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bsmith1051 February 26th, 2009 01:53 PM

easier more-detailed Uploads screen
I'm trying to adjust myself to the new LW5 UI but I really prefer more-detailed screens to less. For instance there's no way (that I can find) to monitor if anyone has ever downloaded any of the files I'm sharing. I found the Tools > Uploads screen but I don't know if that only displays current/active uploads (as opposed to a historical log of activity).

Better yet would be if the Library display included a column for Hits and Uploads, same as the previous LW4 provided.

Lord of the Rings February 26th, 2009 02:00 PM

You can display Hits & Uploads & Upload attempts in Library window. Right-click the heading-bar & choose to show options from the menu that appears (similar to LW 4 in that regard); you can see in image 4 here

As for Uploads window, you can set it not to auto-clear uploaded files. From memory you can set that via your LW options. :)

bsmith1051 February 26th, 2009 02:17 PM

aha, yeah I saw the additional columns but was looking for Hits (which is no longer available) and so missed the Uploads.

Is 'Upload Attempts' the new Hits? I've been running the new LW5 all day and my files all show zero for Uploads and Attempts, which doesn't seem likely.

Lord of the Rings February 26th, 2009 02:22 PM

There is a Hit's column. I think you missed it. :) Upload Attempts is like before if you remember in LW 4 you would see figures like 3/5 which would mean 3 successful uploads out of 5 attempts. Some of those attempts might have been failed attempts, I suspect (might be wrong) that some are partial uploads that are completed elsewhere. ;)

bsmith1051 February 26th, 2009 05:36 PM

You're right, it is still there! I must be on drugs or something, sheesh!

Lord of the Rings February 28th, 2009 04:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This applies only to Classic View mode:
Right-click column-headings in Library to get Column options. Different options for each Audio & Video, etc. sections of the Library window. Click or double-click the column heading to arrange the Library files in that order. When arrow points down (after double-clicking), it will show maximum at the top. In sample image below I've shown arranging the Library via most Hits (my files found in other people's searches), & most Uploads.


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