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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2008
Join Date: May 28th, 2008
Posts: 6
dijital is flying high
Exclamation !!Junk Filter Being Misused!!

I have noticed recently that virtually everything I search for is marked as junk. My guess is spammers are marking everything as junk so we can't tell what is genuine.

Is there a solution in the pipeline?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
Join Date: May 31st, 2008
Posts: 12
biohaze is flying high

Let me ask you one thing is most of the junk files 100-200kb?

are you search programs?

Do you download these programs?

If you do you are downloading viruses most of the time.

We need to be allowed to browse host and mark their junk. I have browsed a lot of ppl that have these file and they have nothing but viruses in there. I am mad that i just cant mark their entire libary as junk cause thats what it is. If this feature would cause to much troblue. Then how about ALL files be scaned BEFORE UPLOADED i search Age of Empires 3 and get only viruses or games with the rong name

Doesn't it seem weird that there are over 30 files that are 110kb-113kb These files are viruses and deserve to be marked junk this is not abuse i am doing what the feature was made for.

Age of empires is not 100kb its at least 500mb

Thank you i am getting sick of these viruses and if you got a problem with these files being marked junk so they dont spread and take over Limewire then who knows you might be one of the people posting them.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
Join Date: May 28th, 2008
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dijital is flying high

I'm not an idiot, I don't even look twice at anything under 1Mb.

And I was searching audio, for Coldplay's Violet Hill that was released for free. I don't open viruses, again I'm not a retard. I use an up-to-date virus scanner and the files were fine no viruses and played perfectly well. Why were they marked as junk?

As for your idea of all files being scanned before being available for download, it's preposterous. Limewire doesn't have the computing power to do such a thing and if you are looking for that sort of thing you may as well use a torrent where you can read people's comments on files before you download.

I hope your happy with your copy of AofE3, you're misuse of P2P is what's leading to the blocking of P2P for everyone, even legitimate users.

You say I must be a spammer? Yeah definitely, that's why I'm taking time to post on a forum about the weaknesses in Limewire's spam-blocking system.

If you actually took the time to read my original post you'll see that I'm not suggesting the removal of the "Mark as junk" facility, simply noting that it has become ineffective due to misuse by spammers, and asking if any work is being done to solve the problem.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
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dijital--when you see the conditions you describe, that usually means LW is connected to mainly spam servers. Check out the connections pane to look for a pattern.

Usually using an "any type" search with a ridiculous search term like "fuo bar .jpg" (or anything else nonsensical) will indicate the quality of the connections. If the initial search gives very few results, then your peers are not bad. If a repeat search gives a few bad results, that's OK--the spam servers are several hops away.

If you get 100's of bad results immediately, start deleting the hosts in your connections that you think are mostly spammers.

As for a long term fix--no easy fix is in the works AFAI can see.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
Join Date: May 28th, 2008
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dijital is flying high

Thanks for replying with a more coherent reply. However I just wanted to check you understand the situation I'm trying to describe.

The files are not junk, they are the files I was searching for. Yet they have been marked as junk by Limewire and are shunted to the bottom of the list. I tried downloading a couple, since the Artist and Album tags etc were correct even though I had not provided all those details, and they were fine, not junk at all.

So in this case deleting hosts in my connections would not help since the files are valid. They have simply been incorrectly tagged as junk, presumably by spammers trying to make it more difficult to tell which files are genuine.

Perhaps if Limewire were to change the algorithm for marking junk. Maybe give more weight to the opinion of those who have correctly identified junk in agreement with other users in the past. And also remove all junk reports from users who are identified as spammers attempting to abuse the system.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
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you are using an incorrect term....these people are NOT spammers, rather paid henchmen of the RIAA/MPAA...are more appropriate term would be scum, filth, a$$holes who need to get a real job and do real work as opposed to charging companies for a project that will never, ever work....and we the consumers are paying the price as the companies just pass the cost along to us...

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
Join Date: May 28th, 2008
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dijital is flying high

Could well be, but "spammers" is easier to type than "paid henchmen of the RIAA/MPAA".
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2008
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dijital, sorry if this sounds too obvious, but marking the legit results as "not junk" is supposed to help such situations you describe, where the filter (baynesian, IIRC), can learn what you think is junk or not.

If you have the technical ability to provide a test case for the algorithm not reponding appropriately (or better yet, a patch), the devs are fairly appreciative. Posting on LimeWire Forums will probably attract their attention.

If you can read java code, check out


btw, you may want to check out Credence. LW worked with Credence for a bit Credence: Thwarting P2P Pollution but I can't recall the reason for not implementing it.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 1st, 2008
Join Date: May 31st, 2008
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biohaze is flying high

Originally Posted by dijital View Post
I have noticed recently that virtually everything I search for is marked as junk. My guess is spammers are marking everything as junk so we can't tell what is genuine.

Is there a solution in the pipeline?

but by what you posted i didnt know you were talking about something like a not junk file being marked file if you wont i can post quote what you said again ( na just joshin ya)

"I hope your happy with your copy of AofE3, you're misuse of P2P is what's leading to the blocking of P2P for everyone, even legitimate users."

and no i am not misuseing the junk filter by marking viruses as junk!!!!!

Unless you are suposse to mark viruses not junk and good **** junk
(I know this isnt right that why i dont do it)

The reason P2P is becoming blocked is because 99% of them are mainly used for downloading priated music software, document, pic, and vids. It has nothing to do with me marking viruses as junk i am sorry.

Your best bet if you dont want stuff like i said to happen is to post what you really mean?

"The files are not junk, they are the files I was searching for. Yet they have been marked as junk by Limewire and are shunted to the bottom of the list. I tried downloading a couple, since the Artist and Album tags etc were correct even though I had not provided all those details, and they were fine, not junk at all."

I am sorry that your first post lead me to belive you were talking about something else like the TONS of junk files that come up that are viruses.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 1st, 2008
Join Date: May 28th, 2008
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dijital is flying high

Apologies if I didn't make myself clear in the first post; I assumed other people would be having a similar problem and perhaps didn't explain the situation as well as I could have done.

Originally Posted by biohaze View Post
The reason P2P is becoming blocked is because 99% of them are mainly used for downloading priated music software, document, pic, and vids. It has nothing to do with me marking viruses as junk i am sorry.
That is exactly what I am saying; you are boasting about downloading AofE3 (pirated software) and this is what's causing ISPs to block P2P. I said nothing about you marking anything as junk.

Anyway, that's beside the point. Now I've explained the situation a little better, does anyone know if any solutions are lined up for the next version of Limewire? Or if there are any better methods of junk detection already available with other P2P software?
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