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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2008
Join Date: March 29th, 2008
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SummonerWolf is flying high
Default We Need a 'Report Violation' Button

I made this forum account for one reason only.
Yesterday, I searched in 'VHS Videos' under 'Videos'. Nothing more, nothing less. It returned exactly 485 results, about half of which were advertised as porn. Now, I don't know the exact nature of the Limewire rules, but porn of the legal, voluntary variety I don't care about. However, at least 10-20 results displayed appeared to be child porn and/or ****. Now, I know about the programs that change the names of files based on what people search, and I know that files aren't always what they're titled, but by U.S. law, if not by morals, this is WRONG. I don't want to see this kind of thing when I get on LimeWire, and have to wonder if it's real, and if I could do something about it.

My point is, we need to add a 'Report Violation' button, if it hasn't already been done (I use an older version of Limewire, so I don't know about most updates.)
Thank you for your time.

*Edit: It appears that the forum has edited out one of my words. I hate to seem rude, but why the double standard?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2008
Join Date: April 10th, 2008
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First rule I can suggest to you, don't be afraid to be rude if you know what you are talking about is right.

Everything this man has said I agree with, he's probably not lying even though I have not found such results from searches like this. Yet, I also joined these boards because I felt compelled to suggest exactly the same thing he is suggesting for an option in Limewire.

I received a virus (Trojan) that was embedded as an wma file just 20 minutes ago. The scripts were stopped before the file had finished downloading, both Limewire and my Anti-Virus did a good job of that. Yet, I figured, hell is that enough ?! Why not be able to log all corrupt file events and log such info such as:

> Hosted IP Addresses
> Usernames
> Other info

Depending on the severity of the Log event, such as a virus or child pornography, it would perform instructions such as:

> Send Email Warning - This would state that YOU the user are hosting a corrupted file that could and is assumed to be a virus, your IP and username have been recorded in violation of secure and proper use of the Gnutella networks and are formely warned to remove set instance of file:

"C:\Users\*******\Downloads\Music\a perfect circle - Emotive.wma"

If you are caught in violation again after 2 days, your account and IP will be suspended from all network activity there after.

A beautifully ingenious network like Gnutella will eat itself out from the inside if it allows people who are actually hosting viruses, spyware and other malicious files to continue to do so.

Another thing it could do is script a dummy user to download the file from the host and perform a complete data scan and analysis using some online virus application, then decide based on report statistic's what to do next. Hell, if someone was smart enough, they could track down every last instance of the file on the network and wipe it out completely...Now hows that for a public safety service !!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2008
Join Date: March 29th, 2008
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SummonerWolf is flying high

Thank you for the input, I totally agree. You have some great ideas, and I hope an admin gets around to seeing this.

(By the way, this is of little importance, but I'm female, not male.)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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Let me just pry this foot from my mouth, ok were good.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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While I'm sure this might seem like a good idea to you, it certainly isn't.. unless of course you want to rid the Gnutella network of all the good files as well. One very important factor is exactly that you cannot just print out logs of what users are sharing. Keep in mind that Record Companies and Movie Studios would love for that feature to be implemented also.

How many people would be sharing their music and movies if they had to be on record for sharing them. Not many I bet.

... and yes the keyword filter here is a pain in the @ss, but I think most people can figure out what that 4 letter word is.

What I would suggest is using the keyword filter and just block the results that contain these words.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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Ah, good old Sleepless ! Ever so polite !

In fact, the ridiculous, stupid, incompetent, scatter-gun-approach 'naughty lingo roBOT' that is curently in action here is so badly setup that one could say that it is useless sh¡t, couldn't one ?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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Some words to add to keyword filter: Direct instructions to eliminate porn from results and others you find that belong.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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While I'm as guilty as the next "illeagal file downloader", I would be totally willing to give that up if it could possibly protect the dignity and sanity of an innocent soul.
I realize I sound like a bit of a bleeding heart, but realize this: If those files are really what they say they are, then this is a much bigger and more painful issue than any music file sharing I can think of.
This is not okay in my mind, and if it's okay in yours, I suggest you rethink your frame of mind.
My apologies for my forthrightness; it's a subject I feel strongly about.

And thank you, Lord of the Rings, for your suggestion, but this is not exactly what I was hoping for. You see, this will only stop ME from seeing them- that's not what I want. I want them GONE. I'm sorry, but it's not for my sake, it's for the possible victims here.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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You will be able to find numerous references pertaining to this subject spread throughtout these Gnutella Forums...

One point that must be emphasized is basic and is mentioned elsewhere...

Simply that, when pursuing others for the offense of sharing illegal material it is not only probable but highly likely that the vast majority of people either busted or harassed will be totally innocent AND totally unaware that they were in any way involved in sharing said material.
The issues are not as clear as one may wish.

Know anything about 'zombie' problems ?
Do you share incomplete (partial or pending) downloads ?
Do you share from your DownLoads folder without vetting (100%) EVERY second of sounds or images or words in eBooks BEFORE allowing a file to be shared ?
Do you ?

YOU could be charged with crimes because of any of the above three... And the above three are nothing... they're merely a few examples of how innocents are charged.

No one here is promoting so-called illegal porn...
Absolutely to the contrary.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2008
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As I said, my apologies for my forthrightness, I'm sorry if I came off as rude or demanding.
I do not make any folders on my computer available for download, because I have a slow connection, AND for privacy. While I don't have anything remotely like what I am protesting about, I would still rather keep my computer MY computer.
I am sorry if I have been the cause of this projecting into a heated argument, I only would like something done, if remotely possible.
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