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Yodashady December 19th, 2003 01:42 PM

Peeranha Back Online
You probly haven't heard yet but I have aquired the rights to Peeranha P2P. I hope to finish what godXBlue started, a great p2p that will be easy to use for all users of p2p.

Right now we are doing some beta testing so its not all fixed yet. I hope you guys will try it out and post your feedback and suggestions on our forum Here and to download go here
and we are going to keep all the SPYWARE and Ads out of course :)

One of the things I was thinking about is connecting Peeranha to Gnutella 1 or 2 which ever is easiest to hook up to. I was wondering if there is any guides or anything else I could take a look at to see about hooking up peeranha to G2. Right now we have Peeranha on its own network. So I may just use that and hope for people to come and join us.. We will see..

What are your thoughts?

Morgwen December 20th, 2003 05:50 AM

I heard that PEERanha is now using GnuX and not Gnutella... which protocol do you use?

I see no need to support a non Gnutella client on a Gnutella site!


UnregM December 29th, 2003 09:49 AM

Morg, heard anything from Godx? Greets M

Morgwen December 29th, 2003 11:34 AM

No, but it seems that he isn´t developing PEERanha anymore.


UnregM December 31st, 2003 05:54 AM

what a faule ratte. :D btw visit the forum Morg and have a good rutsch. M

Morgwen December 31st, 2003 08:35 AM


irgendwie hat der nen deal gemacht mit diesem Yodshady... nen Kiddie das keine Ahnung hat vom coden aber den dicken Max macht. :D

Ich hab nen post von ihm gelesen, hier heißt er CompJunk.

Les mal diese posts dann weist du was er drauf hat. :rolleyes:

Solche Brüller bringt er am laufenden Band. Also wenn er nich wirklich ein paar Idioten findet die für ihn coden ist PEERanaha wohl endgültig tod.



Guten Rutsch und sauf nich soviel Foster´s. ;)

UnregiM December 31st, 2003 09:45 AM

cheers :D M

Yodashady January 3rd, 2004 08:20 AM

ummm beta 2 now on Gnutella

GodxFan January 4th, 2004 03:45 AM

bummer, I can't post in that other p2p forum, link above. Is Godx still active or did you inherit the old code, Yosh?

Yodashady January 5th, 2004 04:38 PM

you have to join the forum to post :) its free

also godx is in the army now so he kinda busy

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