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Anonymous Coward September 4th, 2007 09:02 PM

Fix the currently buggy torrent support
Currently, if you open a torrent with LimeWire, e.g. from a browser, a second instance of LimeWire pops up. Clearly LimeWire is the kind of application that should be single-instance under all circumstances, since running two instances of LimeWire causes odd effects in your dowload list and other places.
So in short:
a) Open the torrent in the current instance of LimeWire if running, rather than start a new instance.
b) If LimeWire accidentally gets started twice, it should inform the previously started instance of its command line arguments and terminate. This will add robustness.

Anonymous Coward September 8th, 2007 01:50 PM

And please fix the menu command too
And fix the "file" -> "download .torrent file" menu command. When you try to use it LimeWire complains that it can't download the torrent file from the suplied URL. Which is utter bollocks, because none of my browsers (IE, Safari, Konqueror, Firefox, Lynx, Netscape) have a problem downloading it.

Anonymous Coward September 8th, 2007 01:55 PM

And while you're at it...
...add a checkbox in the options dialog that resets the file association for .torrent files to what it was before LimeWire was installed when unchecked.

Anonymous Coward September 8th, 2007 03:28 PM

One more annoyance:
And why oh why did it remove TorrentSpy from the context menu? Damn... I had to use Regedit to get my old .torrent associations back, so hopefully you understand that I'm pretty pissed off.

Sleepless September 10th, 2007 06:37 PM


Use uTorrent or Azureus until Limewire is ready for torrents. Problem solved ;)

Spades6784 September 27th, 2007 05:20 AM

yea i use utorrent for my torrent files or i try to but everytime i download those files now limewire dominates it, how do i turn off this feature permanently??

oh and hi btw im new lol :wasntme:

case7715 November 7th, 2007 09:41 AM

spades i'm having that same problem...i usually use azureus but now everything goes straight to know how to change this setting????

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