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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2008
Join Date: August 12th, 2008
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adov is flying high
Smile New Feature - Block IPs in the Monitor Incoming Searches

I'm a very active user of Gnutella using Limewire and Shareaza

I see a lot of suspicious searches in my monitor,
They search all day the same words
with things like bills, payments, and other personal information.
Looks like a spider or program doing automatic searches on the nodes.

Will be very nice to add a feature to block the IPs of this searches
that are running all the day and night!

In Lime Wire this feature could be added in
Monitor -> Show Incoming searches panel
This panel only shows the word in the search
and will be nice to have the IP as well,
with some option like the right click to BLOCK the Host

This way we can stop this dummy searches that overloads the computers
of everyone using Limewire and other softwares.

I'm sure that this feature will be very usefull for thousands of people.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2008
Join Date: August 12th, 2008
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adov is flying high

More automated feature:
A parameter can be added to limit the # of searches / hour / host
For example if a host make a search every minute during 1 hour.
Block it automatically.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2008
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adov, I find that blocking IPs in general is relatively useless. Those kinds of hosts will change to random IPs, and there is always a possibility that when the IP is later claimed by a normal user, they can be cut off from accessing Limewire. (It's happened to me in a chat room once, kinda strange to be G-lined when I'm an oper, but oh well.)

I like the automated idea, to temporarily block those IPs putting out results in every search. I even better like the ability for the user to prevent certain keywords from appearing in your search; for instance, I keep getting 60 spam results every time I try to get results, and they all say "sexy girl has shaking orgasm during sex" as part of the name. For instance, if you search "Jeff Stiles" (random name), you'll get "Jeff Stiles sexy girl has shaking orgasm during sex" as about 60 search results. Try searching for more (nice feature, mind), and you get 60 more, a few other spams, and nothing by Jeff Stiles at all as a followup search.

Can someone please add a way to BAN certain keywords from results, or completely prevent such results from coming up? No matter how many times it tries, I'll never download "sexy girl has shaking orgasm during sex" as I've got more important things to look for. I just don't want those results showing up on my screen for family reasons.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2008
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Is Possible.

Tools > Options > Filters > Keywords. Put in Orgasm and that should help.

Here is some good Info offered up by Sleepless.

2. The Keyword Filter

Add .wma to the keyword filter along with words like Sponsored, Unlimited, Afford and any other specific words that keep popping up in your results.

How to add words to the keyword filter Click Me

More words to add for both audio and video Click Me I really suggest you read this !!!

Autogenerated Spam results - Information Link

Sponsored Results - Information Link

Info about .wma files - Information Link (provided by Raaf)
I Don't Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every Minute of it

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2008
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Cyclone is flying high

I've learned to limit my searches to audio, so that cuts out a lot of the "bad" results. I just want to kill those last few.

That's a nice suggestion, so I'll give it a shot.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2008
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Talking controvertial response??

i want to say my opinion on this.

puritans may not like it, but I say, fight fire with fire, "dilute the pool".

how many times you downloaded a movie, only to find out it is really something nasty instead? or a song you wanted is really some spam advert? we all been caught at least once!

so, make a note of those files they are looking for, [such and such's] password list, my [some bank] credit card numbers, or worse, etc, etc and prepare some useless lists of your own, such as all of microsoft's IP addresses or just a load of garbage (same thing?) then save your lists as .txt files and .doc files and SHARE THEM. Do the same with a few more dangerous titles, such as porn or worse, but for movie files, download some police recruitment videos and for pictures make up some dangerous message with an official looking police or government logo "STOP, YOUR IP ADDRESS HAS BEEN LOGGED, PLEASE REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ARE ON THEIR WAY"

Pollute the file pool for these miscreant hackers and porno peddlers, in the same way they pollute ours. Also, look at your stats and see what the world REALLY does with P2P. You will see these dummy files will be the most popular by far.

If enough people did this, it might make a small difference, maybe those nasty ppl would go away, and P2P would become a purer, better thing.

Of course, the problem of this form of hacking wouldn't be there if people weren't stupid enough in the first place to a) write all their passwords/credit card numbers/etc in a file on their hard disk and b) even more stupid to share it. Limewire (bless) have tried to redress this a little, making it ever so slightly harder to share YOUR ENTIRE HARD DISK, but given that most ppl I know can't read pop up messages, and have no idea what folders are, it is still too easy to share all that private data.

Anyways, if in doubt, blame apple for "inventing" the mouse, and blame microsoft, for giving people the illusion that computers are oh-so-friendly-and-easy-to-use, and for leaving so many hooks inside their OS so that other people can access our info. Did you know many European Intelligence Agencies refuse to use networked Microsoft product because they say it is akin to having all their meetings and filing cabinets in CIA headquarters ?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2014
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2014
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Still trying to block this robot , strangeactivity-143-109 ;
can file girl invent a patch to alter the upload page so that it gives the full ip address ??

Or , using my console page which i have posted ,can i set up a log in some way to show all the members i have connected to in the last 48 hours ; /??
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2014
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Need to find out from File_Girl. She doesn't visit the forum that often these days. Last time in December I think.

I'd request an auto-block of port 7001. These seem to be the most common bots programmed to fill people's upload slots. The ones I'm aware of are on the Hostiles list.

Are you using the Hostiles Security blocklist? (This version only works with LW 4 or 5/LPE.)

As we know, the last two numbers of the user ID is 'usually' the last two numbers of their ip address. I found 3 with that last series of numbers in the hostiles.

Are you using LPE or LW 5.3.6? I think with 5.3.6 you 'might' be able to right-click the host that's uploading & get information on that host. The ip address for transfers was dropped from this window either in 5.3 or 5.4 or 5.5. (They said they dropped it for privacy reasons of the hosts. Not forgetting they were under court pressure & made some changes they did not wish to over a couple of years.)

AFAIK the console log only logs the present session. And only logs what you ask it to log. You can save the log at end of a session or a time period, but need to do that manually.

BTW even in the non-Japanese blocklist, that ip range is blocked because it was so full of bad hosts. AaronWalkhouse had this range blocked by 12 June 2011, even before I adopted the Hostiles to keep up to date. ie: or in the original notation. If you don't wish to use the Security Hostiles blocklist, then you can simply add to your ip filter.
I remember I always had issues with hosts in the 220.x.x.x range a few years back & used to manually block them. The majority of the trouble-some ones were usually from Japan, USA or Australia. That specific ip range 220.150. is Japanese. Japan uses about 108-109 out of 255 possible 2nd tier ranges in the 220.x. range. Some are static, some dynamic.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2014
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I have 5 . 3 . 6 ;

with lpe , does the upload page give the full ip address if the member only browses the library and does absolutely nothing else ;
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