good program will do one thing, and do it well. LimeWire is designed to search for and download files. It does that well. The silly added on MP3 player thingy feels out of place in LimeWire. LimeWire isn't even solely about downloading MP3's.
When it's there, and enabled by default (as it is), people will start complaining about it and adding feature requests. LimeWire should just farm out to the default media player by default and complaints like this wouldn't even exist.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 26th, 2007
Join Date: August 23rd, 2007
Posts: 2
The Little Guy is flying high

iTunes is for iPods, why can LimeWire be for MP3 players?

iTunes can download - LimeWire can download
iTunes can play music - LimeWire can play music
iTunes has a library - LimeWire has a library
iTunes has play lists - LimeWire has a play list

iTunes can upload to iPods - LimeWire can't upload to anything

I just opened "Windows Media Player" (I don't usually use it) I think I kind of like it... But... I just think that it would be a nice feature, it would be faster than having to open a second program to move files to your MP3 player.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 26th, 2007
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You know AC

I totally agree with you, I think that the LW programmers should delete their MP3/media player out of the programme altogether.

Whenever non-native add-ons are put into a programme, such as a media player or anti-virus app, people will want the add-ons improved, which ultimately diverts resources away from the main programme thus weakening it. While the add-ons themselves will never be anything better than second-rate because they will never have resources necessary to catch up with the programmes they imitate.

That is why whenever a newby suggest that LW should have an AV installed with it I disagree vehemently because no AV that LW install will ever be as good as the AV you choose for yourself.

I believe that if LW needs more features then the programmer should allow add-on/plug-in writers to add the extra facilities needed. That way the extra facilities will be supported and updated by their writers.

UK Bob
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