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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 22nd, 2008
Join Date: November 22nd, 2008
Posts: 2
wii.live07 is flying high
Default Limited Searching - Too Much of what I don't want

Hey there. My big concerns with Limewire are that you can't type above a certain number of characters even if it is the name or a song, video etc. It prevents me from downloading my file. I never had that with Bearshare or Ares. You have to compromise that previlage and try to abbreviate the name of the file and limits your ability to get what you want. Also when I search for a specific file, eg, a song I get a lot of unwanted search results and it can be annoying and I have to search and search. One more thing I hate is the limited space to use in the search results area. I can't go from tab to tab and I am using a 19 inch flat screen monitor which i hate to happen and it happened when I had a regular monitor. All I want is to be able to search for what I want effectively and no restrictions when I try to search for a file.

Please assist,
wii.live07, first time member.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 22nd, 2008
Join Date: September 17th, 2005
Posts: 18
Mysticwizard Of The World is flying high
Default Getting What You Want

Hi..well what I have had to do is keep repeating searches till what I want is found. I know that can be time consuming.. The thing is persistance and even checking into the genres categories and using the advanced search for tracks, years etc.. things like that..
Hope this little post helps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 23rd, 2008
Join Date: November 22nd, 2008
Posts: 2
wii.live07 is flying high

Thanks Mystic but I have another problem with the amount of words you can use to search for when trying to get a song or a video. It limits you. That's my biggest problem. The character limit should not stop you from typing in a search.

Please assist.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 23rd, 2008
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If the search length was allowed to increase, it would dramatically slow searches down. It would take a 'lot' longer to get search results back, and possibly the search would stop before gaining as many results as it does now due to the search stalling.

Best is to search one criteria at a time. Sleepless's music search advice principles also apply to video: How to find music

I know this is limiting, however, if you search using multiple criterias then chances are most of what search results you get back will be spam unfortunately.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2008
Join Date: September 17th, 2005
Posts: 18
Mysticwizard Of The World is flying high

Yea it isn't as I have found to get the songs I always want..
I always try at later times for an artist of any means or obscurity until they show up.. Using any means under any criteria... using like a year and and album.. or artist and year or with by using genre.. or any number of combinations..
I usually see alot of crappy things before I see anything that addresses what I am looking for... Or the old stuff comes up way before I ever see the new stuff.
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