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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2008
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Hi, arne !

Please, can you explain more about 'spam' and searches being inhibited ?

I could further refine my question but I don't wish to in any way 'limit' the scope of your answer !!!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2008
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We have a severe problem in Gnutella: The Dynamic Querying protocol stops searches after about 300 results came in, but its designers didn't take spam into account (at least not the massive amount existing today - back then 3 spam answers on a request were normal, today rare queries often generate hundreds, since companies pay people to spam).

- GnuFU en - Dynamic Querying

Combine that, and rare searches (who would only generate 5 or 6 real hits in the whole network) stop after receiving 300 spam results, but no useful result.

So we need an efficient spam filter to make Gnutella run smoothly again.

Dynamic Querying is still being used, though, because it provides about 90% bandwidth savings and in theory supports rare searches as well as popular searches.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2008
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Many thanks, arne !

Clear and simple explanation.

Perhaps it should be copied and posted as a sticky ?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2008
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Would you like to add it somewhere in the forums where it's useful?

I just added it to the Phex FAQ:

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2008
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Done !

Please tell me if my minor editing efforts are acceptable !
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 18th, 2008
Join Date: June 26th, 2008
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wowpow is flying high

Originally Posted by ursula View Post
Hi, wowpow, Gregor and arne !

Some questions that come to my mind... Perhaps/probably not applicable...

wowpow says that wowpow is acting as an ultrapeer...
Nice, but what is the total size of the files being shared by wowpow ?

What is wowpow's real-world up bandwidth ?

Should wowpow be acting as an ultrapeer ?
(A minimum, I am suggesting from observations over years, of 95% of those on Gnutella Network should NOT elect to be ultrapeers.)

What else is wowpow doing in terms of activities on the internet simultaneously with wowpow's searching efforts ?

What port is wowpow using ?

Fun questions, hmmm ?

To awnser your questions.

Total size of shares depends what I have to spread mostly between 1 and 10 GB , mainly Mp3 ( yes those rare titles you cant find with Phex )

Upload is 1mbit pure upload stream

Standaard port is been used for Gnutella

I act as Ultrapeer to get more results or should I act as leave and have less results ? , define your problem with that.

I dont really go into details of your effort question of what I do else but Phex runs mainly at night where traffic is less in this area so to have a better peformance due night activities .

For the fun I have a open Internet account so that means no ports are blocked and no filtering takes place.


For the fake , spam , etc queries I think there will never be a propper solution for that just like with mails , even a 30 years jail will not stop spammers to continue , a 20 Mb or 30 Mb file can also be spam just like the serveral millions 168 Kb , 178 kb etc files with notorious virus files that are flooding the gnutella network, to stop that is to read them out mark them and ban them but he then no one gets connected ever because unknow people who download them shares them most of the time tough as they dont know what they are sharing , but it aint a centralized network so you will not have succes to do so , lowering queries aint a solution either to stop it. at the end you will have only fake files in your search results at least 50-60% if you aint using Phex filtering sytem to remove them from you actual search results but still they are results .

Maybe you could also add a what those files are and where users should look at , suspicous file , names , etc , your experiance will know that to what files etc, just an idea to.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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There was a solution to spam: Credence: Thwarting P2P Pollution

I tested it and it worked. It wasn't perfect, but quite efficient, and it could have been greatly improved.

It let users mark files as spam or non-spam and compared those to the votes of other users, creating a "trust metric", with which the votes of others could automatically be used to rate files.
-> a decentral spam detection/marking system.

Sadly it got rejected by LimeWire...

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Last edited by arne_bab; July 20th, 2008 at 03:34 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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Draketo, small dragon.
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@Ursula: I think you could edit it even more

The "IDEA" part doesn't really need to be in the Answer, and a different finishing sentence (like "But even while heavily spammed, the Gnutella network is damn efficient, and I'm sure we'll get a working spam-blocker, too.") might have been better for an answer.

Still: Many thanks!

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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