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New Feature Requests Your idea for a cool new feature. Or, a LimeWire annoyance that has to get changed.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry Resume still needs to be improved

Almost all of us have incomplete files sitting around in our incomplete folder with NO way to resume. Either a system freeze has corrupted the incomplete data file or you've accidentally killed the wrong download. The result is always the same: start over from 0% and curse at hours of wasted download time and at those damn, useless incomplete files!

Please, please, please put a resume function in the incomplete library window to automatically resume the download and do a search for the filename on Gnutella if the previously used server(s) are no longer available. To do this properly, Limewire would need to save a backup copy of IP addresses for the partial files in the incomplete folder every few minutes in case of system freezes.

Leave the other bells and whistles like meta-data and virtual folders for later. This is a fundamental shortcoming of Limewire. Please resolve it!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

No kidding! I could not agree more. This is my biggest gripe with Limewire.

PLEASE fix this as soon as possible. More than 50% of the time, resume seems to disregard what I've downloaded and start over from zero. This makes downloads of over 20 megs useless for me, because it's such a headache to cope with the program as it is currently. I would gladly PAY for a Gnutella client that could handle download resumes with the same strength as, for example, Hotline.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
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Default resume

I haven't found the resume function to be completly lacking, but certainly far less effective than one might hope it would be.

I would suggest, however, that if the resume capability were overhauled, it would be top priority to check for other possible download locations, even if the old one is still there. Perhaps even have a feature so you could click on a download and say 'check for other sources' or something, in case more people show up with your file during the wait for it to download.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I can't agree more. I'm sitting with over 300MB of incomplete files, with the inability to resume the download.
A feature that I'd like to see is the capability to rename the incomplete download file since often the same file(s) exist, but with a simple name-change.

Another feature would be the ability to drag-and-drop from you incomplete list to the download area, immediately resuming the download.

Agreed, that all other bells-and-whistles don't mean a thing unless you can resolve the ability to resume incomplete download of files.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry My older version resume worked

I just downloaded LimeWire2.3 and everything was just better, and more organized. There is still room for improvement but I think so far Im quite happy about the new Limewire.
EXCEPT for the resume. As everyone said, it doesn't work. I read the new features on the page and it said
"Resume downloads. Try killing LimeWire; when you restart it, it will resume your downloads.(only if the uploader is still available.) "
This is akward because rarely can you find the same uploader.
However, my older version of Limewire, the resume worked most of the time. I rather have the older version since the resume worked better (resumed as long as the file name was the same). For the next build, please bring back the resume as long as the file name is the same, and not the uploader still on thing.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 17th, 2001
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gbildson is flying high


We can only resume incomplete files from total exact duplicates. These are very rare to find. We are working on it.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 1st, 2002
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I have a couple suggestions to help resolve the issue of resuming incomplete files:

1. Why not put an incomplete.dat file along with the download.dat file in the incomplete folder. The incomplete.dat file would contain similar information to the download.dat, but for ALL the files in the incomplete folder, whether they're active downloads or not (information would be duplicated while a download was active but would remain in incomplete.dat until the file was deleted). If you accidentally kill a download or your system freezes, corrupting the download.dat so that the transfer doesn't resume automatically, you could go to the library window and resume the download manually using the information in the incomplete.dat file.

2. Sometimes when a download starts over from 0% instead of resuming, I've tried comparing occurences of the file in BBEdit (I've had up to 4 versions of the same thing in the Incomplete folder) and many times I've found the first few bytes of the files to be identical, even when they're from different IP addresess. Perhaps Limewire could generate a code based on the beginning of all files in the shared folder. This code could be saved in the download.dat file when you start a download and be used to help search for identical copies of the file if the original server were no longer available.

Please note: I'm not an expert on the architecture of Limewire or the structure of Gnutella so please feel free to shoot me down in flames if my suggestions ar not practical!

Last edited by MacTerminator; April 1st, 2002 at 02:45 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 1st, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 17th, 2001
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gbildson is flying high

LimeWire actually does do your point number 1. for most Incomplete files. I believe that the Class that actually generates the downloads.dat is called the IncompleteFileManager.

There was a big version 2.3 fix that keeps active file information more fresh in the downloads.dat file so that downloads will kick in and resume downloading most of the time. You should check out the new 2.3 version for this and try it out.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2002
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I'm currently running Limewire 2.3.2 and since 2.3 the resume function has been greatly improved. If you close Limewire and reopen it, the download normally continues exactly where you left off. Great!

But in some situations (like lost connection or locked up Mac OS) Limewire sometimes restarts the download from 0% or loses it altogether, that's why I'd like some kind of backup - to be able to resume from the library window by selecting any incomplete file.

Surely it must be possible for Limewire to retain the IP addresses of the servers for all incomplete files even if they are not active downloads?

Or perhaps the asnswer for me is to install Mac OS X and get a DSL connection!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2002
Join Date: March 28th, 2002
Location: oakland, ca
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hahntsak is flying high
Default suggestion

how about option [in option section]
to add original search parameters to requeries?

you put in on video title (other fields seem useless) ['trek emmisary'
you get
'star trek TNG emissary #####'
'star trek deep space Nine 1x01 emissary ####'
'Star trek DS9 emissary ii #####'
'star trek ds9 emissary part 2 ####'
'Star Trek 1x02 emmissary ####'

you pick the last one and dont get all of it. even though perhaps all of the last three are same file size and type [say avi], their considered unique. could user classify them as same or somehow paste maximum progress to all titles?
really annoying...
i guess title standardization would help... but ...oh well
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